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Old "enterprise" integer operations in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
union Integer;
union Integer
const Integer& fred;
// recurse on everything below fred
const Integer& recurse(const function<const Integer&(const Integer&,const Integer&)> fred2,const Integer& fred3) const
if (data)
return [&](const Integer& fred) mutable throw() -> const Integer& { return fred.recurse(fred2,fred2(fred3,fred));} (fred);
} else return fred3;
bool isZero() const
return data == 0;
Integer() : fred(*this){};
Integer(const Integer& fred2) : fred(fred2){};
int *data;
friend class EnterpriseIntegerFactory;
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&,const Integer&);
ostream& operator<<(ostream& fred2,const Integer& fred3)
fred2 << "{";
fred3.recurse([&](const Integer& fred,const Integer& fred4) mutable throw() -> const Integer& { fred2 << fred4 << ","; return fred;},fred3);
return fred2 << "}";
class EnterpriseIntegerFactory
list<Integer*> m_allocPool;
Integer Zero;
Integer& CreateSucc(const Integer& fred)
Integer* ret = new Integer(fred);
return *ret;
for_each(m_allocPool.begin(),m_allocPool.end(),[](Integer* val) -> void { delete val;});
class EnterpriseOperationFactory;
class CurriedOperation
CurriedOperation(EnterpriseOperationFactory *p_Factory,const Integer& a) : fred(a)
m_Factory = p_Factory;
const Integer& fred;
EnterpriseOperationFactory *m_Factory;
virtual const Integer& doOp(const Integer& b)=0;
friend class EnterpriseOperationFactory;
class EnterpriseOperationFactory
EnterpriseIntegerFactory* m_Factory;
EnterpriseOperationFactory(EnterpriseIntegerFactory *p_Factory) : m_Factory(p_Factory) {}
class Adder : public CurriedOperation
Adder(EnterpriseOperationFactory *p_Factory, const Integer& a) : CurriedOperation(p_Factory,a) {};
const Integer& doOp(const Integer& num)
return fred.recurse([&](const Integer& fred3,const Integer& fred2) -> const Integer& { return m_Factory->m_Factory->CreateSucc(fred3);}, num);
class Multiplier : public CurriedOperation
Multiplier(EnterpriseOperationFactory *p_Factory, const Integer& a) : CurriedOperation(p_Factory,a) {};
const Integer& doOp(const Integer& num)
return fred.recurse([&](const Integer& fred,const Integer& fred2) -> const Integer& { return m_Factory->add(num,fred);}, m_Factory->m_Factory->Zero);
class Factorial : public CurriedOperation
Factorial(EnterpriseOperationFactory *p_Factory, const Integer& a) : CurriedOperation(p_Factory,a) {};
const Integer& doOp(const Integer& dummy)
return fred.recurse([&](const Integer& fred,const Integer& fred2) -> const Integer& {
return fred.isZero() ? m_Factory->m_Factory->CreateSucc(m_Factory->m_Factory->Zero) : // Return 1 instead of 0.
m_Factory->mult(fred,m_Factory->m_Factory->CreateSucc(fred2)); // Otherwise multiply by iterator.
const Integer& add(const Integer& a,const Integer& b)
Adder adder(this,a);
return adder.doOp(b);
const Integer& mult(const Integer& a,const Integer& b)
Multiplier mult(this,a);
return mult.doOp(b);
const Integer& fact(const Integer& a)
Factorial fact(this,a);
return fact.doOp(fact.m_Factory->m_Factory->Zero);
int IntegerToInt(const Integer& fred)
int i = 0;
fred.recurse([&](const Integer& a,const Integer& b)-> const Integer& {i++; return a;},fred);
return i;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
EnterpriseIntegerFactory factory;
EnterpriseOperationFactory fred(&factory);
Integer& one = factory.CreateSucc(factory.Zero);
const Integer& onePlusOne = fred.add(one,one);
cout << "1+1: " << IntegerToInt(onePlusOne) << " - " << onePlusOne << endl;
Integer& five = factory.CreateSucc(factory.CreateSucc(factory.CreateSucc(factory.CreateSucc(factory.CreateSucc(factory.Zero)))));
Integer& three = factory.CreateSucc(factory.CreateSucc(factory.CreateSucc(factory.Zero)));
cout << "5: " << IntegerToInt(five) << " - "<< five << endl;
cout << "3: " << IntegerToInt(three) << " - " << three << endl;
const Integer& fivePlusThree = fred.add(five,three);
cout << "5+3: " << IntegerToInt(fivePlusThree) << " - " << fivePlusThree << endl;
Integer& num = factory.CreateSucc(factory.CreateSucc(factory.CreateSucc(factory.CreateSucc(factory.Zero))));
cout << IntegerToInt(num) << " - " << num << endl;
const Integer& fiveTimesThree = fred.mult(five,three);
cout << "5*3: " << IntegerToInt(fiveTimesThree) << " - <Set representation too large>" << endl;
const Integer& threeFactorial = fred.fact(factory.CreateSucc(three));
cout << "3!: " << IntegerToInt(threeFactorial) << " - " << endl;
return 0;
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