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Created December 8, 2020 06:17
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[Camera Smooth] Create a copy of the selected camera node, using a weighted average of surrounding frames #nuke
Smooth Camera
Creates a new camera linked to the selected one, with a weighted average of the position/rotation curves.
import nuke
def deselectAll():
for node in nuke.selectedNodes():
def createSmoothCopy(cam):
Create a copy cam
@type cam: nuke.Node
answ = nuke.getInput("how many frames to smooth by", "3")
frameDist = int(answ)
newCam = nuke.selectedNode()
for knobName in ("translate", "rotate"):
knob = newCam[knobName]
for channel, channelName in enumerate("xyz"):
w_sum = 1
numerator = "{}.{}.{}(frame)".format(cam.fullName(), knobName, channelName)
for i in range(frameDist):
w = 1.0 / (i+2)
numerator += " + {:0.2f}*{}.{}.{}(frame+{})".format(w, cam.fullName(), knobName, channelName, i+1)
numerator += " + {:0.2f}*{}.{}.{}(frame-{})".format(w, cam.fullName(), knobName, channelName, i+1)
w_sum += 2*w
expr = "({}) / {}".format(numerator, w_sum)
knob.setExpression(expr, channel)
return newCam
if __name__ == '__main__':
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