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These are esbuild metafiles from bundling the following file with esbuild and bundlejs for okikio/bundlejs#43:

export { ChakraProvider, Container, Input } from "@chakra-ui/react";

Source: bundlejs, esbuild

cutiful /
Last active June 27, 2022 08:45
ESTree spec as a table

ESTree node types

interface base type body argument id value test source left right operator expression kind computed label consequent key name generator object alternate init elements properties method prefix property callee arguments expressions static local specifiers declaration exported loc start end line column regex sourceType params async directive discriminant cases block handler finalizer param update declarations shorthand await delegate quasis tag quasi tail superClass meta imported bigint optional
Node string SourceLocation | "null"
SourceLocation string | "null" Position Position
cutiful /
Last active March 21, 2024 04:00
Detecting the real IP of a Cloudflare'd Mastodon instance

Detecting the real IP of a Cloudflare'd Mastodon instance

NB: This will not work for instances that proxy outgoing requests!

Reading the docs

I wanted to find a way to detect the real IP address of a Mastodon/Pleroma/Misskey/etc instance hosted behind Cloudflare. How to do that? Well, it's federated, which means I can probably get it to send a request to a server of mine! And how to do that? I tried reading the ActivityPub spec. The following caught my attention:

Servers should not trust client submitted content, and federated servers also should not trust content received from a server other than the content's origin without some form of verification.