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Save MitsuhaMiyamizu/a4178d9f8f17caca6618a806307d4d97 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Update the GCC and the whole system, using hardened GCC to get every package hardened.
# emerge --sync
# eselect news read new
# emerge eix
# eix-update
# screen -R eme
# eselect profile list
# eselect profile set [hardening profile number]
# source /etc/profile
# emerge --oneshot gcc
# emerge --oneshot binutils virtual/libc
# emerge --update --deep --with-bdeps=y --newuse --autounmask-write world
# ufw default reject
# ufw allow 22/tcp
# ufw allow in http
# ufw allow in https
# vim /etc/ufw/before.rules
# -A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT
# -A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP
# nano /etc/conf.d/hostname
# echo clock="local" >> /etc/conf.d/hwclock
# echo 'LANG="en_US.UTF-8"' > /etc/env.d/02local
# echo 'LC_COLLATE="C"' >> /etc/env.d/02local
# locale-gen
# echo "gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc" > /etc/skel/.gemrc
# echo "umask 002" >> /etc/skel/.bashrc
# echo "export RBENV_ROOT=/usr/local/rbenv" >> /etc/skel/.bashrc
# echo 'export PATH="$RBENV_ROOT/shims:$RBENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> /etc/skel/.bashrc
# groupadd web, sftponly
# useradd -m -g web -G users,wheel,cron -s /bin/bash your_regular_user
# passwd your_regular_user
# useradd -m -g web -G users,cron -s /bin/bash deployer
# passwd deployer
# useradd -m -g web -G users,[wheel],[sftponly],[cron] -s /bin/bash hosted_site_user
# passwd hosted_site_user
# chgrp root /home/hosted_site_user
# chown root /home/hosted_site_user
# mkdir /home/hosted_site_user/www
# mkdir /home/hosted_site_user/www/app
# chmod g+w /home/hosted_site_user/www/app
# chgrp web /home/hosted_site_user/www/app
# chown hosted_site_user /home/hosted_site_user/www/app
[sftponly] -> add sftp access and blocks remote ssh login
# cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Rome /etc/localtime
# echo "Europe/Rome" > /etc/timezone
# netselect -s 3 >> /etc/ntp.conf
# USE="-perl nginx_modules_http_gzip_static -nginx_modules_http_geo -X -alsa -cups -ant" >> /etc/make.conf
# emerge nginx sqlite git
# nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Subsystem sftp internal-sftp
Match Group sftponly
ChrootDirectory %h/www/
AllowTCPForwarding no
X11Forwarding no
ForceCommand internal-sftp -u 0002
# emerge -a --depclean
# emerge -uDNa --with-bdeps=y world
# revdep-rebuild
# Shared rbenv
# cd /usr/local
# git clone git:// rbenv
# chgrp -R web rbenv/
# chmod g+w rbenv/
# mkdir /usr/local/rbenv/plugins
# cd /usr/local/rbenv/plugins
# git clone git://
# chgrp -R web ruby-build
# emerge libyaml
$ rbenv install --list
$ rbenv install 1.9.3-p362
$ rbenv rehash
$ rbenv global 1.9.3-p362
$ gem install bundler
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OK, today I have modified this script to make it only allows specifical incoming and outcoming & forbids any client to ping my server.

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