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Created October 15, 2023 05:33
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Marriage tax 2022
brackets = "" |>
read_html() |>
xml_find_all("//table[contains(caption/text(), '2022 Federal Income')]") |>
brackets =[[1L]])[-.N]
brackets[, marginal_rate := as.numeric(gsub("%", "", `Tax Rate`)) / 100]
lower_bound <- \(x) as.numeric(gsub("[$,]|\\s.*", "", x))
brackets[, lower_bound_single := lower_bound(`For Single Filers`)]
brackets[, lower_bound_married := lower_bound(`For Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns`)]
brackets = melt(
id.vars = "marginal_rate",
measure.vars = patterns("^lower_bound"), = "status", = "lower_bound"
brackets[, status := gsub("lower_bound_", "", status)]
setkey(brackets, status)
brackets[, upper_bound := shift(lower_bound, -1L, fill = Inf), by = status]
brackets[, cum_tax_init := shift(cumsum(marginal_rate * (upper_bound - lower_bound)), fill = 0), by = status]
deductible <- function(status) switch(status, single = 12950, married = 25900)
tax <- function(income, STATUS) {
taxable_income <- pmax(income - deductible(STATUS), 0)
brackets[.(STATUS), {
findInterval(taxable_income, lower_bound),
cum_tax_init + marginal_rate * (taxable_income - lower_bound)
income_grid <- seq(0, 1e6, length.out = 250)
income_pairs <- CJ(income1 = income_grid, income2 = income_grid)
income_pairs[, tax_burden_separate := tax(income1, "single") + tax(income2, "single")]
income_pairs[, tax_burden_joint := tax(income1 + income2, "married")]
income_pairs[, plot(
income1, income2,
pch = 22L, col = fifelse(tax_burden_separate < tax_burden_joint, "red", "blue")
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