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Last active December 15, 2015 17:29
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  • Save MercuryRising/5296375 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MercuryRising/5296375 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Easy aliaser for bash. If you keep navigating to directories to run files, easyalias them.
Bash RC aliaser
Usage: easyalias aliasName aliasPath
Outputs: run source ~/.bashrc for commands to take effect
Configuration: If you have a different shell or your bashrc is somewhere other than ~/.bashrc, you'll need to change it.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to use ~/.bash_aliases instead of your bash file directly (changing config will do it).
Make sure you have the following in your bash config
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases
To use: Add this file to somewhere on your bash path. Make executable (chmod +x
Use similar to below - it will resolve ~/ and ./ in paths (~/ is automatically expanded in linux to the user directory), whereas ./ is handled by Python.
$ cd ~/Downloads/Sublime\ Text\ 2/
$ easyalias my_time_is_sublime ./sublime_text
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ my_time_is_sublime
**sublime text opens**
import sys
import os
# If your bash path is something different, change to absolute path or modify from home
bashPath = os.path.expanduser("~/.bashrc")
def alias_command(name, destination):
aliasLine = '\nalias %s="%s"\n'%(name, destination)
with open(bashPath, "ab") as f:
print "Added line: %s to %s.\nRun 'source %s' to enact the changes." %(aliasLine.strip(), bashPath, bashPath)
def check_conflicts(wordList):
# open up the file in read mode, grab the data
with open(bashPath, "rb") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
conflicts = []
for line in lines:
for word in wordList:
if word in line:
conflicts.append((word, line))
return conflicts
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
# We're good - we have script name, aliasName, aliasPath
aliasName = sys.argv[1]
aliasPath = sys.argv[2]
print aliasPath
# Expand the path if it isn't already
if "./" in aliasPath:
aliasPath = os.path.abspath(aliasPath)
# Unix specific? Paths with spaces are not aliased correctly by bash, must be escaped
if " " in aliasPath:
aliasPath = aliasPath.replace(" ", r"\ ")
# Check for conflicts in the file we're going to append to, just to make sure we don't map over something that's already there
conflicts = check_conflicts([aliasName])
print "Mapping {aliasName} to {aliasPath}".format(aliasName=aliasName, aliasPath=aliasPath)
if conflicts:
conflictsFormatted = "\n".join( (": ".join(pair) for pair in conflicts) )
verify = raw_input("Possible Conflicts:\n{conflicts}\nIs this what you want? > ".format(conflicts=conflictsFormatted))
if "y" in verify.lower():
alias_command(aliasName, aliasPath)
print "Not what you wanted. Run again with desired aliases."
alias_command(aliasName, aliasPath)
print "Usage: scriptName aliasName aliasPath"
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