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Created April 24, 2020 15:24
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<?php namespace Gazugafan\Temporal;
use Gazugafan\Temporal\Exceptions\TemporalException;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
class Migration
* Makes the necessary modifications on a table to make it support a temporal model, such as adding temporal and version columns, and setting up primary keys and indexes.
* Because Laravel does not normally work well with multiple primary keys mixed with an auto incrementing key, this is a non-trivial task. This helper handles all the dirty work for you.
* The result is that the version, temporal_start, and temporal_end columns are added to the table, with the version column as an additional primary key. A couple new indexes are also added to keep querying versions fast.
* @param string $tablename The name of the table to modify
* @param string $version The name of the version column (defaults to "version")
* @param string $temporal_start The name of the temporal_start column (defaults to "temporal_start")
* @param string $temporal_end The name of the temporal_end column (defaults to "temporal_end")
* @param string $temporal_max The name of the temporal_max column (defaults to "temporal_max")
* @throws TemporalException If there is any problem getting info about the table or modifying it. This is possible when using non-MySQL drivers, or if the table does not have any primary keys.
public static function make_temporal($tablename, $version = 'version', $temporal_start = 'temporal_start', $temporal_end = 'temporal_end', $temporal_max = '2999-01-01')
$primary_keys = static::get_primary_keys($tablename);
if (count($primary_keys) == 0)
throw new TemporalException('The table doesn\'t seem to have any primary keys. A temporal model table needs at least one primary key. Try adding an "id" column first using $table->increments(\'id\').');
// Operations for mysql driver
if (self::isMySql()) {
//remove the primary key(s) and auto-increment in one statement...
$alter_commands = array();
$alter_commands[] = "DROP PRIMARY KEY";
foreach ($primary_keys as $primary_key => $info) {
if ($info['auto_increment'])
// "MODIFY `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL"
$alter_commands[] = "MODIFY `$primary_key` {$info['type']} NOT NULL";
// "ALTER TABLE `table_name` DROP PRIMARY KEY, MODIFY `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL;"
DB::statement("ALTER TABLE `$tablename` " . implode(', ', $alter_commands) . ';');
//add the temporal columns and specify new primary keys...
Schema::table($tablename, function ($table) use ($primary_keys, $version, $temporal_start, $temporal_end, $temporal_max) {
$keys = array_keys($primary_keys);
$table->unsignedMediumInteger($version)->comment('The version number')->default(0)->after(end($keys));
$table->dateTime($temporal_start)->comment('When the revision begins')->default(now())->after($version);
$table->dateTime($temporal_end)->comment('When the revision ends')->default($temporal_max)->after($temporal_start);
$table->primary(array_merge($keys, array($version)));
$table->index(array_merge(array($temporal_end), $keys), 'current_version');
$table->index(array_merge($keys, array($temporal_start, $temporal_end)), 'version_at_time');
//add auto-increments back...
$alter_commands = array();
foreach ($primary_keys as $primary_key => $info) {
if ($info['auto_increment'])
// "MODIFY `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT"
$alter_commands[] = "MODIFY `$primary_key` {$info['type']} NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT";
// "ALTER TABLE `table_name` MODIFY `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;"
DB::statement("ALTER TABLE `$tablename` " . implode(', ', $alter_commands) . ';');
// Operations for sqlite driver
if (self::isSQLite()) {
Schema::table($tablename, function ($table) use ($primary_keys, $version, $temporal_start, $temporal_end, $temporal_max) {
$keys = array_keys($primary_keys);
$table->dateTime($temporal_start)->comment('When the revision begins')->default(now())->after($version);
$table->dateTime($temporal_end)->comment('When the revision ends')->default($temporal_max)->after($temporal_start);
$table->index(array_merge(array($temporal_end), $keys), 'current_version');
$table->index(array_merge($keys, array($temporal_start, $temporal_end)), 'version_at_time');
* Figures out which columns in the specified table are primary keys, and returns information about them.
* @param string $tablename The table to retrieve the primary keys from
* @return array An associative array of the table's primary keys, with the key being the name of the column, and the value being an array of information about the column.
* @throws TemporalException If the primary key(s) cannot be retrieved (possibly due to a non-MySQL database driver)
private static function get_primary_keys($tablename)
$primary_keys = array();
if (self::isMySql()) {
$columns = DB::select("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `$tablename`;");
if (self::isSQLite()) {
$columns = DB::select("PRAGMA table_info($tablename)");
//determine if we have an auto-incrementing field...
if (count($columns)) {
foreach ($columns as $column => $info) {
$data = array();
// make keys all lowercase
foreach ($info as $key => $val) {
$data[strtolower($key)] = $val;
// run if diver is mysql
if (self::isMySql()) {
if (strpos(strtolower($data['key']), 'pri') !== false) {
$primary_keys[$data['field']] = array(
'type' => $data['type'],
'auto_increment' => (strpos(strtolower($data['extra']), 'auto_increment') !== false)
// run if diver is sqlite
if (self::isSQLite()) {
if ($data['pk']) {
$primary_keys[$data['name']] = array(
'type' => $data['type'],
return $primary_keys;
} else
throw new TemporalException('Could not get info about the table to base modifications on. Maybe this isn\'t a MySQL or SQLite database?');
private static function isMySql(): bool
return strtolower(DB::connection()->getDriverName()) === 'mysql';
private static function isSQLite(): bool
return strtolower(DB::connection()->getDriverName()) === 'sqlite';
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