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Created January 7, 2019 10:23
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Nuspec & Nupkg versioning
$expandZipFile =
param($zipFile, $zipDestinationPath)
Expand-Archive -path "$zipFile" -DestinationPath $zipDestinationPath -Force
Write-Output "Searching for .nupkg files in $packagesDirectory"
$files = gci "$packagesDirectory" -recurse | ?{ $_.Extension -eq ".nupkg" } | foreach { gci -Path $_.FullName -Recurse -include *.nupkg }
foreach ($nugetPackageFile in $files)
$zipFilename = $nugetPackageFile.Name -replace ".nupkg", ".zip"
$packageName = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($nugetPackageFile)
$zipDestinationDirectory = Join-Path -Path $nugetPackageFile.Directory -ChildPath $packageName
$zipFilepath = Join-Path -Path $nugetPackageFile.Directory -ChildPath $zipFilename
# Rename the nuget package from a .nupkg to .zip extension and extract the archive
Write-Output "Renaming $($nugetPackageFile.Name) to $zipFilename"
Rename-Item -Path $nugetPackageFile.FullName -NewName $zipFilename
if(!$(Test-Path $packagesDirectory)) { Write-Error "Could not find the packages directory at $packagesDirectory" }
if(!$(Test-Path $zipFilepath)) { Write-Error "Could not find a zip file at $zipFilepath" }
$zipFile = Get-ChildItem $zipFilepath
Write-Output "Starting extraction of $zipFile"
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $expandZipFile -ArgumentList $zipFile, $zipDestinationDirectory | Wait-Job
if($job.State -ne "Completed")
$errorReason = $job.ChildJobs[0].JobStateInfo.Reason.Message
Write-Error "There was an issues unzipping the file at $zipFile because: $errorReason"
Write-Output "Successfully extracted the zip file to $zipDestinationDirectory"
Write-Warning "Found no *.nupkg files."
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