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Last active December 19, 2016 04:07
Load Testing Examples
# Siege attempts to recreate real traffic by using a CSV of urls to hit.
# This allows you to remove requests for assets, if you're running a CDN.
# c = concurrent users
# i = "like the internet would visit"
# b = benchmark (no delay needed)
# t = time
# f = file with urls 1 per line
siege -c100 -i -b -t120S -f urls.csv
# Another option is Apache's AB
# It's a benchmarking tool for hitting a single url to stress-test the server.
# r = ignore failed requests
# k = enable keep-alive
# c = # of concurrent users
# n = # of requests for the entire session
ab -r -k -c 128 -n 1280
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