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Created January 18, 2019 18:10
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Hi, im having trouble with the glance service, after following the Docs to install glance. im getting the following error when trying to create or list images.

root@controller02:~/# openstack image list
(http://controller02:35357/v3/v2/images): The resource could not be found. (HTTP 404) (Request-ID: req-d4876a12-c82e-40e0-b1af-cdd5df0113f0)

even though glance-api is running and listening on the 9292 port, and keystone on 5000 and 35357

root@controller02:~/# netstat -tnlp
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      21727/python2
tcp6       0      0 :::35357                :::*                    LISTEN      11850/apache2
tcp6       0      0 :::5000                 :::*                    LISTEN      11850/apache2
tcp6       0      0 :::5000                 :::*                    LISTEN      11850/apache2
tcp6       0      0 :::5000                 :::*                    LISTEN      11850/apache2
tcp6       0      0 :::5000                 :::*                    LISTEN      11850/apache2

i created the service and the endpoints

root@controller02:~/# openstack service show glance
| Field       | Value                            |
| description | OpenStack Image                  |
| enabled     | True                             |
| id          | dd420cc446bd4cd891baf5732460811a |
| name        | glance                           |
| type        | image                            |
root@controller02:~/# openstack endpoint list
| ID                               | Region    | Service Name | Service Type | Enabled | Interface | URL                      |
| 13595f0f483c428eaf4432afbfae9760 | RegionOne | glance       | image        | True    | public    | http://controller02:9292 |
| 2a790d5c7f3b43ff8d0ea3d62a28eced | RegionOne | glance       | image        | True    | internal  | http://controller02:9292 |
| 4e79eaccc12f4855b1b66c7c43d802e9 | RegionOne | glance       | image        | True    | admin     | http://controller02:9292 |

i'm not sure what's the problem, is it authentication ? any help is apreciated. Thanks.

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errors in /var/log/glance/*

c7admin@controller02:~$ grep 'ERROR' /var/log/glance/*

warnings in /var/log/glance/*

c7admin@controller02:~$ grep 'WARNING' /var/log/glance/*
/var/log/glance/glance-api.log.1:2019-01-17 21:22:22.019 21383 WARNING keystonemiddleware._common.config [-] The option "__file__" in conf is not known to auth_token
/var/log/glance/glance-api.log.1:2019-01-17 21:22:22.020 21383 WARNING keystonemiddleware._common.config [-] The option "here" in conf is not known to auth_token
/var/log/glance/glance-api.log.1:2019-01-17 21:22:22.022 21383 WARNING keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] AuthToken middleware is set with keystone_authtoken.service_token_roles_required set to False. This is backwards compatible but deprecated behaviour. Please set this to True.
/var/log/glance/glance-api.log.1:2019-01-17 21:22:22.026 21383 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Option "auth_uri" from group "keystone_authtoken" is deprecated. Use option "www_authenticate_uri" from group "keystone_authtoken".
/var/log/glance/glance-api.log.1:2019-01-17 21:45:22.958 21727 WARNING keystonemiddleware._common.config [-] The option "__file__" in conf is not known to auth_token
/var/log/glance/glance-api.log.1:2019-01-17 21:45:22.958 21727 WARNING keystonemiddleware._common.config [-] The option "here" in conf is not known to auth_token
/var/log/glance/glance-api.log.1:2019-01-17 21:45:22.961 21727 WARNING keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] AuthToken middleware is set with keystone_authtoken.service_token_roles_required set to False. This is backwards compatible but deprecated behaviour. Please set this to True.
/var/log/glance/glance-api.log.1:2019-01-17 21:45:22.964 21727 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Option "auth_uri" from group "keystone_authtoken" is deprecated. Use option "www_authenticate_uri" from group "keystone_authtoken".
/var/log/glance/glance-registry.log.1:2019-01-17 21:22:15.427 21355 WARNING keystonemiddleware._common.config [-] The option "__file__" in conf is not known to auth_token
/var/log/glance/glance-registry.log.1:2019-01-17 21:22:15.427 21355 WARNING keystonemiddleware._common.config [-] The option "here" in conf is not known to auth_token
/var/log/glance/glance-registry.log.1:2019-01-17 21:22:15.429 21355 WARNING keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] AuthToken middleware is set with keystone_authtoken.service_token_roles_required set to False. This is backwards compatible but deprecated behaviour. Please set this to True.
/var/log/glance/glance-registry.log.1:2019-01-17 21:22:15.432 21355 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Option "auth_uri" from group "keystone_authtoken" is deprecated. Use option

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