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Created August 26, 2020 15:25
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Vim plugin that add chdir commands to current file's directory or fern path.
" Vim plugin file - cdcurrent
" Purpose: Setup chdir commands
let s:is_windows = has('win32') || has('win64')
" cd to current file's directory
command! -bang Ccd call s:chdir_current('cd<bang>')
command! -bang Clcd call s:chdir_current('lcd<bang>')
command! -bang Ctcd call s:chdir_current('tcd<bang>')
function! s:chdir_current(cmd) abort
let path = expand('%')
if path =~# '^fern://'
let fri = fern#fri#parse(path)
let path = fern#fri#to#filepath(fern#fri#parse(fri))
elseif path =~# '://'
echohl WarningMsg
echo "Path is URI: " .. path
echohl None
let path = fnamemodify(path, ':p:h')
execute a:cmd fnameescape(path)
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