local measurementFile = assert(os.getenv("MEASUREMENT_FILE"), "Please set MEASUREMENT_FILE") |
-- occurences, min, max, sum |
---@type table<string, {[1]:number,[2]:number,[3]:number,[4]:number}> |
local result = {} |
-- Load file |
local f = assert(io.open(measurementFile, "rb")) |
if arg[1] == "w" then |
local fast_tonumber_for_this_purpose |
if jit then |
---@param n string |
---@return number |
function fast_tonumber_for_this_purpose(n) |
local v = 0 |
local start = n:byte() == 45 and 2 or 1 -- 45 = "-" character |
local dot = n:find(".", 1, true) |
for i = start, dot - 1 do |
v = v * 10 + n:byte(i) - 48 -- 48 = "0" |
end |
return (3 - 2 * start) * (v * 10 + n:byte(dot + 1) - 48) |
end |
else |
function fast_tonumber_for_this_purpose(n) |
return tonumber(n, 10) * 10 |
end |
end |
local startPos = tonumber(arg[2]) |
local endPos = tonumber(arg[3]) |
-- Since we're seeking anywhere, find closest line |
local lineIterator = f:lines() |
f:seek("set", math.max(startPos - 1, 0)) |
if startPos > 0 and f:read(1) ~= "\n" then |
-- Align to next line |
lineIterator() |
end |
---@cast lineIterator fun():(string?) |
-- Process rows |
-- local nrows = 10000000 |
for line in lineIterator do |
-- nrows = nrows - 1 |
-- if nrows <= 0 then break end |
local semicolon = line:find(";", 1, true) |
local name = line:sub(1, semicolon - 1) |
local temp = fast_tonumber_for_this_purpose(line:sub(semicolon + 1)) |
local r = result[name] |
if r == nil then |
r = {0, 999, -999, 0} |
result[name] = r |
end |
r[1] = r[1] + 1 |
r[2] = math.min(r[2], temp) |
r[3] = math.max(r[3], temp) |
r[4] = r[4] + temp |
if f:seek() >= endPos then |
break |
end |
end |
f:close() |
-- Print out intermediate result |
for k, v in pairs(result) do |
io.write(string.format("%s;%d;%d;%d;%d\n", k, unpack(v))) |
end |
else |
local function getCPUCount() |
local cpu = os.getenv("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS") |
if cpu then |
return assert(tonumber(cpu)) |
elseif package.path:find("/", 1, true) then |
-- Linux |
local f2 = assert(io.popen("nproc", "r")) |
local num = assert(f2:read("*n")) |
f2:close() |
return num |
end |
end |
---@param v number |
local function theRounding(v) |
if v < 0 then |
return math.ceil(v - 0.5) |
else |
return math.floor(v + 0.5) |
end |
end |
local filesize = f:seek("end") |
f:close() |
local ncpu = getCPUCount() |
local splits = {0} |
local splitEvery = math.floor(filesize / ncpu) |
local splitRemainder = filesize % ncpu |
for _ = 1, ncpu do |
splits[#splits+1] = splits[#splits] + splitEvery + math.min(math.max(splitRemainder, 0), 1) |
splitRemainder = splitRemainder - 1 |
end |
---@type file*[] |
local workers = {} |
for i = 1, ncpu do |
-- arg[-1] = interpreter |
-- arg[0] = script name |
local cmd = arg[-1].." "..arg[0].." w "..splits[i].." "..splits[i + 1] |
io.stderr:write("Launching ", cmd, "\n") |
local w = assert(io.popen(cmd, "r")) |
workers[#workers+1] = w |
end |
-- Collect results |
for _, w in ipairs(workers) do |
for line in w:lines() do |
-- Thank Lua strips the trailing newline for us |
local l = line |
---@cast l string |
local name, occurences, mintemp, maxtemp, sum = l:match("^([^;]+);(%-?%d+);(%-?%d+);(%-?%d+);(%-?%d+)$") |
local r = result[name] |
if r == nil then |
r = {0, 999, -999, 0} |
result[name] = r |
end |
r[1] = r[1] + occurences |
r[2] = math.min(r[2], tonumber(mintemp)) |
r[3] = math.max(r[3], tonumber(maxtemp)) |
r[4] = r[4] + sum |
end |
w:close() |
end |
-- Rewrite rows in alphabetical order |
---@type {[1]:string,[2]:string}[] |
local result2 = {} |
for k, v in pairs(result) do |
result2[#result2+1] = {k, string.format("%s=%.1f/%.1f/%.1f", k, v[2] / 10, theRounding(v[4] / v[1]) / 10, v[3] / 10)} |
end |
table.sort(result2, function (a, b) |
return a[1] < b[1] |
end) |
---@type string[] |
local result3 = {} |
for _, v in ipairs(result2) do |
result3[#result3+1] = v[2] |
end |
-- Print result |
io.write("{", table.concat(result3, ", "), "}\n") |
end |