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Last active September 2, 2024 14:57
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PHP - Send message to Discord via Webhook
// Create new webhook in your Discord channel settings and copy&paste URL
$webhookurl = "YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL";
// Compose message. You can use Markdown
// Message Formatting --
$timestamp = date("c", strtotime("now"));
$json_data = json_encode([
// Message
"content" => "Hello World! This is message line ;) And here is the mention, use userID <@12341234123412341>",
// Username
"username" => "",
// Avatar URL.
// Uncoment to replace image set in webhook
//"avatar_url" => "",
// Text-to-speech
"tts" => false,
// File upload
// "file" => "",
// Embeds Array
"embeds" => [
// Embed Title
"title" => "PHP - Send message to Discord (embeds) via Webhook",
// Embed Type
"type" => "rich",
// Embed Description
"description" => "Description will be here, someday, you can mention users here also by calling userID <@12341234123412341>",
// URL of title link
"url" => "",
// Timestamp of embed must be formatted as ISO8601
"timestamp" => $timestamp,
// Embed left border color in HEX
"color" => hexdec( "3366ff" ),
// Footer
"footer" => [
"text" => "",
"icon_url" => ""
// Image to send
"image" => [
"url" => ""
// Thumbnail
//"thumbnail" => [
// "url" => ""
// Author
"author" => [
"name" => "",
"url" => ""
// Additional Fields array
"fields" => [
// Field 1
"name" => "Field #1 Name",
"value" => "Field #1 Value",
"inline" => false
// Field 2
"name" => "Field #2 Name",
"value" => "Field #2 Value",
"inline" => true
// Etc..
$ch = curl_init( $webhookurl );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-type: application/json'));
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json_data);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$response = curl_exec( $ch );
// If you need to debug, or find out why you can't send message uncomment line below, and execute script.
// echo $response;
curl_close( $ch );
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Can you not send discord webhook requests with 000webhost? I wrote my own code and it didn't work so I came to this and this doesn't work either. It just keeps returning the webhook data you would get with a GET request, but it's not sending any data.

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armin-subasic commented Mar 17, 2021

Just to clarify, this code works as it should work.
I'm only wondering is it possible to send reactions with this?

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Mo45 commented Mar 18, 2021

Just to clarify, this code works as it should work.
I'm only wondering is it possible to send reactions with this?

Discord documentation.

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neovorg commented Apr 12, 2021

Works flawlessly. Thanks a lot!

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nschwaller commented Apr 15, 2021

Hey i have a problem, my code run in linux but not in my IIS website.
when i display $response on my IIS server it returns false. I don't know why. My two servers are in https.
EDIT: I have var_dump($json_date) is everything is fine I do not understand

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Mo45 commented Apr 15, 2021

@nschwaller most likely you need to install curl extension. Read your server error logs.

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nschwaller commented Apr 15, 2021

i have curl in my iis server...
2021-04-15 12:19:51 GET /neverland/ - 443 - (my ip serv) Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+Discordbot/2.0;++ - 200 0 0 93

edit: mb this my error :
[15-Apr-2021 13:00:57 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'php_xmlrpc.dll' (tried: C:\Program Files\PHP\v8.0\ext\php_xmlrpc.dll (The specified module could not be found), C:\Program Files\PHP\v8.0\ext\php_php_xmlrpc.dll.dll (The specified module could not be found)) in Unknown on line 0

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Works brilliantly. Is it possible to send a direct message to a user using a variant of this? (Not mentioning a user, but actually private messaging them)

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You would need to use a discord bot to do that. (see discord.php)

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You would need to use a discord bot to do that. (see discord.php)

Apologies if it is blatantly obvious, but where is the discord.php?

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You would need to use a discord bot to do that. (see discord.php)

Apologies if it is blatantly obvious, but where is the discord.php?

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@Mo45 thank you for this, it works flawlessly! Although I couldn't make it work for .svg images, any clue?

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SVG images don't render on discord

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how can i edit or delete a message sent by webhook?

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Mo45 commented Oct 8, 2021

how can i edit or delete a message sent by webhook?

Hello. This is isn't Discord API support forum =)
1min Googling give me this thread, maybe it will help.

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This code is a 1 in a million jackpot its work insane but I'm trying to learn how to add it to my form submit button can you help me by any chance, please. thanks

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thank you for this code.
i want ask , if it's possible to send a PDF as attachment ?

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Yep, Discord accepts most if not all file types.

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JmilamIF commented May 11, 2022


Did you ever figure out how to make it work on submit?

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Did you ever figure out how to make it work on submit?
you can using this endpoint API : /channels/ {channel_id {/messages}

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atakde commented Sep 10, 2022

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I just created a package for this.

How do you do embeds? Your documentation does not cover them.

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atakde commented Sep 22, 2022

I just created a package for this.

How do you do embeds? Your documentation does not cover them.

You are right, actually we don't have documentation. I will prepare :)

You can use like that;

$messageFactory = new MessageFactory();
$message= $messageFactory->create('embed');

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I just created a package for this.

How do you do embeds? Your documentation does not cover them.

You are right, actually we don't have documentation. I will prepare :)

You can use like that;

$messageFactory = new MessageFactory();
$message= $messageFactory->create('embed');

I tried to use it with fields and it just wouldn't work. I ended up going with my own solution.

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atakde commented Sep 22, 2022

I just created a package for this.

How do you do embeds? Your documentation does not cover them.

You are right, actually we don't have documentation. I will prepare :)
You can use like that;

$messageFactory = new MessageFactory();
$message= $messageFactory->create('embed');

I tried to use it with fields and it just wouldn't work. I ended up going with my own solution.

$embedMessage = $messageFactory->create('embed');
        'name' => 'Field 1',
        'value' => 'Value 1',
        'inline' => true
        'name' => 'Field 2',
        'value' => 'Value 2',
        'inline' => false

$webhook = new DiscordWebhook($embedMessage);
$res = $webhook->send();

I tested in my end and it is working. Feel free to mail me the issue. This is the example that I tested.

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ardiyoo commented Oct 29, 2022

works well thanks <3

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can confirm this works , thanks

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@debug420, your code is wrong. Learn how to execute and debug. Also Discord docs. Here is fully working code.

Stop being negative in the comments thank you!

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