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Last active January 8, 2025 08:54
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How to Install FAR, HD Texture Pack, and ReShade (GShade) for NieR:Automata on Linux

How to Install FAR, HD Texture Pack, and ReShade (GShade) for NieR:Automata on Linux




I have not tested stabilities of them yet. If you want to try things written below, do it at YOUR OWN RISK.

Motivations (why I want to use FAR on Linux)

  • I'm using a 144Hz monitor, so I want to unlock FPS by FAR.
  • I want to use HD Texture Pack for better graphics, which requires FAR.


  • OS: Arch Linux
  • Kernel: Linux 5.5.2-11-tkg-pds (fsync enabled)
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-8700
  • RAM: 16GB
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
  • Driver: NVIDIA 440.59


  1. Install protontricks to system wide (use later).

    • For Arch Linux, it can install from AUR.
  2. Install tkg-version of proton into Steam. I used Pronton-tkg 5.1.r9.gc26be86c. See Tk-Glitch's PKGBUILD repo for details. proton-tkg.cfg are attached on this gist.

  3. Set NieR:Automata to use proton-tkg on Stream client.

  4. Launch NieR:Automata.

    • If this is the first time to run NieR:Automata, Steam will automatically run Windows DirectX setup and install it to the default prefix of this game.

    • Otherwise, Steam will update the default prefix of this game for your proton-tkg.

  5. Check NieR:Automata runs correctly.

Game directory for NieR:Automata is ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/NieRAutomata/ by default.

Run protontricks -s NieR and check that NieR:Automata's steam app ID is 524220.

FAR - Fix (NieR) Automata Resolution


I tried latest version of FAR (, but it was not stable and had a performance issue. Here, I use version, which is better in performance, though have a problem on GUI menu (might have a workaround).

  1. Configure NieR:Automata as windowed mode, 1600x900 resolution, and VSYNC to OFF, then close the game. I'm not sure, but these setting was worked ok anyway. Disabling VSYNC is mandatory to uncap FPS.

  2. Download FAR (FAR_0_7_0_14.7z) from and extract it.

  3. Copy all extracted files/folders into the game directory (~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/NieRAutomata/).

  4. Install vcrun2015 and dinput8 by protontricks.

    1. Run protontricks 524220 vcrun2015 dinput8 and install vcrun2015 and dinput8.

    2. Run protontricks 524220 winecfg and open winecfg.

      1. Check windows version is set to Windows 10.

      2. Go to Library tab, then set dinput8 to Native then Builtin.

  5. Run NieR:Automata. You will see FAR's OSD (if not seen, press Ctrl + Shift + O), but probably fail to open GUI menu (press Ctrl + Shift + Backspace, then game crashes).

  6. Close the game. You'll see FAR.ini and dinput8.ini are generated in the game directory.

  7. Edit FAR.ini and dinput8.ini. These settings uncap FPS limit in game and fix GUI menu crash (maybe).

    1. Open FAR.ini by your favorite text editor, and edit UncapFPS=false to UncapFPS=true.

    2. Open dinput8.ini and edit as below:

      1. LogLevel in SpecialK.System section to 2 to see logs on OSD.

      2. TargetFPS in Render.FrameRate section to larger value than 60. Or set to 0 to disable FPS limitter.

      3. Silent in Steam.Log section to true. (workaround for fixing GUI crash, maybe)

  8. Run game again. Then in the SquareEnix logo scene you'll see FPS on OSD is higher than 60. And logs on top of the OSD will say uncapped. If you missed to see it in the logo scene (it's quite short), continue and load the save data. In the game (not menu), you'll also see uncapped FPS. If log is not shown on the OSD, disable and enable OSD again by pressing Ctrl + Shift + O twice.

  9. Maybe you can now open GUI menu by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Backspace without game crashing. Tweak FAR as you like there. Do not forget to turn off debug logging (in compatibility/debug section, set log level to 0), which has performance cost.


  • When moving mouse, the game stutters a bit.


Rename or remove dinput8.dll in the game directory.

HD Texture Pack

Same as Windows, no linux specific.


FAR is required to use this pack. If you still not installed FAR, install it first.

  1. Download HD Texture Pack from (NexusMods)[]. You need to create account and sign-in to this site.

  2. Extract the downloaded file and move FAR_Res folder to the NieR:Automata game directory (~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/NieRAutomata/).

  3. Run game. You will see improved graphics.

Uninstall HD Texture Pack

Rename or remove FAR_Res folder in the game directory.

ReShade (or GShade, which is a fork of ReShade) (Optional)


I used GShade, so in this section I write mainly about GShade, but the procedure will be almost same for ReShade. For ReShade on Linux, this guild would be helpful but little a bit different from my case.

  1. Close NieR:Automata if it's running.

  2. Download and extract GShade/ReShade.

    • For GShade, go to and click ZIP FILE button. Then simply extract the downloaded file.

    • For ReShade, go to and click Download ReShade *.*.* button.

      • This link will downlaod .exe version, but you can simply unzip it by unzip command.
  3. Manually install GShade/ReShade to NieR:Automata game directory.

    • For GSahde, copy all files/folders other than d3d9.dll into the game directory.

    • For ReShade, copy ReShade64.json and ReShade64.dll to the game directory, then rename ReShade64.dll to d3d11.dll.

  4. Install d3dcompiler_47 by protontricks.

    1. Run protontricks 524220 d3dcompiler_47. This command installs d3dcompiler_47.dll for the wine prefix.

    2. Run protontricks 524220 winecfg.

      1. Set Windows version to Windows 10.

      2. Go to Library tab, then set d3dcompiler_47 to Native, press OK.

  5. Run NieR:Automata and press Shift + F2 (or Home key for ReShade). If successfully installed, GShade or ReShade menu will be shown on the game. Tweak it as you like.

Issues of Gshade/ReShade

  • I tested GShade 2.1.0 (including ReShade 4.5.3 updates) and ReShade 4.5.3, both had an issue on moving mouse. When mouse cursor is moved, the game is stuck for a couple of seconds. This issue is also shown in FFXIV (stand alone version) on my environment.

Uninstall GShade/ReShade

Rename or remove d3d11.dll file in the game directory.

;UseCrashHandler=true plays MGS alert sound on crashes and outputs crash info to logs/crash/<timestamp>/*.log
;ReservePercent=Percentage of memory game is allowed to use before texture cache begins pruning itself--set higher for better performance
;AllowTearingInDWM=DO NOT TURN THIS ON - It is not compatible with this game
HUDFreeScreenshot=Num -
ToggleCameraCenterLock=Num /
ToggleCameraFreelook=Num 5
# 'Wine-to-rule-them-all' - Proton-TkG config file
# This is a simplified config file with minimal comments. See ../wine-tkg-git/customization.cfg for more details.
# Some options will be missing from this config file compared to wine-tkg-git as they are enforced.
#### NON-MAKEPKG OPTIONS (Won't affect makepkg builds) ####
# Set to true to get a prompt after the 64-bit part is built, enabling package switching before building the 32-bit side.
# This is a workaround for distros shipping broken devel packages that can't coexist as multilib
# Set to true if you want to skip the uninstaller at the end of proton-tkg building
# Proton branch to target for lsteamclient libs and steam helper on 4.x+ - When using a Wine 3.x base, "proton_3.16" branch will be enforced
# Proton SDL Joystick support, xinput hacks and other gamepad additions. _gamepad_additions depends on _sdl_joy_support.
# Proton non-vr-related wined3d additions - Disabled on staging independently of this setting
# Proton wined3d-interop and friends for SteamVR support
# Disable nvapi and nvapi64 - Common fix for various games
# Disable winedbg - Known fix for GTA V online crashing
# Enforce IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE - Fixes 32-bit games hitting address space limitations.
# *Some* games might not like that (only known case so far is System Shock 2).
# Set Pulseaudio latency to 60ms - Can help with sound crackling issues on some configs
# Enable the use of winelib steam.exe to launch games that checks if Steam is running such as Assetto Corsa - Only works with a Wine 4.0+ base
# Will disable "server-Desktop_Refcount" and "ws2_32-TransmitFile" patchsets on staging past 4e7071e4 (4.7+)
# Set to true to disable proton's steamclient lib substitution. Allows running windows steam client in proton (only affects 4.19+)
# ! This will prevent most Steam games to run directly from proton - You only want to use this as a secondary build for non-steam games or running windows steam/games from windows steam !
# Enable Winetricks prompt on game launch - Will use your system winetricks, so you need it installed
# Enable DXVK's async pipecompiler on a compatible DXVK build. Also known as the "poe hack", that option *could* be unsafe regarding anticheats, so beware !
# DXVK options
# hud :
# configfile :
_GCC_FLAGS="-pipe -O2 -ftree-vectorize"
_LD_FLAGS="-pipe -O2 -ftree-vectorize"
_CROSS_FLAGS="-pipe -O2 -ftree-vectorize"
_CROSS_LD_FLAGS="-pipe -O2 -ftree-vectorize"
# Set to a desired additional tag to differentiate builds
# Set to the path of a custom wine source repo if desired (i.e. Leave empty to use official wine source.
# Use the _plain_version option to target a specific commit for this source
# ! Make sure to disable staging if your source isn't compatible with it or it will fail to apply !
# Add a configurable spin count to fsync - might help performance but can introduce stability issues/hanging. Try setting WINEFSYNC_SPINCOUNT=100 envvar
# Sets custom configure-args for 64-bit, separated by a space (example: "--without-mingw --with-vkd3d")
_configure_userargs64="--with-x --with-gstreamer --with-xattr"
# Sets custom configure-args for 32-bit, separated by a space (example: "--without-mingw --with-vkd3d")
_configure_userargs32="--with-x --with-gstreamer --with-xattr"
# You can set _use_dxvk to either "prebuilt" (for builds made with dxvk-tools for example), "release" (using github's latest) or "false" (disabled)
# Setting it to "true" will default to "release"
# You can set _use_d9vk to either "prebuilt" (for builds made with dxvk-tools for example), "release" (using github's latest) or "false" (disabled)
# Setting it to "true" will default to "release"
# pba - Enable with PBA_ENABLE=1 envvar, force-disabled on 3.19 & higher due to known broken state
# legacy gallium nine - This is only available for 4.1-devel (prior to e24b162) and older wine versions - Use nine standalone instead for newer wine
# Fix for Mortal Kombat 11 - Requires staging, native mfplat (win7) and a different GPU driver than RADV - Enable with the WINE_LOW_USER_SPACE_LIMIT=1 envvar
# ! _re4_fix="true" requires _wined3d_additions="false" or it will get ignored !
# Sets the value of an additional fake refresh rate in virtual desktop mode. Leave empty to keep default.
# Enforce mscvrt Dlls to native then builtin - from Proton - Can be detrimental on 4.3+
# community patches - add patches (separated by a space) of your choice by name from the community-patches dir - proton-tkg uses wine-tkg-git patches dir
# example: _community_patches="amdags.mypatch GNUTLShack.mypatch"
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Ahah yes! protontricks 524220 dxvk worked for me. Thanks for the guide!

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Seltyk commented Jan 16, 2021

I wiped my NieR compatdata directory at some point, and now protontricks can't install vcrun2015 or dinput8. The former will just generically "Install failed" at the end, and the latter will drop a "Permission denied" in my terminal and abort.

Update: reinstalling protontricks (which should have no effect) instead crashes when trying to do anything other than search for games. Lovely. So I tried WINEPREFIX=steamapps/compatdata/524220/pfx winetricks vcrun2015 dinput8 which almost worked. The closest I could get to doing any of this just resulted in the game failing to launch. I'm throwing in the towel; FAR just ain't gonna happen without its developer's support.

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I wiped my NieR compatdata directory at some point, and now protontricks can't install vcrun2015 or dinput8. The former will just generically "Install failed" at the end, and the latter will drop a "Permission denied" in my terminal and abort.


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Seltyk commented Jan 16, 2021

Many thanks for the tip. I got a little closer this time, but still no dice. Protok-TkG 5.1 r2, installed vcrun2015, dinput8, and dxvk via protontricks, Windows version set to 10, dinput8 and dxgi set to "native then builtin", and .ini files changed as described – all in that order. This can launch the game to a white screen, white screen turns black, MGS "!" sound plays, then the game crashes. Every other combination of tweaks I've tried will either fail to launch (e.g. every other TkG Proton I've used) or just hang the instant the white screen comes up.

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jayire commented Feb 23, 2021

I followed the guide but with winetricks and dxvk but the game crashes with the MGS ! alert sound, but the game runs normally without FAR. I tried with different versions of FAR and none seem to work. Is there any way I could run this on winetricks also Is there any support for NAIOM mod in linux ?

Edit: I dont't know what i did FAR worked but the fps is too low now.

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smirgol commented May 3, 2021

I unfortunately cannot get this to work at all. :(
proton-tkg acts up for me, either it wont start at all or it crashes. I've tried various versions, amongst them the 5.1.r2 and a self-compiled 6.7.r10 and 6.7.r11.

It will launch with Proton 5.13 (all I've added with winetricks is dxvk, if that is needed at all), but as soon as I add the DLL Override for dinput, all I get is a white window and it will spam this to my proton log to no ends:

16854.643:00f4:0100:fixme:dxgi:dxgi_adapter_SetVideoMemoryReservation iface 0x833a3a0, node_index 56, segment_group 0, reservation 0x0 stub!
16854.643:00f4:0100:fixme:dxgi:dxgi_adapter_QueryVideoMemoryInfo Ignoring node index 57.

I've tried with latest FAR,,

I've meanwhile managed to get it to run, using Proton-6.9-GE-2. Yay! :)

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dagolinuxoid commented Jun 1, 2021

Is anybody managed to get to work the FAR mode on Elementary OS (ubuntu 18.04) ?
ps. Currently the game only runs on my laptop ( nvidia gtx 1080) with proton 4.2.9 version.

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This is a weird one. I followed the tutorial step by step but the OSD just wouldnt appear. So I kinda gave up. Then, today, I got a FAR update notification all of a sudden. Updated, FAR worked and nier automata worked. Then I set it to fullscreen and for some reason this made the window really small. Started again, but now I only get a blackscreen from the game itself while mangohud and FAR mod work perfectly fine. I use arch linux, xanmod rt510 kernel, proton ge custom 6.9. I tried installing dxgi and set it to native then builtin as recommended by the comments, but didnt work. Any other advice as to what I could try?

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maybe I should specify my specs: I use a laptop with a gtx 1650 and an r5 3550h. I use optimus manager to have everything offloaded on the nvidia gpu.

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random404-bot commented Jul 16, 2021

Any changement with the last update of the game ?
with proton 6.9 GE2 i had too far ask for update but still crash the game.

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i'm stoked. i managed to get proton 6.12ge1 to play nice with far 7.0.14 and working after so many attempts with different versions of proton. 6.12 did not crashed on startup and no error message unlike other versions. i did not need to configure far.ini and dinput8.ini. it just works hell yeah! i also manage to drop far res folder with all dds files from windows to linux. this is insane! for people trying to install mods, you should try 6.12ge and far 7.0.14 save yourself headache and frustration.

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Seltyk commented Jul 31, 2021

Did you try any other versions of FAR? If memory serves, there are some newer versions with changes I'd like to use if possible

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Did you try any other versions of FAR? If memory serves, there are some newer versions with changes I'd like to use if possible

i heard later versions are unstable. even on windows, i had problems with performance issues and some mods are not compatible with later versions. experiment and see if it runs smoothly if not then roll back to earlier version.

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Seltyk commented Aug 1, 2021

Well I didn't try any other versions myself but FAR does in fact work effortlessly with Proton 6.12-GE-1. The HD texture pack works, too. Just one catch: I can't seem to remove the FPS cap. Perhaps this is a Wine or Proton or GE patch that FAR just can't override? Maybe I'm missing a winetricks patch? I'm not quite sure, but I will point out a couple of oddities:

  1. the tutorial here says to set LogLevel in SpecialK.System to 2, and to set Silent in Steam.Log to true. This crashes the game, so I left those values as 0 and false. It's just logging; what do I care anyways?
  2. I have no idea what winetricks patches I applied before going ahead with @harrypotterbob's idea, since I left my NieR prefix alone for months and forgot what kind of state I left it in. From the looks of it, I did set dinput8 to "native, builtin" as per the tutorial, and I seem to have dxgi in there too under "native, builtin". I can't tell whether vcrun2015 is there, but I suspect it is given dxgi is there, so if someone knows how to check that, please let me know so I can find out and edit this comment. Windows version is set to Windows 10.
  3. emulating a virtual desktop does not solve workspace switching bugs on i3wm, so uh… don't switch workspaces while playing, I guess.
  4. disabling esync lowers framerate without any visible benefits.
  5. The latest version of the HD texture pack has its data in a directory called SK_Res instead of FAR_Res. Open dinput8.ini and set the following values:
    a. Textures.D3D11 --> ResourceRoot=SK_Res
    b. Textures.General --> ResourceRoot=SK_Res

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mouse issue fixed in proton tkg 6.11.r4.g0dd44a25 btw

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straightcurve commented Sep 7, 2021

latest FAR works too. this is cool


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Seltyk commented Jul 7, 2022

I tried to give this a whirl again, now that Proton has had some time to mature. I opted for GE-Proton7-24 as I suspected that would give me to best outcome.

The only FAR I was able to run was (I tried latest and 18 to no avail) and uncapping the FPS just sorta didn't happen. Setting DXVK_FRAME_RATE=144 didn't help either. I'm very confident this is a DXVK problem, I just can't figure out what I would do. It's a pretty huge letdown because as much as I love HD textures, I was really in this for the framerate.

I have not made any changes to the game's wine prefix since my last comment. Maybe I should protontricks 524220 dxvk as well? I'm not really sure. Ideas welcome.

EDIT: when I wrote this, I did not know FAR had evolved into Special K. I am now investigating Special K and have very few nice things to say about it

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i known that the newer specialk can work with some game and special proton build. u can certainly find more news around the GitHub of steamtinker-launcher. also from what I understand previously far doesn't work with the updated version of nier, where they had some stuff and that came out something like one year ago.

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VenerableCrow commented Jul 17, 2022

Tested with the latest version of special K (stable) 22.6.22 and with the latest protontkg 7.6.r12.g51472395, everything works fine.

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Malya03 commented Sep 19, 2023

Special K works too, but for me, far and special k doesn't change FPS. Mods that made for FAR also works with latest Special K

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Zerodya commented Mar 14, 2024

SpecialK works for me, with FPS uncapped, but with a few issues. What I did:

  • protontricks 524220 vcrun2015
  1. Download SpecialK archive stable, and extract it
  2. Move SpecialK64.dll from the archive to the game root directory, and rename it to dinput8.dll
  3. Download dinput8.ini and FAR.ini from this gist, and move them to the game root directory
  4. Start Nier with the following launch command: WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8.dll=n,b" %command%
  5. To make uncapped FPS work, I think I also had to:
    5a. In game settings, go to Screen and set Screen Mode to Fullscreen
    5b. In SpecialK settings (Ctrl+Shift+Back), go to Display, enable Fullscreen Mode and tick Force Override

Now for the issues, game starts with fps uncapped then just drops to 0fps after the first boot screen. Switching to a different workspace and then back to the game workspace makes the game work with uncapped fps again ...until the next loading screen.

Basically every time there is a loading screen in the game, I need to switch workspace back and forth to continue playing. Not sure if this is related to my compositor or not, I use Hyprland wm.

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alexou2 commented May 1, 2024

I can only launch the game on the first try after applying the far mod. when I try to launch the game a second time, steam will tell me that the game is running and when i try to stop the game via steam, it will just say "stopping" until i kill the game manually. The forst time I launch the game after applying the mod, every thing works great and the menu doesn't crash when using ctrl+shift+backspace. I run kubuntu 23.10(its been causing problems with other things) and i use protontricks from apt. How do i fix this?
Edit: the game will launch if i rename dinput8.dll

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