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Last active February 17, 2025 19:24
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GoLang HTTP Client with Rate Limiting
package main
import (
//RLHTTPClient Rate Limited HTTP Client
type RLHTTPClient struct {
client *http.Client
Ratelimiter *rate.Limiter
//Do dispatches the HTTP request to the network
func (c *RLHTTPClient) Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
// Comment out the below 5 lines to turn off ratelimiting
ctx := context.Background()
err := c.Ratelimiter.Wait(ctx) // This is a blocking call. Honors the rate limit
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := c.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
//NewClient return http client with a ratelimiter
func NewClient(rl *rate.Limiter) *RLHTTPClient {
c := &RLHTTPClient{
client: http.DefaultClient,
Ratelimiter: rl,
return c
func main() {
rl := rate.NewLimiter(rate.Every(10*time.Second), 50) // 50 request every 10 seconds
c := NewClient(rl)
reqURL := ""
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", reqURL, nil)
for i := 0; i < 300; i++ {
resp, err := c.Do(req)
if err != nil {
if resp.StatusCode == 429 {
fmt.Printf("Rate limit reached after %d requests", i)
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zdebra commented Jun 15, 2021

Hello, thanks for this snippet. I've created a different version where the throttling is made in the http.RoundTripper:

This is useful for environment where *http.Client has to be used.

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