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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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  • Save MichaelMure/081dbf28e9d69b7203c7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MichaelMure/081dbf28e9d69b7203c7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
slightly smarter ipfs bash completion
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$1" -- ${word}) )
_ipfs_comp "--help"
_ipfs_comp "-recursive -quiet -progress -wrap-with-directory \
-trickle --help"
_ipfs_comp "get put stat --help"
_ipfs_comp "add list rm --help"
_ipfs_comp "-default --help"
_ipfs_comp "-all --help"
# TODO: auto-complete existing config keys
_ipfs_comp "edit replace show -bool --help"
# TODO: auto-complete with a filename
_ipfs_comp "-init -routing= -mount -writable -mount-ipfs= \
-mount-ipns= --help"
_ipfs_comp "findpeer findprovs query --help"
_ipfs_comp "-verbose --help"
_ipfs_comp "-verbose --help"
_ipfs_comp "net --help"
# TODO: auto-complete -vis=*
_ipfs_comp "-timeout= -vis= --help"
_ipfs_comp "-output= -archive -compress -compression-level= --help"
_ipfs_comp "-format= --help"
_ipfs_comp "-bits= -passphrase= -force --help"
_ipfs_comp "tail level --help"
# TODO: auto-complete subsystem and level
_ipfs_comp "--help"
_ipfs_comp "tail level --help"
_ipfs_comp "-f= -n= --help"
_ipfs_comp "publish resolve --help"
_ipfs_comp "data get links put stat --help"
# TODO: auto-complete encoding
_ipfs_comp "--encoding="
_ipfs_comp "rm ls add --help"
_ipfs_comp "-recursive --help"
# TODO: auto-complete -type=*
_ipfs_comp "-type= --help"
_ipfs_comp "-recursive --help"
_ipfs_comp "-count= --help"
_ipfs_comp "local -format= -edges -unique -recursive --help"
_ipfs_comp "gc --help"
_ipfs_comp "-quiet --help"
_ipfs_comp "addrs connect disconnect peers --help"
_ipfs_comp "list next restart --help"
_ipfs_comp "check log --help"
_ipfs_comp "-number --help"
local word="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
case "${COMP_CWORD}" in
local opts="add block bootstrap cat commands config daemon dht diag id \
init log ls mount name object pin ping refs repo swarm tour \
update version"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${word}) );;
local command="${COMP_WORDS[1]}"
eval "_ipfs_$command" 2> /dev/null ;;
local command="${COMP_WORDS[1]}"
local subcommand="${COMP_WORDS[2]}"
eval "_ipfs_${command}_${subcommand}" 2> /dev/null && return
eval "_ipfs_$command" 2> /dev/null ;;
complete -F _ipfs ipfs
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cryptix commented Mar 25, 2015

for zsh users like myself: these work too. src

I added this to my .zshrc:

autoload bashcompinit
source ~/code/sh/

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