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Last active August 25, 2018 21:45
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pragma solidity 0.4.24;
contract SimpleVoting {
string public votingReason;
uint256 public votesToEnd;
mapping (address => bool) public alreadyVoted;
uint256 public votesForTrue;
uint256 public votesForFalse;
bool public isEnded;
constructor(string _votingReason, uint256 _votesToEnd) public {
votingReason = _votingReason;
votesToEnd = _votesToEnd;
function vote(bool _choice) public {
require(alreadyVoted[msg.sender] != true, "Already voted");
require(isEnded != true, "Voting ended");
if(_choice == true) {
votesForTrue += 1;
} else {
votesForFalse += 1;
if(votesForTrue >= votesToEnd || votesForFalse >= votesToEnd) {
isEnded = true;
alreadyVoted[msg.sender] = true;
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