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Created May 14, 2015 13:46
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# Change Log
## [Unreleased](
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- EasyEngine v3.1.4 | Can't install stack [\#538](
**Closed issues:**
- Pretty Pissed - Upgrade does 502/504 bad gateway [\#541](
## [v3.1.4]( (2015-05-07)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- PageSpeed being shut down - alternatives? [\#534](
- ee\_platform\_distro is not "debian" [\#525](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Increasing server\_names\_hash\_bucket\_size [\#450]( ([alekseyp](
## [v3.1.3]( (2015-05-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Extra options for site create command [\#453](
- nginx server\_names\_hash\_bucket\_size is too small [\#449](
- Update to PHP 5.6 [\#425](
- proxy site type [\#389](
**Closed issues:**
- Unable to run apt-get update [\#532](
- Failed to "ee stack install --web" on fresh ubuntu 14.04 [\#529](
- Stack Upgrade not working? [\#522](
- Clarification: How to dev a site before pointing the domain to it [\#511](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix Typo. [\#527]( ([irazasyed](
## [v3.1.2]( (2015-04-29)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- support of procxy\_cache [\#512](
- NGINX fails to reload after adding ---hhvm [\#504](
- Minor Improvements [\#503](
- `ee clean --all` not including pagespeed [\#500](
## [v3.1.1]( (2015-04-21)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- ee site update-all [\#491](
- `ee clean` command should consider pagespeed, hhvm etc [\#473](
- Upgrade-safe custom nginx config [\#352](
- import-slow-log tweaks [\#322](
- Minimal easyengine install [\#284](
- hhvm support checklist [\#199](
**Closed issues:**
- sftp with password is failing [\#501](
## [v3.1.0]( (2015-04-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Purge warning [\#485](
**Closed issues:**
- Way to exclude file from fastcgi\_cache [\#490](
- Setting up NGINX configuration \[FAIL\] [\#487](
## [v3.0.10]( (2015-04-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- xdebug cause slowlyness as well in the www.conf FPM pool [\#483](
## [v3.0.9]( (2015-04-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Undeletable site? [\#413](
## [v3.0.8]( (2015-04-09)
[Full Changelog](
## [v3.0.7]( (2015-04-09)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- 3.0.1 =\> 3.0.6? [\#480]( ([rippler](
## [v3.0.6]( (2015-04-02)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- nginx extra conf support [\#314](
- \[enhancement\] Insert "if" stub in site config [\#219](
- Support installing easyengine on existing server [\#101](
**Fixed bugs:**
- \[enhancement\] Input validation [\#224](
**Closed issues:**
- Unable to copy EasyEngine \(ee\) auto completion file [\#479](
- Odd problem, not sure if it's your concern [\#478](
- sudo bash ee sent installer to background [\#476](
- Error - Unable to Run apt-get install [\#474](
- ARM: Unable to run apt-get update [\#469](
- Move log files [\#467](
- Run HHVM in 3.0.5 version [\#465](
- Broken after upgrade [\#464](
- VSFTPD - Virtual Users [\#463](
- conf [\#462](
- Possible Bug used by Malware? [\#460](
**Merged pull requests:**
- added two dummy plugins and ee plugin tutorial [\#477]( ([rjdp](
- 3.0.1-\>3.0.5 [\#475]( ([rippler](
## [v3.0.5]( (2015-03-18)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- WordPress Query Monitor plugin [\#406](
- database for easyengine [\#139](
**Closed issues:**
- Fastcgi cache cookie issue? [\#459](
- FRESH DROPLET clean default fast cgi wordpress config is very slow and memory intensive [\#457](
- FRESH DROPLET Unable to clean OpCache [\#456](
- Upgrade causes issue with mysql password. [\#454](
- Documentation link for migrate displays 404 error [\#452](
- ViMbAdmin timezone issue [\#446](
- EE mail stack, MIME issue? [\#440](
- ImageMagick must be installed by default [\#430](
- nginx connection reset by peer while reading from upstream [\#416](
- Welcome to NGINX page on SSL install - http [\#412](
- XML Sitemap from All in One Seo Pack not working - Redirection issue [\#387](
- Sanity Checks for Multi-Server Setups \(on \*all\* packages\) [\#381](
- Modify ee to not disqualify Raspbian [\#356](
- AWS static IP [\#343](
- Browser Caching - Cache-Control and ETag [\#300](
- EasySetup [\#266](
- Adding additional subdomains/domains after site configured? [\#261](
- Multisite sub blog to replace main blog [\#254](
- Cookie Issue - Solution [\#226](
- Create directory for location of SSL certs [\#222](
- HipHop Support [\#180](
- Problem with ee edit & sensible-editor [\#172](
## [v3.0.4]( (2015-02-25)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Can't add PHP repository [\#441](
- Reload : nginx \[Failed\], Unable to change owner : /var/www/ [\#439](
- ee log command [\#429](
- EE3.0.1 locale issue + mail issue, based on ticket \#409 [\#414](
## [v3.0.3]( (2015-02-23)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- ee debug --mysql [\#390](
**Closed issues:**
- missing locations [\#438](
- EasyEngine Global Variables [\#437](
- No prompt for admin tools during install [\#436](
- Where is nginx.conf in ee 3? [\#433](
- Error with Remote MySQL: no dbhost passed to wp-cli when creating config [\#431](
- `ee stack restart` doesn't consider remote mysql [\#428](
- bug in `ee debug --stop` command [\#427](
- bug in debug pool [\#426](
- Not able to access PMA page [\#422](
- Missing config file in EE 3.0.2? [\#421](
- upgrade to EE3.0.2 returns a message that EE3.0.1 is already installed [\#420](
- Unable to change owner : /var/www/ [\#418](
- "Error occurred while executing command" on installing php [\#417](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixing no dbpass being passed to wp-cli [\#434]( ([michaelryanmcneill](
- Add dbhost to wp-config create function [\#432]( ([joshlyford](
- include more gzip types [\#423]( ([cborgia](
## [v3.0.2]( (2015-02-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- ee stack purge php [\#415](
- nginx error on update [\#411](
- FATAL -\> Failed to fork [\#407](
- InfiniteWP - "Control ALL your sites from a single, powerful admin panel." [\#402](
## [v3.0.1]( (2015-02-12)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Check email address validity during setup [\#366](
**Closed issues:**
- Easy Engine Stack - unrecognized arguments [\#408](
- - useful service [\#398](
- Unable to download WordPress, exit status = 255 [\#392](
- Updates script from 2.x to 3.x [\#383](
- Python Coding for EE 3.0 [\#382](
## [v3.0.0]( (2015-02-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Initial load delay [\#405](
- fastcgi\_cache\_use\_stale [\#404](
- Tutorials vs ee [\#403](
- Installing with mysql db hosted on another server [\#401](
- Nginx will not start or restart [\#400](
## [v2.2.3]( (2015-02-02)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Download index.php instead of executing it [\#399](
- Percona MySQL does not install on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS [\#395](
- query\_cache\_type - Should this be set to `ON`? If so how is that done please? [\#388](
- Request: short\_open\_tag = On [\#385](
- apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade - cautionary question [\#379](
- Default admin tools authentication [\#378](
- Adjusting PHP5-FPM pm.max\_children: [\#375](
- SSL - servers certificate chain is not installed correctly [\#374](
- High CPU \(php5-fpm\) After User Comments on Wordpress Blog? [\#365](
- Impossible to generate Sitemap and robots.txt with plugins [\#340](
- Disable Performance Schema On Newer MySQL [\#326](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update [\#396]( ([MiteshShah](
- updated vimbadmin version [\#394]( ([ouzhangazi](
- Cache only certain response codes [\#393]( ([pjv](
- Either add sudo or mention root is needed [\#386]( ([rippler](
- Allow Raspbian to pass EE\_LINUX\_DISTRO check [\#357]( ([rippler](
- Support for Akismet [\#296]( ([xavivars](
- Optionally load MySQL root password from .my.cnf [\#281]( ([thewebists](
## [v2.2.2]( (2014-12-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Best practice for SSL caching [\#373](
- SSL blank page when using http:// [\#372](
- MySQL is not restarting [\#371](
- PMA availability [\#369](
- Domain Mapping - nginx conflict [\#368](
- Add HHVM to EE [\#364](
- Exclude Postfix from default EE install. [\#363](
- 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' error using FontAwesome [\#361](
- exit [\#354](
- \[META\] Feedback Request from EasyEngine Users [\#353](
- Custom Structure getting 403 on index.php [\#348](
- Compatibility with 14.10 [\#339](
- Finalizing my stack changing default websites directory to /home and disabling named [\#338](
- Wordpress asking for FTP details [\#337](
- Unable to execute service nginx restart \(or php5\) [\#336](
- phpmyadmin login [\#335](
- ee site update not working properly [\#334](
- Failed to fetch rtcamp repos [\#332](
- Typo in wpsc.conf [\#330](
- Unmet dependencies using easyengine \(and I don't know how to resolve them\) [\#329](
- Disable SSLv3 - Poodlebleed [\#327](
- Error after update to 2.2.1 [\#325](
- Unable to update EE when using an external MySQL server [\#323](
- New Functions [\#304](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Corrected wrong version info [\#360]( ([rippler](
- Revert "Typo in wpsc.conf" [\#349]( ([gau1991](
- Added php tags on ee-config.php for --mysql install [\#347]( ([brennentsmith](
- Fix robots.txt [\#346]( ([pjv](
- Fix robots.txt [\#345]( ([pjv](
- Typo in wpsc.conf [\#331]( ([onurdemir](
## [v2.2.1]( (2014-10-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Running "ee stack install all" for second time will ignore errors [\#318](
- Command to reset password for a wordpress site [\#275](
- New wordpress installation not installing w3 cache [\#208](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Critical error during site deletion when using external MySQL host [\#324]( ([brennentsmith](
## [v2.2.0]( (2014-10-13)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Mail Support [\#65](
**Fixed bugs:**
- ee update can be simplified [\#307](
- FQDN bug [\#306](
**Closed issues:**
- mySQL can't start, then ee can't be uninstalled [\#321](
- Please assist with this 502 error [\#320](
- $\_GET block by easyengine in pages/posts [\#317](
- Painfully slow for admin/logged in users [\#316](
- WordPress Login Details Handling [\#315](
- More flags to ee stack install [\#313](
- WP debug.log symlink in /logs/ folder so all site logs can be in one place [\#312](
- Better autocomplete for debug script [\#311](
- Send slow log [\#310](
- Infinite Loop wp-admin [\#309](
- DKIM with Postfix [\#305](
- Security warning message: The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase\(blowfish\_secret\) phpMyAdmin 4.0.9 [\#301](
- Adding Mobile support EE-WPSC? [\#242](
- Site cache changeing option [\#176](
- mysql 5.6 [\#107](
- EE Site Update [\#103](
## [v2.1.0]( (2014-09-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- phpmyadmin error [\#302](
- Log files has incorrect path for debug command [\#299](
- /usr/bin/pt-query-advisor needed [\#189](
## [v2.0.2]( (2014-08-13)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- fail to install on fresh Ubuntu 14.04 [\#297](
- eeupdate failing if php or my sql not installed [\#295](
- Headless Install [\#294](
- Won't install with Debian 7 64bit Minimal [\#292](
- Error establishing a database connection for some site [\#291](
- ee stack purge fails to remove php5-xdebug [\#290](
- ee stack install failing to install wp-cli components [\#289](
- ee update problem [\#286](
- Is there any simple way to install selected version of easyengine ? [\#210](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Badge [\#282]( ([waffle-iron](
## [v2.0.1]( (2014-07-21)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Install script bug [\#232](
**Closed issues:**
- Unable to install PHP5, exit status = 100 [\#288](
## [v2.0.0]( (2014-07-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Performance improvement in installer [\#177](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Mysql stopped [\#233](
- Error handling for unsupported OS versions [\#181](
**Closed issues:**
- Default nginx config causes redirect for Switzerland users [\#283](
- Redirect question regarding spaces typed into url [\#280](
- Unable to Clone Easy Engine [\#277](
- MariaDB [\#276](
- Opcode Cache is 100% - How do I increase this correctly? [\#274](
- Deleting Log File [\#273](
- Uninstalling [\#272](
- /etc/cron.daily/logrotate unknown command [\#270](
- MariaDB as an additional option! [\#269](
- Check Nginx Config Before Restarting [\#268](
- wp-cli version [\#267](
- ee system install interupted, how to resume the process? [\#264](
- WPSC configuration missing $args [\#262](
- acl "Whitelist" ip address not blocking php files [\#259](
- Ubuntu 14.04 "Unable to Update APT Cache" [\#257](
- How to raise the xml import size [\#253](
- Unabele install phpMyAdmin [\#251](
- total purge - remove all packages, all directories and all configs created by ee? [\#247](
- The following packages cannot be authenticated! [\#246](
- Ability to choose custom DB table Prefix [\#240](
- Variable for admin tools port 22222 [\#221](
- Ubuntu 14.04 - phpapi-20121212+lfs [\#215](
- ee system status [\#205](
- Early Refactoring [\#202](
- Have issue when update to 1.3 [\#179](
- Security handling [\#178](
- Display easyengine version [\#173](
- WordPress SEO by Yoast Support [\#165](
- Avoiding re-downloading of latest wordpress [\#138](
- ee system install simplify [\#123](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Replaced deprecated parameter [\#271]( ([RenzoF](
- Fixes for security issue on admin tools site and bug on wpsc.conf [\#263]( ([RenzoF](
- Valid running for mysql and cached WordPress installs \(TONS faster\) [\#260]( ([dovy](
- Bug Fix for issue \#173 and \#181 [\#249]( ([harshadyeola](
## [v1.3.8]( (2014-05-26)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- caching method changes [\#80](
- Site Clone Transfer [\#11](
**Closed issues:**
- Unable to access phpmyadmin [\#252](
- Do I need to Install Nginx Helper Plugins in WPSC Install? [\#250](
- Installation fail on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS \(packages cannot be authenticated\) [\#245](
- MySQL had stopped working [\#244](
- Folder permission when editing via SFTP/SSH with non root user [\#243](
- MySQL root password [\#241](
- Domain mapping \(\) [\#237](
- phpMyAdmin database import not working [\#235](
- Cannot create user [\#234](
- Praises to the latest Version! [\#231](
- Deletion is not working [\#230](
- Keeping WP files inside a different folder [\#229](
- service nginx restart failure on brand new install [\#228](
- File / Folder Owner permission [\#227](
- Runtime error when running ee system status [\#223](
- Stuck in WP-CLI [\#218](
- ee probably issues wrong command for --mysql subdomain of --wp site [\#217](
- Unable To Update WordPress Permalink For ee 1.3.6 [\#214](
- Backup And Restore [\#102](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Bug fix for \#173 and \#181 [\#248]( ([harshadyeola](
- Allow deleting site without prompt [\#239]( ([edwinvandeven](
- input validation aat line no 1287 in usr/local/sbin/easyengine [\#236]( ([harshadyeola](
- Don't caclulate swap if none exists [\#225]( ([Swingline0](
- Layout [\#216]( ([rahul286](
## [v1.3.7]( (2014-04-29)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- \[enhancement\] GeoIP filter with ready-made country blacklist or whitelist option [\#213](
- command ee site create --wpsubdir --wpfc installs W3TC too [\#207](
- lsb\_release : command not found [\#206](
- Unable To Update WordPress Permalink For [\#191](
## [v1.3.6]( (2014-04-24)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- sed error on Ubuntu 12.04 [\#203](
- Still running nginx 1.4.1 after update to ee 1.3.5 [\#201](
- Modify homepage to specify which operating systems EasyEngine works on [\#197](
- Ubuntu 14.04 [\#195](
- PageSpeed [\#174](
- W3Total Cache - Comments problem? [\#159](
- Still got issue when updating [\#146](
- EE Site Edit [\#106](
- Making PHP-FPM Use A Unix Socket [\#26](
## [v1.3.5]( (2014-04-22)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Support for newer versions of Ubuntu [\#94](
## [v1.3.4]( (2014-04-22)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Do we need additional software for security [\#196](
- Downgrade PHP 5.5 to 5.3 In Ubuntu [\#194](
- Having issues when deleting a site \(--all\) with password [\#193](
- Unable To Install Nginx PHP5 MySQL Postfix [\#192](
- Convert single site to multisite [\#190](
- ee info command issue [\#188](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add simple redirection for adminer [\#198]( ([Ritesh-patel](
## [v1.3.3]( (2014-04-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- ee site delete delete mysql user [\#186](
**Closed issues:**
- Typo Mistake [\#187](
- Can't access memcache, and other. [\#182](
## [v1.3.2]( (2014-04-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- fastcgi, w3tc, and other cache option [\#185](
## [v1.3.1]( (2014-04-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- "ee system status" bug/issue [\#183](
## [v1.3]( (2014-04-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- ee site edit command polishing [\#157](
- Wordpress debug mode support [\#51](
**Closed issues:**
- debug command testing [\#171](
- Nginx’s Open file cache [\#170](
- Update script for 1.3 [\#160](
- Add dates next to versions in changelog [\#158](
- Misspelling in changelog for v1.2.2 [\#156](
- How to change HTTP Authentication [\#151](
- EE Debug [\#104](
## [v1.2.2]( (2014-03-18)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- w3tc sites and permalink [\#135](
- Status command [\#131](
- mysql username limit of 16 chars [\#113](
- Nginx Settings [\#100](
- ee log [\#7](
**Closed issues:**
- Error when creating site in Network - 504 Gateway Time-out [\#149](
- Debian7: Install error - Unable To Update APT Cache [\#136](
- Change Installer to use wp-cli version tested by us [\#129](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update fastcgi.conf [\#155]( ([MiteshShah](
- Modified the config nginx templates files to use relative path [\#153]( ([Mermouy](
## [v1.2.1]( (2014-03-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Debian version \(support\) [\#86](
**Closed issues:**
- update to 1.2 throws error at the end [\#134](
- Issue Reading MySQL Details From .my.cnf [\#33](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes issue \#135 [\#137]( ([UmeshSingla](
## [v1.2]( (2014-02-20)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Start using own wp-cli mirror to avoid future issues [\#125](
**Closed issues:**
- Error when installing multisite [\#127](
- What part should be installed as root and what as "www" user [\#119](
- Creating our own PPA for nginx [\#112](
- Configure Memcache [\#99](
- ee\* subdomain for all scripts we are planning to use [\#90](
- Get 403 on PMA [\#88](
- Support PHP 5.3 [\#28](
## [v1.1.5]( (2014-02-17)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- "Unable to create wordpress tables" error [\#121](
## [v1.1.4]( (2014-02-13)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Operation CREATE USER failed for 'domain\_com'@'localhost' - ee doesn't check if it has req'd privileges? [\#120](
## [v1.1.3]( (2014-01-28)
[Full Changelog](
## [v1.1.2]( (2014-01-28)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- create separate db user per site [\#67](
**Closed issues:**
- Site delete issue [\#111](
- few things [\#110](
- How to reinstall PMA? [\#109](
- invalid number of arguments in "allow" directive in /etc/nginx/common/acl.conf:8 [\#108](
- DB User only works with "root" [\#95](
## [v1.1.1]( (2014-01-17)
[Full Changelog](
## [v1.1.0]( (2014-01-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- www and non-www handling [\#71](
- ee info command [\#69](
- Add an option to create php + mysql site [\#68](
- Optimizing Nginx Configuration [\#30](
**Closed issues:**
- Allow Access For Status Pages From Dynamic IP Address [\#98](
- easyengine with zpanel [\#96](
- ee system install needs polishing [\#47](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Debian \(my adapt\) + MariaDB add to easyengine [\#87]( ([Mermouy](
## [v1.0.1]( (2013-12-17)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Installer tweaks [\#78](
- More automation for system installation [\#72](
- Protect EE Shared Locations [\#60](
- SSL Session Cache [\#56](
- On default installation of nginx, the variable server\_names\_hash is commented which is giving this error [\#27](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Making use of 'tee' and later on checking for it's availability [\#61](
**Closed issues:**
- install error ee site create wpsubdomain w3tc [\#93](
- Install memcache [\#91](
- Multisite feature [\#89](
- PHP Version [\#85](
- Forget PMA password & id [\#82](
- Can i migrate from w3tc to no cache? [\#81](
- 1.2 [\#77](
- monitor for changes [\#74](
- FTP Solution [\#73](
- Docker [\#64](
- MariaDB [\#63](
- wpcommon.conf issue while setup new domain [\#59](
- limit\_req\_zone failed [\#58](
- Give option during site creation [\#35](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Changelog [\#57]( ([manishsongirkar](
## [v1.0.0]( (2013-10-01)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- wp-config.php and salts [\#2](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Tried to create already exist domain, overwrite nginx conf file without any notice. [\#38](
**Closed issues:**
- rt\_cache issue [\#54](
- Not able to create site if "/" present in domain [\#52](
- Restarting Nginx Configuration issue while install EasyEngine [\#50](
- WP single site creating issue [\#48](
- PMA Install Issue [\#45](
- Not able to create wordpress single site [\#44](
- Installation Script copy command issue [\#41](
- Remove PHP Can Install Apache Packages [\#40](
- Issue in easyengine git and pma [\#39](
- Setup prompt [\#37](
- after updating the EE, its again asking to overwrite files [\#34](
- Curl is not installed by default [\#32](
- Custom Nginx Access Log [\#29](
- ed: command not found [\#25](
- mysqlnd support [\#21](
- Compress Data [\#20](
- Remove blogs.dir for mutlisite WP [\#19](
- Option for wp\_ prefix for database [\#18](
- Autocompletion [\#16](
- Access to phpmyadmin [\#12](
- Nginx Doen't Start Properly [\#10](
- Domain Name [\#9](
- Check if Ubuntu [\#6](
- php does not auto start [\#4](
- Better way to restart services [\#1](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixed "/" issue in domain [\#53]( ([manishsongirkar](
- Added Header [\#49]( ([manishsongirkar](
- Changed Wiki location [\#43]( ([manishsongirkar](
- Fix [\#42]( ([manishsongirkar](
- Display Message While Setting Up WordPress [\#24]( ([manishsongirkar](
- Minor RegEx fix [\#22]( ([sameerjoshi](
\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*
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