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Last active September 28, 2022 09:26
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softmax speedup issue with futures
#lang racket/base
(require racket/flonum
(only-in math/flonum flvector-sum) ; slow due to type/untype boundary
#;(#%declare #:unsafe) ; doesn't make much difference
(provide softmax-ref/unstable
;=== Softmax ===;
* a matrix β represented as a flat flvector of n-rows × n-cols,
* a set of selected rows of the β matrix (given as `idxs` which represent the starting indices
of the rows in the flvector),
* a selected column `act`,
we want to calculate this softmax expression:
⎛ ▁▁▁ ⎞
⎜ ╲ ⎟
exp⎜ ╱ β[row, act]⎟
⎜ ▔▔▔ ⎟
⎝row ∈ rows ⎠
▁▁▁ ⎛ ▁▁▁ ⎞
╲ ⎜ ╲ ⎟
╱ exp⎜ ╱ β[row, col]⎟
▔▔▔ ⎜ ▔▔▔ ⎟
col=1 ⎝row ∈ rows ⎠
We want to perform this calculation as stably and as fast as possible.
(require text-block)
(displayln ($formula '(/ (exp (list (sum "row ∈ rows" "") "β[row, act]" ))
(list (sum "col=1" "n-cols")
(exp (list (sum "row ∈ rows" "") "β[row, col]"))))))
;; Fast but unstable version
(define (softmax-ref/unstable βmatrix idxs n-cols act)
(define θact 0.)
(define Z ; normalizer
(for/flsum ([col (in-range n-cols)])
(define θ
(for/flsum ([idx (in-fxvector idxs)])
(flvector-ref βmatrix (fx+ idx col)))))
(when (fx= col act)
(set! θact θ))
(fl/ θact Z))
;; More stable version, where we subtract the max.
;; This shouldn't be more than 2x as slow than the fast but unsafe version,
;; so why is it 10x–20x slower??
(define (softmax-ref/stable βmatrix idxs n-cols act)
(define θact 0.)
(define βmax -inf.0)
(set! n-cols (fx+ n-cols))
(for ([col (in-range n-cols)])
(define β
(for/flsum ([idx (in-fxvector idxs)])
(flvector-ref βmatrix (fx+ idx col))))
(when (fl> β βmax)
(set! βmax β)))
(define Z
(for/flsum ([col (in-range n-cols)])
(define β
(for/flsum ([idx (in-fxvector idxs)])
(flvector-ref βmatrix (fx+ idx col))))
(define θu (flexp (fl- β βmax)))
(when (fx= col act)
(set! θact θu))
(fl/ θact Z))
;=== Utils ===;
;; `expr` must produce a flonum
;; TODO: Use `for/fold/derived` and in particular `split-for-body`
;; Really we should use `flsum`, but that's way too slow for now.
;; Let's start with this.
(define-syntax-rule (for/flsum (clause ...) body ... expr)
(for/fold ([s 0.])
(clause ...)
body ...
(fl+ s expr)))
;; groups the elements of the sequence xs into n lists of the same size ±1
;; Assumes the order doesn't matter
;; xs: sequence?
;; n: natural
;; -> (vectorof list?)
(define (group-into-lists xs n)
(define vec (make-vector n '()))
(define i 0)
(for ([x xs])
(vector-set! vec i (cons x (vector-ref vec i)))
(set! i (modulo (+ i 1) n)))
;; Sums results of calculation spread over futures.
;; Has a few issues, in particular doesn't handle `#:when` inter-clauses.
(define-syntax-rule (for/flsum/async #:n-futures n-futures (clause ...) body ... expr)
(let ([results (make-flvector n-futures)])
(for/async (clause ... [fut (in-naturals)])
body ...
(define res expr)
(flvector-set! results fut res))
(flvector-sum results)))
;=== Main ===;
(module+ main
(require racket/math)
(display (banner))
(printf "#processors: ~a\n\n" (processor-count))
(define n-cols 12)
(define n-rows 10000)
(define n-cells (* n-cols n-rows))
(define n-idxs 100) ; change this to 200 to see +nan.0 with `softmax-ref/unstable`
(define n-idxss 100000)
(define act 1) ; some selected column. Mock-up for an actual sequence of numbers
(define βmatrix (make-flvector n-cells 0.))
(for ([i (in-range n-cells)])
(flvector-set! βmatrix i (fl* -10. (random))))
(define idxss
(for/list ([j (in-range n-idxss)])
(for/fxvector #:length n-idxs ([i (in-range n-idxs)]) (* n-cols (random n-rows)))))
(displayln "No future:")
(for/flsum ([idxs (in-list idxss)])
(softmax-ref/unstable βmatrix idxs n-cols act))))
(for/flsum ([idxs (in-list idxss)])
(softmax-ref/stable βmatrix idxs n-cols act))))
;; Performs the same calculations but with different number of futures
(for ([n-futures (in-list '(1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 100 150 200))])
(printf "\nn-futures: ~a\n" n-futures)
;; group the idxss into n-futures groups
(define idxss-groups (group-into-lists idxss n-futures))
;; We use a macro to make sure `the-softmax-ref` is lexically in function-call position
(define-syntax-rule (time-it the-softmax-ref)
;; Spread the calculation into n-futures
(for/flsum/async #:n-futures n-futures
([idxss (in-vector idxss-groups)])
(for/flsum ([idxs (in-list idxss)])
(the-softmax-ref βmatrix idxs n-cols act))))))
(displayln (time-it softmax-ref/unstable))
(displayln (time-it softmax-ref/stable))))
#| Results on a 64-cores machine
No future:
cpu time: 793 real time: 793 gc time: 51
n-futures: 1
cpu time: 344 real time: 323 gc time: 21 ; softmax-ref/unstable
cpu time: 803 real time: 803 gc time: 18 ; softmax-ref/stable
n-futures: 2
cpu time: 308 real time: 153 gc time: 12
cpu time: 1263 real time: 592 gc time: 404
n-futures: 3
cpu time: 337 real time: 119 gc time: 15
cpu time: 1295 real time: 474 gc time: 359
n-futures: 4
cpu time: 345 real time: 100 gc time: 15
cpu time: 1528 real time: 482 gc time: 426
n-futures: 5
cpu time: 340 real time: 77 gc time: 16
cpu time: 1608 real time: 470 gc time: 446
n-futures: 10
cpu time: 500 real time: 70 gc time: 20
cpu time: 2077 real time: 424 gc time: 460
n-futures: 15
cpu time: 438 real time: 50 gc time: 20
cpu time: 2602 real time: 437 gc time: 466
n-futures: 20
cpu time: 475 real time: 44 gc time: 23
cpu time: 3380 real time: 454 gc time: 473
n-futures: 30
cpu time: 448 real time: 36 gc time: 27
cpu time: 5159 real time: 510 gc time: 532
n-futures: 40
cpu time: 501 real time: 35 gc time: 30
cpu time: 5622 real time: 516 gc time: 554
n-futures: 50
cpu time: 558 real time: 34 gc time: 33
cpu time: 7377 real time: 588 gc time: 595
n-futures: 100
cpu time: 639 real time: 41 gc time: 46
cpu time: 8532 real time: 840 gc time: 789
n-futures: 150
cpu time: 651 real time: 42 gc time: 47
cpu time: 7806 real time: 1002 gc time: 876
n-futures: 200
cpu time: 616 real time: 42 gc time: 45
cpu time: 8839 real time: 945 gc time: 873
Observe how the unstable version speeds up significantly, but the stable version doesn't.
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Metaxal commented Sep 28, 2022

See discussion and solution here.

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