# # Work with Python 3.6 |
# import discord |
# |
# |
# client = discord.Client() |
# |
# @client.event |
# async def on_message(message): |
# # we do not want the bot to reply to itself |
# if message.author == client.user: |
# return |
# |
# if message.content.startswith('!hello'): |
# msg = 'Hello {0.author.mention}'.format(message) |
# await client.send_message(message.channel, msg) |
#woah |
# Work with Python 3.6 |
import random |
import asyncio |
import aiohttp |
import json |
from random import randint |
from discord.ext import commands |
from discord import Game,User |
from discord.ext.commands import Bot |
import time |
CHESSHELP = ["!c XN>YM: X for column N for row, to column Y row M", |
"!c newgame: start a new game for 2 player", |
"!c ai: start a new game against AI", |
] |
CHESSDEFAULT = [["BR","BK","BB","BQ","BG","BB","BK","BR"], |
["BP","BP","BP","BP","BP","BP","BP","BP"], |
[" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "], |
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], |
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], |
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], |
["WP","WP","WP","WP","WP","WP","WP","WP"], |
["WR","WK","WB","WQ","WG","WB","WK","WR"], |
] |
CHESSCODE = {"BR":"♜","BK":"♞","BB":"♝","BQ":"♛","BG":"♚","BP":"♟", |
"WR": "♖", "WK": "♘", "WB": "♗", "WQ": "♕", "WG": "♔", "WP": "♙",' ':' □'} |
def toUpper(arg): |
return arg.upper() |
def updateChessBoard(): |
pass |
def readNum(a): |
return Read(str(a)) |
def Read(a): |
if a == "1": |
return("||:one:||") |
elif a == "2": |
return("||:two:||") |
elif a == "3": |
return("||:three:||") |
elif a == "4": |
return("||:four:||") |
elif a == "5": |
return("||:five:||") |
elif a == "6": |
return("||:six:||") |
elif a == "7": |
return("||:seven:||") |
elif a == "8": |
return("||:eight:||") |
elif a== "B": |
return "||:bomb:||" |
elif a == "0": |
return("||:black_medium_small_square:||") |
def userInputMatrix(M,n): |
for i in range (0,n): |
M.append([]) |
for j in range(0,n): |
item = input("Enter item for "+"column "+str(j+1)+" row "+str(i+1)+", with 'b' for bomb or a number for a number.") |
M[i].append(item) |
print(M[i]) |
Print = "" |
return M |
def randomMatrix(n,M): |
for i in range(n): |
rand = [randint(0,n-1),randint(0,n-1)] |
while M[rand[0]][rand[1]]=="B": |
rand = [randint(0, n - 1), randint(0, n - 1)] |
M[rand[0]][rand[1]] = "B" |
return M |
def putNumbers(n,M): |
for i in range(n): |
for j in range(n): |
if M[i][j]!="B": |
count = 0 |
for c in range(9): |
if c!=4: |
x = j + (c%3)-1 |
y = i + (c//3)-1 |
if x<n and x >= 0 and y<n and y>= 0: |
if M[y][x]=="B": |
count += 1 |
M[i][j] = str(count) |
return M |
BOT_PREFIX = ("?", "!") |
client = Bot(command_prefix=BOT_PREFIX) |
class RandomSlapper(commands.Converter): |
async def convert(self, ctx, argument): |
to_slap = random.choice(ctx.guild.members) |
return '@{0.author} slapped @{1} because *{2}*'.format(ctx, to_slap, argument) |
@client.command() |
async def slap(ctx, *, reason: RandomSlapper): |
await ctx.send(reason) |
@client.command(pass_context=True) |
@commands.has_permissions(kick_members=True) |
async def kick(ctx, member: User): |
""" Simple kick command """ |
await client.kick(member) |
print("kicked" + " " + str(member)) |
@client.command(name='8ball', |
description="Answers a yes/no question.", |
brief="Answers from the beyond.", |
aliases=['eight_ball', 'eightball', '8-ball'], |
pass_context=True) |
async def eight_ball(context): |
possible_responses = [ |
'That is a resounding no', |
'It is not looking likely', |
'Too hard to tell', |
'It is quite possible', |
'Definitely', |
] |
await context.send(random.choice(possible_responses) + ", " + context.message.author.mention) |
@client.command() |
async def square(context,number: int): |
squared_value = number * number |
await context.send(str(number) + " squared is " + str(squared_value)) |
@client.command(name="minesweeper", |
description="produces a minesweeper puzzle of nxn with n bombs", |
aliases=["mine_sweeper","msweep"]) |
async def mineSweeper(context,num: int): |
n = int(num) |
M = [["0" for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)] # board matrix |
M = randomMatrix(n, M) |
M = putNumbers(n, M) |
for i in range(n): |
line = "" |
for j in range(n): |
line += readNum(M[i][j]) + " " |
await context.send(line) |
@client.command(name="chess", |
description="play chess", |
aliases=["c"]) |
async def chess(context,arg: toUpper): |
if '>' in arg: |
updateChessBoard(arg) |
elif arg=="newgame": |
pass |
elif arg=="ai": |
pass |
elif arg=='p': |
for i in range(8): |
line = '' |
for j in range(8): |
await context.send(line) |
time.sleep(0.01) |
else: |
for i in range(len(CHESSHELP)): |
await context.send(CHESSHELP[i]) |
@client.command(name="regional_indicator", |
description="Prints out words", |
aliases=["emojiWrite","regIn","emw"]) |
async def emojiWrite(context,word): |
word = word.lower().replace("_"," ") |
output = "" |
for letter in word: |
if letter==" ": |
output +=":black_medium_small_square:" |
else: |
output += ":regional_indicator_" + letter + ": " |
await context.send(output) |
@client.event |
async def on_ready(): |
await client.change_presence(activity=Game(name="Ninoh's Tasks")) |
print("Logged in as " + client.user.name) |
print(client.user.id) |
print('------') |
@client.command() |
async def bitcoin(context): |
url = 'https://api.coindesk.com/v1/bpi/currentprice/BTC.json' |
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: # Async HTTP request |
raw_response = await session.get(url) |
response = await raw_response.text() |
response = json.loads(response) |
await context.send("Bitcoin price is: $" + response['bpi']['USD']['rate']) |
@client.command(name="Echo", |
description="Print what you said", |
aliases=["e","E","echo"]) |
async def echo(context,*,arg): |
await context.send(arg) |
async def list_servers(): |
await client.wait_until_ready() |
while not client.is_closed: |
print("Current servers:") |
for server in client.servers: |
print(server.name) |
await asyncio.sleep(600) |
print("hello") |
client.loop.create_task(list_servers()) |
f = open("token.txt","r") |
token = f.read() |
f.close() |
client.run(token) |