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Last active May 17, 2017 21:45
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Save MichalPekala/4672632 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Raspberry Pi .bash_profile
let upSeconds="$(/usr/bin/cut -d. -f1 /proc/uptime)"
let secs=$((${upSeconds}%60))
let mins=$((${upSeconds}/60%60))
let hours=$((${upSeconds}/3600%24))
let days=$((${upSeconds}/86400))
UPTIME=`printf "%d days, %02dh%02dm%02ds" "$days" "$hours" "$mins" "$secs"`
# get the load averages
read one five fifteen rest < /proc/loadavg
echo "$(tput setaf 2)
.~~. .~~. `date +"%A, %e %B %Y, %X %Z"`
'. \ ' ' / .' `uname -srmo`$(tput setaf 1)
.~ .~~~..~.
: .~.'~'.~. : Uptime.............: ${UPTIME}
~ ( ) ( ) ~ Memory.............: `cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemFree | awk {'print $2'}`kB (Free) / `cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | awk {'print $2'}`kB (Total)
( : '~'.~.'~' : ) Load Averages......: ${one}, ${five}, ${fifteen} (1, 5, 15 min)
~ .~ ( ) ~. ~ Running Processes..: `ps ax | wc -l | tr -d " "`
( : '~' : ) CPU Temperature....: `/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp | cut -c 6-9 | awk '{ print $1 "°C" }'`
'~ .~~~. ~' Free Disk Space....: `df -Ph | grep -E '^/dev/root' | awk '{ print $4 " of " $2 }'`
'~' IP Addresses.......: `/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | /bin/grep "inet addr" | /usr/bin/cut -d ":" -f 2 | /usr/bin/cut -d " " -f 1` and `wget -q -O - | tail`
Weather............: `curl -s "|PL|PL007|WARSZAWA|" | sed -n '/Currently:/ s/.*: \(.*\): \([0-9]*\)\([CF]\).*/\2°\3, \1/p'`
$(tput sgr0)"
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bingeboy commented Jul 4, 2013

Perfect start for my bash_profile. Thanks!

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DrCord commented May 5, 2016

In case you have trouble with the temp not working this thread helped me resolve it:

The short story is that your user needs to be in the video group, this command should resolve it:

sudo usermod -G video YOURUSERNAME

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