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Created April 21, 2024 09:59
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Safe sensor example
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <ratio>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
// [ Written to C++11 standard ]
// Note: So, the way the code is structured is explained here as briefly as
// possible.
// We have a sensor class which takes a template parameter <T>. This means
// you can generate templated types of sensors. That's great. But do note
// that that generated sensor types aren't the same as each other. They don't
// have a common base class. So if you want to organize sensors at a higher
// level, you need to add in some base class that isn't template derived.
// For that, we have the ReadableDevice class. This is the core base of all
// derived sensor types. All it stipulates is that their derivates must
// allow you to read() them. This lets you combine sensors together and
// provide them to threads which can read them without the thread needing
// to know anything about the derived type (it just has to call read()).
// For thread safe access, the goal of this code is to wrap that all up in
// the Sensor pure virtual class. That templated class takes your template
// data type and makes it private. Then, the setters and getters are mutex
// guarded. This makes all use of derivative sensor classes thread safe
// Of course, maybe you don't really want a mutex for every sensor. But to
// do away with that, you'll need to organize sensors into runtime entities
// that themselves control access to N+ sensors with a single mutex. That's
// more complicated and I don't know the use cases, so I think this is
// good enough for an example for now :)
* Type Definition: Abstract Classes *
/* A readable device is a pure virtual class which simply requires
* that the derivative support a read method on itself */
class ReadableDevice
virtual void read() = 0;
/* A sensor is a readable device which is also a pure virtual class. Any
* instance of a sensor has its own dedicated type (Sensor<T>). However,
* these types have an underlying thread-safe data storage */
template<typename T> class Sensor : public ReadableDevice
Sensor(std::chrono::microseconds delay):
virtual void read() = 0;
T data()
T data;
data = d_data;
return data;
const std::chrono::microseconds delay() const
return d_delay;
void set(const T data)
d_data = data;
T d_data;
std::chrono::microseconds d_delay;
std::mutex d_mutex;
* Type Definition: Sensors *
/* Structure of: Gyro data */
struct gyro_data_t
d_rx(0.0), d_ry(0.0), d_rz(0.0)
virtual void tick()
d_rx += 1.0; d_ry += 1.0; d_rz += 1.0;
double d_rx, d_ry, d_rz;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const gyro_data_t& d)
return out << "{ .rx = " << d.d_rx
<< ", .ry = " << d.d_ry
<< ", .rz = " << d.d_rz
<< " }";
/* Gyro sensor class */
class Gyro : public Sensor<gyro_data_t>
Gyro(): Sensor(std::chrono::milliseconds(100))
virtual void read() override
gyro_data_t d = data();
/* Structure of: Radar data */
struct radar_data_t
virtual void tick()
d_value += 1.0;
double d_value;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const radar_data_t& d)
return out << " { .value = " << d.d_value << " }";
/* Radar sensor class */
class Radar : public Sensor<radar_data_t>
Radar() : Sensor(std::chrono::milliseconds(300))
virtual void read() override
radar_data_t d = data();
// Add your additional sensor definitions here ...
* Type Definition: TaskGroup *
/* A task group is a dedicated thread which takes readable devices
* and calls read on them in a loop. It's basically type agnostic so
* various kinds of sensors can be put in the input array and read
class TaskGroup
TaskGroup() = delete;
TaskGroup(std::vector<ReadableDevice*>& devices):
std::thread thread()
return std::thread(&TaskGroup::run, this);
void run()
while (1)
for (auto i = d_devices.begin(); i != d_devices.end(); i++)
std::vector<ReadableDevice*>& d_devices;
* Main *
/* Here we have our main loop that loops through the sensors and reads
* them. Notice it doesn't care about mutexes or anything, and nor should
* it. The integrity of the underlying data is guaranteed by the sensor
* class */
void sensor_read_loop(std::vector<Gyro*> gyros, std::vector<Radar*> radars)
while (1)
// Read Gyros
std::cout << "Reading gyros ..." << std::endl;
for (auto i = gyros.begin(); i != gyros.end(); i++)
std::cout << (*i)->data() << std::endl;
// Read Radars
std::cout << "Reading radars ..." << std::endl;
for (auto i = radars.begin(); i != radars.end(); i++)
std::cout << (*i)->data() << std::endl;
// Loop delay
/* Main loops setting everything up */
int main()
Gyro g1, g2, g3;
Radar r1, r2;
// Sensor arrangement
std::vector<Gyro*> gyros({&g1, &g2, &g3});
std::vector<Radar*> radars({&r1, &r2});
// Runtime organization
std::vector<ReadableDevice*> group_1({&g1, &g2});
std::vector<ReadableDevice*> group_2({&g3, &r1, &r2});
TaskGroup task1(group_1), task2(group_2);
// Launch all threads
std::thread t_main(&sensor_read_loop, gyros, radars);
std::thread t_task1 = task1.thread();
std::thread t_task2 = task2.thread();
// Join all threads
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