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Created March 3, 2019 09:57
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  • Save MichaelAquilina/6096b4563673b14b0387e86b8a75a1b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - i3 4.16 (2018-11-04) starting
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - dpi.c:init_dpi:41 - Resource Xft.dpi not specified, skipping.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - dpi.c:init_dpi:64 - Using fallback for calculating DPI.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - dpi.c:init_dpi:66 - Using dpi = 96
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - main.c:main:561 - root_depth = 32, visual_id = 0x000000e8.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - main.c:main:563 - root_screen->height_in_pixels = 1800, root_screen->height_in_millimeters = 476
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - main.c:main:564 - One logical pixel corresponds to 1 physical pixels on this display.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - Parsing configfile /home/michael/.config/i3/config
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $up = l
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $down = k
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $left = j
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $right = semicolon
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws1 = "1"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws2 = "2"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws3 = "3"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws4 = "4"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws5 = "5"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws6 = "6"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws7 = "7"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws8 = "8"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws9 = "9"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws10 = "10"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - deciding for version 4 due to this line: # i3 config file (v4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 1): # i3 config file (v4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 2): #
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 3): # Please see for a complete reference!
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 4): #
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 5): # This config file uses keycodes (bindsym) and was written for the QWERTY
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 6): # layout.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 7): #
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 8): # To get a config file with the same key positions, but for your current
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 9): # layout, use the i3-config-wizard
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 10): #
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 11): #
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 12):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 13): exec echo "Hello world" >> ~/hello.txt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 14):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 15): # Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 16): # is used in the bar {} block below.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 17): font pango:monospace 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 18):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 19): # This font is widely installed, provides lots of unicode glyphs, right-to-left
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 20): # text rendering and scalability on retina/hidpi displays (thanks to pango).
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 21): #font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 22):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 23): # Before i3 v4.8, we used to recommend this one as the default:
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 24): # font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 25): # The font above is very space-efficient, that is, it looks good, sharp and
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 26): # clear in small sizes. However, its unicode glyph coverage is limited, the old
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 27): # X core fonts rendering does not support right-to-left and this being a bitmap
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 28): # font, it doesn't scale on retina/hidpi displays.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 29):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 30): # use these keys for focus, movement, and resize directions when reaching for
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 31): # the arrows is not convenient
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 32): set l l
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 33): set k k
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 34): set j j
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 35): set semicolon semicolon
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 36):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 37): # use Mouse+Mod1 to drag floating windows to their wanted position
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 38): floating_modifier Mod1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 39):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 40): # start a terminal
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 41): bindsym Mod1+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 42):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 43): # kill focused window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 44): bindsym Mod1+Shift+q kill
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 45):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 46): # start dmenu (a program launcher)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 47): bindsym Mod1+d exec dmenu_run
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 48): # There also is the (new) i3-dmenu-desktop which only displays applications
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 49): # shipping a .desktop file. It is a wrapper around dmenu, so you need that
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 50): # installed.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 51): # bindsym Mod1+d exec --no-startup-id i3-dmenu-desktop
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 52):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 53): # change focus
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 54): bindsym Mod1+j focus left
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 55): bindsym Mod1+k focus down
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 56): bindsym Mod1+l focus up
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 57): bindsym Mod1+semicolon focus right
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 58):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 59): # alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 60): bindsym Mod1+Left focus left
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 61): bindsym Mod1+Down focus down
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 62): bindsym Mod1+Up focus up
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 63): bindsym Mod1+Right focus right
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 64):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 65): # move focused window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 66): bindsym Mod1+Shift+j move left
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 67): bindsym Mod1+Shift+k move down
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 68): bindsym Mod1+Shift+l move up
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 69): bindsym Mod1+Shift+semicolon move right
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 70):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 71): # alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 72): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Left move left
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 73): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Down move down
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 74): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Up move up
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 75): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Right move right
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 76):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 77): # split in horizontal orientation
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 78): bindsym Mod1+h split h
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 79):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 80): # split in vertical orientation
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 81): bindsym Mod1+v split v
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 82):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 83): # enter fullscreen mode for the focused container
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 84): bindsym Mod1+f fullscreen toggle
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 85):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 86): # change container layout (stacked, tabbed, toggle split)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 87): bindsym Mod1+s layout stacking
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 88): bindsym Mod1+w layout tabbed
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 89): bindsym Mod1+e layout toggle split
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 90):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 91): # toggle tiling / floating
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 92): bindsym Mod1+Shift+space floating toggle
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 93):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 94): # change focus between tiling / floating windows
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 95): bindsym Mod1+space focus mode_toggle
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 96):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 97): # focus the parent container
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 98): bindsym Mod1+a focus parent
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 99):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 100): # focus the child container
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 101): #bindsym Mod1+d focus child
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 102):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 103): # move the currently focused window to the scratchpad
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 104): bindsym Mod1+Shift+minus move scratchpad
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 105):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 106): # Show the next scratchpad window or hide the focused scratchpad window.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 107): # If there are multiple scratchpad windows, this command cycles through them.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 108): bindsym Mod1+minus scratchpad show
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 109):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 110): # Define names for default workspaces for which we configure key bindings later on.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 111): # We use variables to avoid repeating the names in multiple places.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 112): set "1" "1"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 113): set "2" "2"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 114): set "3" "3"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 115): set "4" "4"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 116): set "5" "5"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 117): set "6" "6"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 118): set "7" "7"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 119): set "8" "8"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 120): set "9" "9"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 121): set "10" "10"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 122):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 123):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 124): # switch to workspace
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 125): bindsym Mod1+1 workspace "1"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 126): bindsym Mod1+2 workspace "2"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 127): bindsym Mod1+3 workspace "3"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 128): bindsym Mod1+4 workspace "4"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 129): bindsym Mod1+5 workspace "5"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 130): bindsym Mod1+6 workspace "6"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 131): bindsym Mod1+7 workspace "7"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 132): bindsym Mod1+8 workspace "8"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 133): bindsym Mod1+9 workspace "9"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 134): bindsym Mod1+0 workspace "10"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 135):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 136): # move focused container to workspace
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 137): bindsym Mod1+Shift+1 move container to workspace "1"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 138): bindsym Mod1+Shift+2 move container to workspace "2"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 139): bindsym Mod1+Shift+3 move container to workspace "3"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 140): bindsym Mod1+Shift+4 move container to workspace "4"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 141): bindsym Mod1+Shift+5 move container to workspace "5"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 142): bindsym Mod1+Shift+6 move container to workspace "6"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 143): bindsym Mod1+Shift+7 move container to workspace "7"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 144): bindsym Mod1+Shift+8 move container to workspace "8"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 145): bindsym Mod1+Shift+9 move container to workspace "9"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 146): bindsym Mod1+Shift+0 move container to workspace "10"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 147):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 148): # reload the configuration file
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 149): bindsym Mod1+Shift+c reload
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 150): # restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 151): bindsym Mod1+Shift+r restart
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 152): # exit i3 (logs you out of your X session)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 153): bindsym Mod1+Shift+e exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -B 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 154):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 155): # resize window (you can also use the mouse for that)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 156): mode "resize" {
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 157): # These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 158):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 159): # Pressing left will shrink the window’s width.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 160): # Pressing right will grow the window’s width.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 161): # Pressing up will shrink the window’s height.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 162): # Pressing down will grow the window’s height.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 163): bindsym j resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 164): bindsym k resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 165): bindsym l resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 166): bindsym semicolon resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 167):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 168): # same bindings, but for the arrow keys
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 169): bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 170): bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 171): bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 172): bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 173):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 174): # back to normal: Enter or Escape or Mod1+r
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 175): bindsym Return mode "default"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 176): bindsym Escape mode "default"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 177): bindsym Mod1+r mode "default"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 178): }
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 179):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 180): bindsym Mod1+r mode "resize"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 181):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 182): # Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 183): # finds out, if available)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 184): bar {
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 185): status_command i3status
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 186): }
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 187):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 188): #######################################################################
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 189): # automatically start i3-config-wizard to offer the user to create a
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 190): # keysym-based config which used their favorite modifier (alt or windows)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 191): #
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 192): # i3-config-wizard will not launch if there already is a config file
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 193): # in ~/.i3/config.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 194): #
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 195): # Please remove the following exec line:
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 196): #######################################################################
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 197):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 198): exec echo "hello world 2" >> ~/hello.txt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 199):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 200): exec i3-config-wizard
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 201):
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 202): exec echo "hello world 3" >> ~/hello.txt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 203): exec i3-dump-log >> ~/.i3-dump-log.txt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - [libi3] ../../i3-4.16/libi3/font.c Using Pango font monospace, size 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb67a790 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code Return, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7980 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code q, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7a10 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code d, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7aa0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code j, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7b30 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code k, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7bc0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code l, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7c50 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code semicolon, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7ce0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code Left, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6844e0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code Down, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684570 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code Up, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684600 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code Right, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684690 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code j, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684720 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code k, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6847b0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code l, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684840 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code semicolon, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6848d0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code Left, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684960 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code Down, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6849f0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code Up, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684a80 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code Right, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684b10 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code h, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684ba0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code v, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684c30 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code f, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684cc0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code s, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684d50 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code w, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684de0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code e, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684e70 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code space, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684f00 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code space, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb684f90 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code a, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685020 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code minus, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6850b0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code minus, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685140 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code 1, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6851d0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code 2, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685260 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code 3, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6852f0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code 4, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685380 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code 5, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685410 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code 6, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6854a0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code 7, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685530 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code 8, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6855c0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code 9, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685650 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code 0, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6856c0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code 1, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685730 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code 2, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6857a0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code 3, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685810 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code 4, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6858b0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code 5, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685950 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code 6, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6859f0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code 7, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685a90 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code 8, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685b30 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code 9, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685bd0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code 0, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685c60 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code c, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685cf0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code r, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685e10 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, input code e, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_enter_mode:137 - now in mode resize
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685ed0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code j, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb685fc0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code k, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb686060 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code l, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb686100 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code semicolon, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6861a0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Left, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb686240 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Down, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6862e0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Up, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb686380 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Right, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb686410 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Return, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6864a0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Escape, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb686530 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code r, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x562cfb6865e0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, input code r, release (null)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_bar_finish:718 - new bar configuration finished, saving.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x562cfa0214c0, state = 92
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command exec i3-sensible-terminal
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command kill
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command exec dmenu_run
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command focus left
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command focus down
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command focus up
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command focus right
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command focus left
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command focus down
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command focus up
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command focus right
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move left
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move down
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move up
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move right
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move left
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move down
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move up
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move right
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command split h
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command split v
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command fullscreen toggle
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command layout stacking
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command layout tabbed
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command layout toggle split
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command floating toggle
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command focus mode_toggle
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command focus parent
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move scratchpad
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command scratchpad show
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command workspace "1"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:211 - relevant command = workspace "1"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:236 - Saving workspace name "1"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command workspace "2"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:211 - relevant command = workspace "2"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:236 - Saving workspace name "2"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command workspace "3"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:211 - relevant command = workspace "3"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:236 - Saving workspace name "3"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command workspace "4"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:211 - relevant command = workspace "4"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:236 - Saving workspace name "4"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command workspace "5"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:211 - relevant command = workspace "5"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:236 - Saving workspace name "5"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command workspace "6"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:211 - relevant command = workspace "6"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:236 - Saving workspace name "6"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command workspace "7"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:211 - relevant command = workspace "7"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:236 - Saving workspace name "7"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command workspace "8"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:211 - relevant command = workspace "8"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:236 - Saving workspace name "8"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command workspace "9"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:211 - relevant command = workspace "9"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:236 - Saving workspace name "9"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command workspace "10"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:211 - relevant command = workspace "10"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:236 - Saving workspace name "10"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move container to workspace "1"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move container to workspace "2"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move container to workspace "3"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move container to workspace "4"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move container to workspace "5"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move container to workspace "6"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move container to workspace "7"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move container to workspace "8"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move container to workspace "9"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command move container to workspace "10"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command reload
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command restart
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -B 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:207 - binding with command mode "resize"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - main.c:main:613 - root geometry reply: (0, 0) 5120 x 1800
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - main.c:main:630 - initializing xcb-xkb
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7980 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684690 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684720 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb6847b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684840 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="semicolon", sym=0x3b → keycodes 47 47 47 47 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb6848d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684960 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb6849f0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684a80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684e70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685020 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 20 20 20 20 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb6856c0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685730 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb6857a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685810 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb6858b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685950 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb6859f0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685a90 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685b30 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685bd0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="0", sym=0x30 → keycodes 19 19 19 19 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685c60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685cf0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685e10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 9, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x9, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb67a790 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="Return", sym=0xff0d → keycodes 36 36 36 36 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7a10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7aa0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7b30 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7bc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7c50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="semicolon", sym=0x3b → keycodes 47 47 47 47 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7ce0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb6844e0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684570 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684600 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684b10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684ba0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="v", sym=0x76 → keycodes 55 55 55 55 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684c30 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="f", sym=0x66 → keycodes 41 41 41 41 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684cc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684d50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="w", sym=0x77 → keycodes 25 25 25 25 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684de0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684f00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb684f90 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="a", sym=0x61 → keycodes 38 38 38 38 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb6850b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 20 20 20 20 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685140 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb6851d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685260 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb6852f0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685380 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685410 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb6854a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685530 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb6855c0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb685650 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="0", sym=0x30 → keycodes 19 19 19 19 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:474 - Binding 0x562cfb6865e0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 8, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = yes
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:597 - state=0x8, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7980 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7980 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7980 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7980 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684690 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684690 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684690 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684690 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684720 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684720 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684720 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684720 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6847b0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6847b0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6847b0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6847b0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684840 Grabbing keycode 47 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684840 Grabbing keycode 47 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684840 Grabbing keycode 47 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684840 Grabbing keycode 47 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6848d0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6848d0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6848d0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6848d0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684960 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684960 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684960 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684960 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6849f0 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6849f0 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6849f0 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6849f0 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684a80 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684a80 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684a80 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684a80 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684e70 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684e70 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684e70 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684e70 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685020 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685020 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685020 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685020 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6856c0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6856c0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6856c0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6856c0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685730 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685730 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685730 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685730 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6857a0 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6857a0 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6857a0 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6857a0 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685810 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685810 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685810 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685810 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6858b0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6858b0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6858b0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6858b0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685950 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685950 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685950 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685950 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6859f0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6859f0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6859f0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6859f0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685a90 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685a90 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685a90 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685a90 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685b30 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685b30 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685b30 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685b30 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685bd0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685bd0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685bd0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685bd0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685c60 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685c60 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685c60 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685c60 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685cf0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685cf0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685cf0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685cf0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685e10 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 9
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685e10 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 11
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685e10 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 25
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685e10 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 27
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb67a790 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb67a790 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb67a790 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb67a790 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7a10 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7a10 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7a10 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7a10 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7aa0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7aa0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7aa0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7aa0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7b30 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7b30 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7b30 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7b30 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7bc0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7bc0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7bc0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7bc0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7c50 Grabbing keycode 47 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7c50 Grabbing keycode 47 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7c50 Grabbing keycode 47 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7c50 Grabbing keycode 47 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7ce0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7ce0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7ce0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb5d7ce0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6844e0 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6844e0 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6844e0 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6844e0 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684570 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684570 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684570 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684570 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684600 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684600 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684600 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684600 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684b10 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684b10 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684b10 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684b10 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684ba0 Grabbing keycode 55 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684ba0 Grabbing keycode 55 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684ba0 Grabbing keycode 55 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684ba0 Grabbing keycode 55 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684c30 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684c30 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684c30 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684c30 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684cc0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684cc0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684cc0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684cc0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684d50 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684d50 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684d50 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684d50 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684de0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684de0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684de0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684de0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684f00 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684f00 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684f00 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684f00 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684f90 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684f90 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684f90 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb684f90 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6850b0 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6850b0 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6850b0 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6850b0 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685140 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685140 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685140 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685140 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6851d0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6851d0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6851d0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6851d0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685260 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685260 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685260 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685260 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6852f0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6852f0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6852f0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6852f0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685380 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685380 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685380 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685380 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685410 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685410 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685410 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685410 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6854a0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6854a0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6854a0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6854a0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685530 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685530 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685530 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685530 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6855c0 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6855c0 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6855c0 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6855c0 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685650 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685650 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685650 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb685650 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6865e0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 8
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6865e0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6865e0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 24
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x562cfb6865e0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 26
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:185 - Adding window 0x0020000d to lists
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:189 - adding new state for window id 0x0020000d
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:185 - Adding window 0x0020000f to lists
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:189 - adding new state for window id 0x0020000f
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - tree.c:_create___i3:39 - adding main content container
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:185 - Adding window 0x00200011 to lists
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:189 - adding new state for window id 0x00200011
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:185 - Adding window 0x00200013 to lists
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:189 - adding new state for window id 0x00200013
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:_con_attach:110 - it's a workspace. num = -1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - main.c:main:733 - Checking for XRandR...
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs_15:587 - Querying outputs using RandR 1.5
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs_15:610 - 2 RandR monitors found (timestamp 93453048)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs_15:693 - name eDP-1, x 0, y 0, width 3200 px, height 1800 px, width 294 mm, height 165 mm, primary 1, automatic 1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs_15:693 - name HDMI-1, x 3200, y 0, width 1920 px, height 1080 px, width 598 mm, height 336 mm, primary 0, automatic 1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:859 - Active RandR output found. Disabling root output.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:874 - output 0x562cfb6a13f0 / eDP-1, position (0, 0), checking for clones
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:874 - output 0x562cfb6a1470 / HDMI-1, position (3200, 0), checking for clones
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:913 - Need to initialize a Con for output eDP-1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:319 - init_con for output eDP-1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:_con_attach:175 - Inserting con = 0x562cfb6a14f0 after con 0x562cfb69eed0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:185 - Adding window 0x00200015 to lists
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:189 - adding new state for window id 0x00200015
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:354 - Changing layout, adding top/bottom dockarea
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:185 - Adding window 0x00200017 to lists
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:189 - adding new state for window id 0x00200017
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:371 - attaching
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:376 - adding main content container
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:185 - Adding window 0x00200019 to lists
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:189 - adding new state for window id 0x00200019
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:185 - Adding window 0x0020001b to lists
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:189 - adding new state for window id 0x0020001b
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:405 - attaching
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:913 - Need to initialize a Con for output HDMI-1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:319 - init_con for output HDMI-1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:_con_attach:175 - Inserting con = 0x562cfb6a4730 after con 0x562cfb69eed0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:185 - Adding window 0x0020001d to lists
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:189 - adding new state for window id 0x0020001d
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:354 - Changing layout, adding top/bottom dockarea
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:185 - Adding window 0x0020001f to lists
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:189 - adding new state for window id 0x0020001f
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:371 - attaching
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:376 - adding main content container
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:185 - Adding window 0x00200021 to lists
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:189 - adding new state for window id 0x00200021
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:185 - Adding window 0x00200023 to lists
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:189 - adding new state for window id 0x00200023
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:405 - attaching
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:939 - Should add ws for output eDP-1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:init_ws_for_output:516 - Now adding a workspace
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:185 - Adding window 0x00200025 to lists
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:189 - adding new state for window id 0x00200025
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - Used number 1 for workspace with name 1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:_con_attach:110 - it's a workspace. num = 1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_apply_default_orientation:64 - Auto orientation. Workspace size set to (3200,1800), setting layout to 6.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x562cfb6a79c0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x562cfb6a2e00
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x562cfb6a14f0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:939 - Should add ws for output HDMI-1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:init_ws_for_output:516 - Now adding a workspace
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:185 - Adding window 0x00200027 to lists
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_con_init:189 - adding new state for window id 0x00200027
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - Used number 2 for workspace with name 2
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:_con_attach:110 - it's a workspace. num = 2
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_apply_default_orientation:64 - Auto orientation. Workspace size set to (1920,1080), setting layout to 6.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x562cfb6a8670
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x562cfb6a6060
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x562cfb6a4730
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:948 - Focusing primary output eDP-1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:workspace_show:476 - Setting previous_workspace_name = 2
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:workspace_show:481 - switching to 0x562cfb6a79c0 / 1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x562cfb6a79c0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x562cfb6a2e00
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x562cfb6a14f0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace.c:workspace_show:519 - old = 0x562cfb6a79c0 / 1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x562cfb6a79c0, ws = 0x562cfb6a79c0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - focused now = 0x562cfb6a79c0 / 1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x562cfb6a79c0, ws = 0x562cfb6a79c0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x562cfb6a8670, ws = 0x562cfb6a8670
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x562cfb6a0730, ws = 0x562cfb6a0730
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - tree.c:tree_render:450 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb69e860 / root / layout 6 / children 3
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb69eed0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a4730 / HDMI-1 / layout 4 / children 3
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_output:401 - child at (3200, 0) with (1920 x 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a53b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_output:401 - child at (3200, 0) with (1920 x 1080)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a6060 / content / layout 6 / children 1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x562cfb6a8670 / 2 / layout 6 / children 0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_output:401 - child at (3200, 1080) with (1920 x 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a6d10 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a14f0 / eDP-1 / layout 4 / children 3
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_output:401 - child at (0, 0) with (3200 x 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a2150 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_output:401 - child at (0, 0) with (3200 x 1800)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a2e00 / content / layout 6 / children 1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x562cfb6a79c0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_output:401 - child at (0, 1800) with (3200 x 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a3a80 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_root:255 - Rendering floating windows:
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:1056 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:1115 - Client list changed (0 clients)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:1129 - PUSHING CHANGES
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:758 - pushing name [i3 con] output eDP-1 for con 0x562cfb6a14f0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:758 - pushing name [i3 con] content eDP-1 for con 0x562cfb6a2e00
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:885 - setting rect (0, 0, 3200, 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:956 - Sending fake configure notify
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:758 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 1 for con 0x562cfb6a79c0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:885 - setting rect (0, 0, 3200, 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:956 - Sending fake configure notify
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:758 - pushing name [i3 con] top dockarea eDP-1 for con 0x562cfb6a2150
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:885 - setting rect (0, 0, 3200, 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:956 - Sending fake configure notify
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:758 - pushing name [i3 con] bottom dockarea eDP-1 for con 0x562cfb6a3a80
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:885 - setting rect (0, 1800, 3200, 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:956 - Sending fake configure notify
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:758 - pushing name [i3 con] output HDMI-1 for con 0x562cfb6a4730
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:758 - pushing name [i3 con] content HDMI-1 for con 0x562cfb6a6060
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:885 - setting rect (3200, 0, 1920, 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:956 - Sending fake configure notify
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:758 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 2 for con 0x562cfb6a8670
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:885 - setting rect (3200, 0, 1920, 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:956 - Sending fake configure notify
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:758 - pushing name [i3 con] top dockarea HDMI-1 for con 0x562cfb6a53b0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:885 - setting rect (3200, 0, 1920, 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:956 - Sending fake configure notify
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:758 - pushing name [i3 con] bottom dockarea HDMI-1 for con 0x562cfb6a6d10
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:885 - setting rect (3200, 1080, 1920, 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:956 - Sending fake configure notify
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:758 - pushing name [i3 con] pseudo-output __i3 for con 0x562cfb69eed0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:758 - pushing name [i3 con] content __i3 for con 0x562cfb69faf0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:885 - setting rect (0, 0, 0, 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:956 - Sending fake configure notify
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:758 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace __i3_scratch for con 0x562cfb6a0730
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:885 - setting rect (0, 0, 0, 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_node:956 - Sending fake configure notify
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:108 - comparing x=2560 y=900 with x=0 and y=0 width 3200 height 1800
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:108 - comparing x=1600 y=900 with x=0 and y=0 width 3200 height 1800
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:1170 - Not updating focus (to 0x562cfb6a79c0 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:1213 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the EWMH support window (2097164)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:1221 - ENDING CHANGES
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - tree.c:tree_render:459 - -- END RENDERING --
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:254 - Current resolution: (0, 0) 1280 x 1024
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:263 - output HDMI-1's resolution: (3200, 0) 1920 x 1080
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:263 - output eDP-1's resolution: (0, 0) 3200 x 1800
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:276 - new width = 9600, new height = 5400
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:287 - Fixing coordinates of scratchpad windows
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - main.c:main:771 - Pointer at 2560, 900
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:108 - comparing x=2560 y=900 with x=0 and y=0 width 3200 height 1800
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x562cfb6a79c0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x562cfb6a2e00
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x562cfb6a14f0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - tree.c:tree_render:450 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb69e860 / root / layout 6 / children 3
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb69eed0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a4730 / HDMI-1 / layout 4 / children 3
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_output:401 - child at (3200, 0) with (1920 x 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a53b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_output:401 - child at (3200, 0) with (1920 x 1080)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a6060 / content / layout 6 / children 1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x562cfb6a8670 / 2 / layout 6 / children 0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_output:401 - child at (3200, 1080) with (1920 x 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a6d10 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a14f0 / eDP-1 / layout 4 / children 3
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_output:401 - child at (0, 0) with (3200 x 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a2150 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_output:401 - child at (0, 0) with (3200 x 1800)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a2e00 / content / layout 6 / children 1
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x562cfb6a79c0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_output:401 - child at (0, 1800) with (3200 x 0)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x562cfb6a3a80 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - render.c:render_root:255 - Rendering floating windows:
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:1056 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:1129 - PUSHING CHANGES
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:1170 - Not updating focus (to 0x562cfb6a79c0 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:1213 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the EWMH support window (2097164)
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:1221 - ENDING CHANGES
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - tree.c:tree_render:459 - -- END RENDERING --
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - ipc.c:ipc_create_socket:1511 - Creating IPC-socket at /run/user/1002/i3/ipc-socket.31042
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - main.c:main:802 - socket activation: no sockets passed
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - This is not an in-place restart, copying root window contents to a pixmap
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - auto-starting echo "Hello world" >> ~/hello.txt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - startup id = i3/echo/31042-0-linux-vtrr_TIME0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - executing: echo "Hello world" >> ~/hello.txt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - auto-starting echo "hello world 2" >> ~/hello.txt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - startup id = i3/echo/31042-1-linux-vtrr_TIME0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - executing: echo "hello world 2" >> ~/hello.txt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - auto-starting i3-config-wizard
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - startup id = i3/i3-config-wizard/31042-2-linux-vtrr_TIME0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - executing: i3-config-wizard
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - auto-starting echo "hello world 3" >> ~/hello.txt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - startup id = i3/echo/31042-3-linux-vtrr_TIME0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - executing: echo "hello world 3" >> ~/hello.txt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - auto-starting i3-dump-log >> ~/.i3-dump-log.txt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - startup id = i3/i3-dump-log/31042-4-linux-vtrr_TIME0
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - executing: i3-dump-log >> ~/.i3-dump-log.txt
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - Starting bar process: i3bar --bar_id=bar-0 --socket="/run/user/1002/i3/ipc-socket.31042"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - executing: i3bar --bar_id=bar-0 --socket="/run/user/1002/i3/ipc-socket.31042"
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 14, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 17, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:534 - destroy notify for 0x00200043, 0x00200043
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:463 - UnmapNotify for 0x00200043 (received from 0x00200043), serial 746
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 17, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:534 - destroy notify for 0x00200044, 0x00200044
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:463 - UnmapNotify for 0x00200044 (received from 0x00200044), serial 754
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 17, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:534 - destroy notify for 0x00200045, 0x00200045
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:463 - UnmapNotify for 0x00200045 (received from 0x00200045), serial 763
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 17, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:534 - destroy notify for 0x00200046, 0x00200046
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:463 - UnmapNotify for 0x00200046 (received from 0x00200046), serial 771
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_event:1474 - event type 17, xkb_base 85
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:534 - destroy notify for 0x00200047, 0x00200047
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:463 - UnmapNotify for 0x00200047 (received from 0x00200047), serial 779
03/03/2019 09:55:49 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
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