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Created August 3, 2020 15:58
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Get all compiled smart contracts sizes
const fs = require('fs');
const Table = require('cli-table');
const table = new Table({
head: ['Contract', 'Size (bytes)'],
colWidths: [50, 15]
const testFolder = './build/contracts/';
const contracts = [];
fs.readdirSync(testFolder).forEach(file => {
contracts.push([file.substring(0, file.length - 5), getSize(file)]);
contracts.sort(function(a, b) {
return a[1] - b[1];
contracts.forEach(value => {
console.log('\n Size cap is about', 24577, '\n');
* Get contract size in bytes
* @param contract
* @returns {number}
function getSize(contract) {
let abi;
try {
abi = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`build/contracts/${contract}`));
return Buffer.byteLength(abi.deployedBytecode, 'utf8') / 2;
} catch (e) {
return 0;
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