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Created April 24, 2012 17:27
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Terminal menu in python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Topmenu and the submenus are based of the example found at this location…..stom-menu/
# The rest of the work was done by Matthew Bennett and he requests you keep these two mentions when you reuse the code
import curses, os #curses is the interface for capturing key presses on the menu, os launches the files
screen = curses.initscr() #initializes a new window for capturing key presses
curses.start_color() # Lets you use colors when highlighting selected menu option
screen.keypad(1) # Capture input from keypad
# Change this to use different colors when highlighting
curses.init_pair(1,curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) # Sets up color pair #1, it does black text with white background
getin = None #user input on top menu
sub1get = None #user input on sub menu 1
sub2get = None #user input on sub menu 2, I don't use a second submenu, but I've left this here as an example for anyone who wants to use it
# This function controls what is displayed on the top menu (the menu first loaded when script is run)
def topmenu():
#Not sure if the following two lines are needed since I declare it at beginning of program, but here for safety
curses.init_pair(1,curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE)
pos=1 #pos is the position of the hightlighted menu option. Every time topmenu is calles, position retuns to 1, when topmenu ends the position is returned tell program what option has been selected
x = None #contol for while loop, let's you scroll through options until return key is pressed then returns pos to program
h = curses.color_pair(1) #h is the coloring for a highlighted menu option
n = curses.A_NORMAL #n is the coloring for a non highlighted menu option
# Loop until return key is pressed
while x !=ord('\n'):
screen.clear() #clears previous screen on key press and updates display based on pos
screen.addstr(2,2, "Program Launcher", curses.A_STANDOUT) # Title for this menu
screen.addstr(4,2, "Please selection an option…", curses.A_BOLD) #Subtitle for this menu
# Detects what is higlighted, every entry will have two lines, a condition if the menu is highlighted and a condition for if the menu is not highlighted
# to add additional menu options, just add a new if pos==(next available number) and a correspoonding else
# I keep exit as the last option in this menu, if you do the same make sure to update its position here and the corresponding entry in the main program
if pos==1:
screen.addstr(5,4, "1 – Dosbox Games", h)
screen.addstr(5,4, "1 – Dosbox Games", n)
if pos==2:
screen.addstr(6,4, "2 – The Ur-Quan Masters", h)
screen.addstr(6,4, "2 – The Ur-Quan Masters", n)
if pos==3:
screen.addstr(7,4, "3 – Windows 3.1", h)
screen.addstr(7,4, "3 – Windows 3.1", n)
if pos==4:
screen.addstr(8,4, "4 – Exit", h)
screen.addstr(8,4, "4 – Exit", n)
x = screen.getch() # Gets user input
# What is user input? This needs to be updated on changed equal to teh total number of entries in the menu
# Users can hit a number or use the arrow keys make sure to update this when you add more entries
if x == ord('1'):
pos = 1
elif x == ord('2'):
pos = 2
elif x == ord('3'):
pos = 3
elif x == ord('4'):
pos = 4
elif x == 258:
# This needs to be updated on changes to equal the total number of entries in the menu
if pos < 4:
# This doesn't need to be changed no matter how many entries you have
pos += 1
else: pos = 1
elif x == 259:
if pos > 1:
pos += -1
# This needs to be updated on changes to equal the total number of entries in the menu
else: pos = 4
elif x != ord('\n'):
return ord(str(pos))
# This functions controls what is displayed on the first submenu
# See topmenu for discription of code
def submenu1():
curses.init_pair(1,curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE)
x = None
h = curses.color_pair(1)
n = curses.A_NORMAL
while x !=ord('\n'):
screen.addstr(2,2, "Dosbox Games", curses.A_STANDOUT)
screen.addstr(4,2, "Please selection an option…", curses.A_BOLD)
#Detect what is higlighted
if pos==1:
screen.addstr(5,4, "1 – Midnight Resuce", h)
screen.addstr(5,4, "1 – Midnight Rescue", n)
if pos==2:
screen.addstr(6,4, "2 – Treasure Mountain", h)
screen.addstr(6,4, "2 – Treasure Mountain", n)
if pos==3:
screen.addstr(7,4, "3 – Return to Top Menu", h)
screen.addstr(7,4, "3 – Return to Top Menu", n)
x = screen.getch()
# What is user input?
if x == ord('1'):
pos = 1
elif x == ord('2'):
pos = 2
elif x == ord('3'):
pos = 3
elif x == 258:
# This needs to be updated on changes to equal the total number of entries in the menu
if pos < 3:
# This doesn't need to be changed no matter how many entries you have
pos += 1
else: pos = 1
elif x == 259:
if pos > 1:
pos += -1
# This needs to be updated on changes to equal the total number of entries in the menu
else: pos = 3
elif x != ord('\n'):
return ord(str(pos))
# Main program
# This needs to be updated on changes equal to the number you use for exit
while getin != ord('4'): #Loop until the user choses to exit the program
getin = topmenu() # Get the menu item selected on the top menu
if getin == ord('1'): # Top menu option 1
#Beginning of submenu 1 control logic
# This needs to be updated on changes equal to the number of menu items in submenu 1
while sub1get !=ord('3'): # Loop submenu until user selects to return to top menu
sub1get = submenu1() # Get the menu item selected on submenu 1
if sub1get == ord('1'): #Submenu 1 option 1
os.system('dosbox2 /path/to/EXE -conf /path/to/dosbox.conf -exit') #Launches a dosbox program, exits back to menu after program ends
elif sub1get == ord('2'): # Submenu 2 option 2
elif sub1get == ord('3'): # Submenu 2 option 3 (Exits to top menu at this point)
#End of submenu1 control logic
elif getin == ord('2'): # Topmenu option 2
elif getin == ord('3'): # Topmenu option 3
os.system('dosbox3 /path/to/my/win31/install/WINDOWS/WIN.COM -conf /path/to/my/special/dosbox2.conf -exit') #runs my win 3.1 dosbox, exits back to menu after program ends
elif getin == ord('4'): # Topmenu option 4
curses.endwin() #VITAL! This closes out the menu system and returns you to the bash prompt.
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Trolls commented Aug 27, 2015

hello Mjiig,

Thanks for your script menu, but when i launch it, some caracters are not correct:

Please selection an option▒~@▒
1 ▒~@~S Dosbox Games

any idea plz??


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If i launch your program, select the submenu and then i return to the topmenu i cannot select the first option that goes to the submenu again.
any idea??

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