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Last active September 12, 2016 00:43
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Simulating ways to get predictions from a fitted IV regression
nn = 1e6
#fake data
z = rnorm(nn)
v = rnorm(nn)
err1 = rnorm(nn)
err2 = rnorm(nn)
#z & v influence x
x = 2 + 3 * z + 2 * v + err1
#x & v influence y
y = 4 + 5 * x + 3 * v + err2
#since not including v, bias
ols = lm(y ~ x)
#would be spot if knew v
ols_full = lm(y ~ x + v)
#spot on
stage1 = lm(x ~ z)
#spot on for x coefficient
stage2 = lm(y ~ stage1$fitted.values)
#trying predictions
new.z = rnorm(nn)
new.v = rnorm(nn)
new.err1 = rnorm(nn)
new.err2 = rnorm(nn)
new.x = 2 + 3 * z + 2 * v + err1
new.y = 4 + 5 * x + 3 * v + err2
#predict new.y using only new.x and stage2 =
predict(stage2, newdata = data.frame(`stage1$fitted.values` = new.x))
#predict new.y using only new.z and stage1 -> stage 2 =
predict(stage2, newdata =
data.frame(`stage1$fitted.values` =
predict(stage1, newdata = data.frame(z = new.z))))
sapply(list(,, new.y), mean)
#actually they give the exact same estimate?
cbind(head(, head(
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