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Created February 4, 2025 08:25
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export {
malloc!, free!, retain!, release!, blockSize, blockCount
setBlockUsed!, headerSize, pageSize, allocationCount
# Current layout:
# l l l l u u u u m m m ....
# | | |
# | used |
# 32-bit size user memory
# Internally we work with a pointer to the header, and consider block sizes
# to include the header. Pointers are shifted to point to user memory at the
# interface.
# (User) pointers are guaranteed to be 8-byte aligned, as long as all
# allocations are a multiple of 8 bytes.
pageSize = Int32(64*1024) # 64 KiB
headerSize = Int32(8)
fn getBlockSize(p: Ptr) { i32load(p) }
fn setBlockSize!(p: Ptr, sz: Int32) { i32store!(p, sz) }
fn getBlockUsed(p: Ptr) { i32load(p + Int32(4)) }
fn setBlockUsed!(p: Ptr, u: Int32) { i32store!(p + Int32(4), u) }
# Initialise first block
setBlockSize!(Ptr(0), pageSize)
fn memorySize() {
memoryPages() * pageSize
fn npages(bytes: Int32) {
div(bytes + pageSize - Int32(1), pageSize)
# Block struct
bundle Block(ptr: Ptr, size: Int32)
fn getBlockSize(Block(_, size)) { size }
fn setBlockSize!(&bl: Block(ptr, _), size) {
setBlockSize!(ptr, size)
bl = Block(ptr, size)
fn getBlockUsed(Block(ptr, _)) { getBlockUsed(ptr) }
fn setBlockUsed!(Block(ptr, _), u: Int32) { setBlockUsed!(ptr, u) }
fn firstBlock() {
Block(Ptr(0), getBlockSize(Ptr(0)))
fn next(&bl: Block(ptr, size)) {
ptr = ptr + size
bl = Block(ptr, getBlockSize(ptr))
fn isLastBlock(Block(ptr, size)) {
addr(ptr + size) == memorySize()
fn publicPtr(Block(ptr, _)) {
ptr + headerSize
# Main logic
# Combine a block with free neighbours to the right
fn coalesce(&bl: Block) {
isLastBlock(bl) && return
cl = next(bl)
getBlockUsed(cl) && return
setBlockSize!(&bl, getBlockSize(bl) + getBlockSize(cl))
# Find a free block of size >= n, creating it if necessary.
fn findFreeBlock(n: Int32) {
bl = firstBlock()
while not(isLastBlock(bl)) {
if not(getBlockUsed(bl)) {
(getBlockSize(bl) >= n) && return bl
if getBlockUsed(bl) {
Block(ptr, size) = bl
bl = Block(ptr+size, Int32(0))
size = getBlockSize(bl)
if size < n {
needed = n - size
alloc = npages(needed)
size = size + alloc*pageSize
setBlockSize!(&bl, size)
return bl
fn trim(&bl: Block(ptr, size), newsize) {
(size <= (newsize + headerSize)) && return
setBlockSize!(&bl, newsize)
newptr = ptr + newsize
setBlockUsed!(newptr, false)
setBlockSize!(newptr, size-newsize)
# Public interface
fn malloc!(n: Int32) {
n = n + headerSize
bl = findFreeBlock(n)
trim(&bl, n)
setBlockUsed!(bl, true)
return publicPtr(bl)
fn free!(p: Ptr) {
p = p - headerSize
setBlockUsed!(p, false)
fn blockSize(p: Ptr) {
getBlockSize(p - headerSize) - headerSize
fn blockCount(p: Ptr) {
Int64(getBlockUsed(p - headerSize))
fn blockUnique(p: Ptr) {
blockCount(p) == 1
fn retain!(p: Ptr) {
p = p - headerSize
n = getBlockUsed(p)
if n == Int32(0) {
abort("Memory management fault: retain")
setBlockUsed!(p, n+Int32(1))
fn release!(p: Ptr, f: Int32) {
p = p - headerSize
n = getBlockUsed(p)
if n == Int32(0) {
abort("Memory management fault: release")
} else if (n == Int32(1)) && (f != Int32(-1)) {
invoke(Function(f, [TPtr], TNil), (p + headerSize) + 8)
# Setting to 0 equates to freeing
setBlockUsed!(p, n-Int32(1))
fn release!(p: Ptr) { release!(p, widen(Int32(-1))) }
fn allocationCount() {
i = 0
bl = firstBlock()
while true {
getBlockUsed(bl) && (i = i + 1)
isLastBlock(bl) && break
return i
fn checkAllocations() {
if allocationCount() != 0 {
println("Warning: retained memory")
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