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Miles MilesQLi

Working from home
  • Montreal, Canada
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MilesQLi /
Created October 28, 2022 14:00 — forked from MSFTserver/
guide to installing disco v5+ locally on windows

Install Disco Diffusion v5 for Windows

NOTE: Pytorch3d no longer has to be compiled i have stripped out the function we use to make this a lot easier and also so we do not have to use WSL2 with linux and can now run directly on your windows system.

Comments section is not checked often for issues please join the disco diffusion discord for assistance

You may now use the official disco diffusion notebook with this tutorial as it has been uodated to reflect the changes here for better cross platform support

import yara
#Path to the folder containing downloaded files in the first part
rules_path = 'path/to/the/folder/containing/downloaded/rules'
#Read files
peid_rules = yara.compile(rules_path + 'peid.yar')
packer_rules = yara.compile(rules_path + 'packer.yar')
crypto_rules = yara.compile(rules_path + 'crypto.yar')
MilesQLi /
Created April 17, 2022 14:41 — forked from islem-esi/
peid rules for packers cryptors
#first, let's define the list of packers/cryptors we want to detect
packers = ['AHTeam', 'Armadillo', 'Stelth', 'yodas', 'ASProtect', 'ACProtect', 'PEnguinCrypt',
'UPX', 'Safeguard', 'VMProtect', 'Vprotect', 'WinLicense', 'Themida', 'WinZip', 'WWPACK',
'Y0da', 'Pepack', 'Upack', 'TSULoader'
'SVKP', 'Simple', 'StarForce', 'SeauSFX', 'RPCrypt', 'Ramnit',
'RLPack', 'ProCrypt', 'Petite', 'PEShield', 'Perplex',
'PELock', 'PECompact', 'PEBundle', 'RLPack', 'NsPack', 'Neolite',
'Mpress', 'MEW', 'MaskPE', 'ImpRec', 'kkrunchy', 'Gentee', 'FSG', 'Epack',
'DAStub', 'Crunch', 'CCG', 'Boomerang', 'ASPAck', 'Obsidium','Ciphator',
'Phoenix', 'Thoreador', 'QinYingShieldLicense', 'Stones', 'CrypKey', 'VPacker',
MilesQLi /
Created April 17, 2022 14:29 — forked from islem-esi/
detect packing with pefile
#don't forget this
import pefile
#first, let's get the list of sections names used by packers/cryptors
packers_sections = {
#The packer/protector/tools section names/keywords
'.aspack': 'Aspack packer',
'.adata': 'Aspack packer/Armadillo packer',
'ASPack': 'Aspack packer',
'.ASPack': 'ASPAck Protector',
MilesQLi / The American
Created May 10, 2020 15:51 — forked from ErikSwan/The American
Text of "The American Inferno", a book by (fictional) author Evelyn Miller in the game Red Dead Redemption 2. Actual author unknown.

The American Inferno

Chapter II

In the end, what has a man but his thoughts? I would postulate further, what has a man to stand for, but his thoughts? His actions, perhaps? I know precious little of actions. Lions, donkeys, hyenas. They all act. So is that what we are? No. We are more and less than the beasts. We are thoughts. We are actions and the reflections upon those actions. Yet, we are also not merely reflections. We are not mirrors.

That is the preserve of spirits, of the gods. We are actions and the thoughts upon actions. Neither one nor other. We are free neither from action, nor from thought. Our humanity can only be understood if we embrace both the animal and the god within us. As humans, we must nourish both, yet America is a land of action. A place fixated not on ideas, not on the redemptive power of thought but on the obliteration of the intellect.

It is a place wherein mankind has attempted to deny half of his being, and in pursuing freedom has attempted to split himself. Much like the

MilesQLi /
Created May 14, 2019 18:38 — forked from bstriner/
Performance tests for Pytorch LSTMs
A series of speed tests on pytorch LSTMs.
- LSTM is fastest (no surprise)
- When you have to go timestep-by-timestep, LSTMCell is faster than LSTM
- Iterating using chunks is slightly faster than __iter__ or indexing depending on setup
My Ubuntu server:
OS: posix, pytorch version: 0.4.0a0+67bbf58
MilesQLi /
Created April 10, 2018 01:57 — forked from takluyver/
Run 2to3 on IPython notebooks
#!/usr/bin/env python3
To run: python3 notebook-or-directory
# Authors: Thomas Kluyver, Fernando Perez
# See:
import argparse
import pathlib
from nbformat import read, write
MilesQLi / forkAllGitHubRepos.js
Created April 4, 2018 17:06 — forked from techpavan/forkAllGitHubRepos.js
Fork all repositories from a user on GitHub
var totalForkCount;
var curForkCount=0;
var errorForkArray = new Array();
function initProcess(){
var user = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1];
var pageNo = 1;
var hrefArray = new Array();
while(hrefArray.length % 30 == 0){
var resp = sendSyncAjax(""+user+"?tab=repositories&page="+pageNo);
MilesQLi /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21 — forked from jayendra13/
import theano
from theano import tensor as T
from theano.tensor.nnet import conv
from skimage import io
import numpy
import pylab
rng = numpy.random.RandomState(23455)
# instantiate 4D tensor for input