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Created January 11, 2019 00:10
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#hifi #raycast Raycasting code for controllers and mouse button
var lastMouseX;
var lastMouseY;
// Record the last mousePressEvent
function mousePressEvent(event) {
lastMouseX = event.x;
lastMouseY = event.y;
mapping.from(Controller.Hardware.Keyboard.LeftMouseButton).to(function (value) {
if (value === 1) {
var pickRay = Camera.computePickRay(lastMouseX, lastMouseY);
var avatarIntersection = AvatarList.findRayIntersection(pickRay);
var uuid = avatarIntersection.avatarID;
if (uuid && uuid !== MyAvatar.sessionUUID) {
// Utility function to get the controller offset
function getGrabPointSphereOffset(handController, ignoreSensorToWorldScale) {
var GRAB_POINT_SPHERE_OFFSET = { x: 0.04, y: 0.13, z: 0.039 }; // x = upward, y = forward, z = lateral
if (handController === Controller.Standard.LeftHand) {
offset = {
if (ignoreSensorToWorldScale) {
return offset;
} else {
return Vec3.multiply(MyAvatar.sensorToWorldScale, offset);
// controllerWorldLocation is where the controller would be, in-world, with an added offset
function getControllerWorldLocation(handController, doOffset) {
var orientation;
var position;
var valid = false;
if (handController >= 0) {
var pose = Controller.getPoseValue(handController);
valid = pose.valid;
var controllerJointIndex;
if (pose.valid) {
if (handController === Controller.Standard.RightHand) {
controllerJointIndex = MyAvatar.getJointIndex("_CAMERA_RELATIVE_CONTROLLER_RIGHTHAND");
} else {
controllerJointIndex = MyAvatar.getJointIndex("_CAMERA_RELATIVE_CONTROLLER_LEFTHAND");
orientation = Quat.multiply(MyAvatar.orientation, MyAvatar.getAbsoluteJointRotationInObjectFrame(controllerJointIndex));
position = Vec3.sum(MyAvatar.position, Vec3.multiplyQbyV(MyAvatar.orientation, MyAvatar.getAbsoluteJointTranslationInObjectFrame(controllerJointIndex)));
// add to the real position so the grab-point is out in front of the hand, a bit
if (doOffset) {
var offset = getGrabPointSphereOffset(handController);
position = Vec3.sum(position, Vec3.multiplyQbyV(orientation, offset));
} else if (!HMD.isHandControllerAvailable()) {
// NOTE: keep this offset in sync with scripts/system/controllers/handControllerPointer.js:493
var VERTICAL_HEAD_LASER_OFFSET = 0.1 * MyAvatar.sensorToWorldScale;
position = Vec3.sum(Camera.position, Vec3.multiplyQbyV(Camera.orientation, { x: 0, y: VERTICAL_HEAD_LASER_OFFSET, z: 0 }));
orientation = Quat.multiply(Camera.orientation, Quat.angleAxis(-90, { x: 1, y: 0, z: 0 }));
valid = true;
return {
position: position,
translation: position,
orientation: orientation,
rotation: orientation,
valid: valid
// Utility code to handle which hand triggers
function getUUIDFromLaser(hand){
hand = hand === Controller.Standard.LeftHand
? Controller.Standard.LeftHand
: Controller.Standard.RightHand;
var pose = getControllerWorldLocation(hand);
var start = pose.position;
var direction = Vec3.multiplyQbyV(pose.orientation, {x:0, y:1, z: 0});
var avatarIntersection = AvatarList.findRayIntersection({origin:start, direction:direction});
var uuid = avatarIntersection.avatarID;
return uuid;
mapping.from(Controller.Standard.LTClick).to(function (value) {
if (value === 0) {
var uuid = getUUIDFromLaser(Controller.Standard.LeftHand);
if (uuid && uuid !== MyAvatar.sessionUUID) {
mapping.from(Controller.Standard.RTClick).to(function (value) {
if (value === 0) {
var uuid = getUUIDFromLaser(Controller.Standard.RightHand);
if (uuid && uuid !== MyAvatar.sessionUUID) {
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