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nurupo /
Last active October 14, 2023 16:16
How to close a channel on Freenode when migrating to Libera

How to close a channel on Freenode when migrating to Libera

Run /msg NickServ LISTCHANS to see what permissions you have in what channels.

For each channel you have +s, +R and either +o or +O or +t permissions in, run:

/msg ChanServ OP #channel
/msg ChanServ SET #channel TOPICLOCK OFF
/msg ChanServ TOPIC #channel We have moved to
cutiful /
Last active March 21, 2024 04:00
Detecting the real IP of a Cloudflare'd Mastodon instance

Detecting the real IP of a Cloudflare'd Mastodon instance

NB: This will not work for instances that proxy outgoing requests!

Reading the docs

I wanted to find a way to detect the real IP address of a Mastodon/Pleroma/Misskey/etc instance hosted behind Cloudflare. How to do that? Well, it's federated, which means I can probably get it to send a request to a server of mine! And how to do that? I tried reading the ActivityPub spec. The following caught my attention:

Servers should not trust client submitted content, and federated servers also should not trust content received from a server other than the content's origin without some form of verification.

Minoru / log.txt
Created October 3, 2016 11:21
У каждой платформы есть дно
Это логи чата, а не протокол какого-то собрания, так что просьба шуточки про JS
близко к сердцу не принимать. Кроме того, речь идёт о JVM, Erlang VM, браузерах,
native, поэтому слово «абстракция» следует понимать как «платформа». —Minoru
Из [email protected]:
<ForNeVeR> ɹǝɟılʍǝu: смотри что. У JS есть своя семантика (модель памяти,
выполнения, и проч.). Прямых маппингов на машинную модель у неё нету.
JS не зависит от машины. Поэтому, чтобы писать на JS, тебе нужно
UndeRus /
Created November 12, 2015 09:11
Openssl minimal rust example
extern crate openssl;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::path::Path;
use std::net::TcpStream;
use openssl::ssl::{Ssl, SslMethod, SslContext, SslStream, SSL_VERIFY_NONE};
use openssl::x509::{X509FileType};
renchap /
Last active February 14, 2025 13:25
One-line certificate generation/renews with Letsencrypt and nginx

Prerequisites : the letsencrypt CLI tool

This method allows your to generate and renew your Lets Encrypt certificates with 1 command. This is easily automatable to renew each 60 days, as advised.

You need nginx to answer on port 80 on all the domains you want a certificate for. Then you need to serve the challenge used by letsencrypt on /.well-known/acme-challenge. Then we invoke the letsencrypt command, telling the tool to write the challenge files in the directory we used as a root in the nginx configuration.

I redirect all HTTP requests on HTTPS, so my nginx config looks like :

server {
alexander-yakushev / latex-cheatsheet-template.tex
Last active March 8, 2024 20:50
Beautiful cheatsheet template for key bindings, compiled with XeLaTeX
%% Copyright 2020 Alexander Yakushev
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
pchiusano / type-inhabitants.markdown
Last active January 7, 2023 17:23
Reasoning about type inhabitants in Haskell

This is material to go along with a 2014 Boston Haskell talk.

We are going to look at a series of type signatures in Haskell and explore how parametricity (or lack thereof) lets us constrain what a function is allowed to do.

Let's start with a decidedly non-generic function signature. What are the possible implementations of this function which typecheck?

wrangle :: Int -> Int
huonw /
Created January 15, 2014 12:42
do-while loops in Rust
while {
let x = foo();
x != 0
} {}
mlocati / color-scale.js
Last active January 15, 2025 16:07
Javascript color scale from 0% to 100%, rendering it from red to yellow to green
// License: MIT -
// Author: Michele Locati <[email protected]>
// Source:
function perc2color(perc) {
var r, g, b = 0;
if(perc < 50) {
r = 255;
g = Math.round(5.1 * perc);
else {
piranha / пше
Last active January 3, 2025 20:56
пше гит, прошу пана
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- mode: python, coding: utf-8 -*-
# This incredible piece of code makes git a bit Polish, a bit Western Ukrainian,
# пше прошу пана
# Joke is based on fact that 'git' is 'пше' in qwerty/йцукен layouts
# (c) 2013 Alexander Solovyov under terms of WTFPL
import sys