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Created January 16, 2022 17:33
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apidocjs error -d
Error Output: [debug] Parsed options:
excludeFilters: [ 'apidoc.config.js', 'node_modules' ],
includeFilters: [ 'public.php' ],
src: [ 'app' ],
dest: 'app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/WEB/Views/documentation/public',
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dryRun: false,
markdown: true,
lineEnding: '\n',
encoding: 'utf8',
copyDefinitions: true,
filterBy: '',
logFormat: 'simple',
warnError: false
debug: Config file provided, reading this.
debug: Now looking for header
debug: Found file: app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/WEB/Views/documentation/
debug: Reading header file: /var/www/html/app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/WEB/Views/documentation/
verbose: apidoc-generator name: apidoc
verbose: apidoc-generator version: 0.50.3
verbose: apidoc version: 0.50.3
verbose: apidoc-spec version: 0.3.0
debug: No plugins found.
debug: load parser language: .clj, ./languages/clj.js
debug: load parser language: .coffee, ./languages/coffee.js
debug: load parser language: .erl, ./languages/erl.js
debug: load parser language: .ex, ./languages/ex.js
debug: load parser language: .exs, ./languages/ex.js
debug: load parser language: .litcoffee, ./languages/coffee.js
debug: load parser language: .lua, ./languages/lua.js
debug: load parser language: .pl, ./languages/pm.js
debug: load parser language: .pm, ./languages/pm.js
debug: load parser language: .py, ./languages/py.js
debug: load parser language: .rb, ./languages/rb.js
debug: load parser language: default, ./languages/default.js
debug: load parser: api, ./parsers/api.js
debug: load parser: apibody, ./parsers/api_body.js
debug: load parser: apiquery, ./parsers/api_query.js
debug: load parser: apidefine, ./parsers/api_define.js
debug: load parser: apidescription, ./parsers/api_description.js
debug: load parser: apierror, ./parsers/api_error.js
debug: load parser: apierrorexample, ./parsers/api_error_example.js
debug: load parser: apiexample, ./parsers/api_example.js
debug: load parser: apiheader, ./parsers/api_header.js
debug: load parser: apiheaderexample, ./parsers/api_header_example.js
debug: load parser: apigroup, ./parsers/api_group.js
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debug: load parser: apisuccessexample, ./parsers/api_success_example.js
debug: load parser: apiuse, ./parsers/api_use.js
debug: load parser: apiversion, ./parsers/api_version.js
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debug: load worker: apiheadertitle, ./workers/api_header_title.js
debug: load worker: apiname, ./workers/api_name.js
debug: load worker: apiparamtitle, ./workers/api_param_title.js
debug: load worker: apipermission, ./workers/api_permission.js
debug: load worker: apisamplerequest, ./workers/api_sample_request.js
debug: load worker: apistructure, ./workers/api_structure.js
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debug: load worker: apisuccesstitle, ./workers/api_success_title.js
debug: load worker: apiuse, ./workers/api_use.js
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debug: load filter: apiheader, ./filters/api_header.js
debug: load filter: apiparam, ./filters/api_param.js
debug: load filter: apisuccess, ./filters/api_success.js
verbose: run parser
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/ForgotPassword.v1.public.php
debug: size: 693
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 9
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/ForgotPassword.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/LoginProxyForWebClient.v1.public.php
debug: size: 908
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 9
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/LoginProxyForWebClient.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/LoginUsingCredentialGrant.v1.public.php
debug: size: 923
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 11
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/LoginUsingCredentialGrant.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/Logout.v1.public.php
debug: size: 605
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 7
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/Logout.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/RefreshProxyForWebClient.v1.public.php
debug: size: 857
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 8
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/RefreshProxyForWebClient.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/ResetPassword.v1.public.php
debug: size: 856
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 10
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/ResetPassword.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/SendVerificationEmail.v1.public.php
debug: size: 809
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 8
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/SendVerificationEmail.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/VerifyEmail.v1.public.php
debug: size: 593
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 7
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/VerifyEmail.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/WEB/Routes/GetLogin.v1.public.php
debug: size: 239
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/WEB/Routes/PostLogin.v1.public.php
debug: size: 215
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authorization/UI/API/Routes/_permission.v1.public.php
debug: size: 359
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authorization/UI/API/Routes/_permission.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authorization/UI/API/Routes/_role.v1.public.php
debug: size: 847
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authorization/UI/API/Routes/_role.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Contact/UI/API/Routes/_contact.v1.public.php
debug: size: 521
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Contact/UI/API/Routes/_contact.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Gallery/UI/API/Routes/_gallery.v1.public.php
debug: size: 1093
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Gallery/UI/API/Routes/_gallery.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Media/UI/API/Routes/ImageCache.v1.public.php
debug: size: 877
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 7
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Media/UI/API/Routes/ImageCache.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Media/UI/API/Routes/_image.v1.public.php
debug: size: 490
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Media/UI/API/Routes/_image.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Provider/UI/API/Routes/_provider.v1.public.php
debug: size: 346
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Provider/UI/API/Routes/_provider.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Setting/UI/API/Routes/_setting.v1.public.php
debug: size: 510
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Setting/UI/API/Routes/_setting.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/User/UI/API/Routes/_user.v1.public.php
debug: size: 647
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/User/UI/API/Routes/_user.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Verification/UI/API/Routes/_request.v1.public.php
debug: size: 493
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Verification/UI/API/Routes/_request.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Verification/UI/API/Routes/_verification.v1.public.php
debug: size: 558
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Verification/UI/API/Routes/_verification.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Wallet/UI/API/Routes/_transaction.v1.public.php
debug: size: 1072
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Wallet/UI/API/Routes/_transaction.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Wallet/UI/API/Routes/_wallet.v1.public.php
debug: size: 477
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Wallet/UI/API/Routes/_wallet.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/API/Routes/__generalAccepted.v1.public.php
debug: size: 126
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/API/Routes/__generalAccepted.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/API/Routes/__generalMultiple.v1.public.php
debug: size: 472
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/API/Routes/__generalMultiple.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/WEB/Routes/GetPublicDocumentation.v1.public.php
debug: size: 240
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/Vendor/Welcome/UI/API/Routes/ApiLandingPage.v1.public.php
debug: size: 233
verbose: run worker
verbose: worker preProcess: apierrorstructure
verbose: worker preProcess: apierrortitle
verbose: worker preProcess: apigroup
verbose: worker preProcess: apiheaderstructure
verbose: worker preProcess: apiheadertitle
verbose: worker preProcess: apiparamtitle
verbose: worker preProcess: apipermission
verbose: worker preProcess: apistructure
verbose: worker preProcess: apisuccessstructure
verbose: worker preProcess: apisuccesstitle
verbose: worker preProcess: apiuse
verbose: worker postProcess: apierrorstructure
verbose: worker postProcess: apierrortitle
verbose: worker postProcess: apigroup
verbose: worker postProcess: apiheaderstructure
verbose: worker postProcess: apiheadertitle
verbose: worker postProcess: apiname
verbose: worker postProcess: apiparamtitle
verbose: worker postProcess: apipermission
verbose: worker postProcess: apisamplerequest
verbose: worker postProcess: apistructure
verbose: worker postProcess: apisuccessstructure
verbose: worker postProcess: apisuccesstitle
verbose: worker postProcess: apiuse
verbose: run filter
verbose: filter postFilter: apierror
verbose: filter postFilter: apiheader
verbose: filter postFilter: apiparam
verbose: filter postFilter: apisuccess
verbose: Writing files...
error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './template/src/css/main.css'
debug: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './template/src/css/main.css'
at Object.openSync (node:fs:585:3)
at Object.readFileSync (node:fs:453:35)
at Writer.createSingleFile (/var/www/html/node_modules/apidoc/lib/writer.js:153:29)
at Writer.write (/var/www/html/node_modules/apidoc/lib/writer.js:32:19)
at Object.createDoc (/var/www/html/node_modules/apidoc/lib/index.js:93:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (/var/www/html/node_modules/apidoc/bin/apidoc:170:12)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1101:14)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1153:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:32)
at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12)
The command "'node_modules/.bin/apidoc' '-c' 'app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/ApiDocJs/public/apidoc.json' '-f' 'public.php' '-i' 'app' '-o' 'app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/WEB/Views/documentation/public' '--single' '-d'" failed.
Exit Code: 1(General error)
Working directory: /var/www/html
[debug] Parsed options:
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includeFilters: [ 'public.php' ],
src: [ 'app' ],
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silent: false,
dryRun: false,
markdown: true,
lineEnding: '\n',
encoding: 'utf8',
copyDefinitions: true,
filterBy: '',
logFormat: 'simple',
warnError: false
debug: Config file provided, reading this.
debug: Now looking for header
debug: Found file: app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/WEB/Views/documentation/
debug: Reading header file: /var/www/html/app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/WEB/Views/documentation/
verbose: apidoc-generator name: apidoc
verbose: apidoc-generator version: 0.50.3
verbose: apidoc version: 0.50.3
verbose: apidoc-spec version: 0.3.0
debug: No plugins found.
debug: load parser language: .clj, ./languages/clj.js
debug: load parser language: .coffee, ./languages/coffee.js
debug: load parser language: .erl, ./languages/erl.js
debug: load parser language: .ex, ./languages/ex.js
debug: load parser language: .exs, ./languages/ex.js
debug: load parser language: .litcoffee, ./languages/coffee.js
debug: load parser language: .lua, ./languages/lua.js
debug: load parser language: .pl, ./languages/pm.js
debug: load parser language: .pm, ./languages/pm.js
debug: load parser language: .py, ./languages/py.js
debug: load parser language: .rb, ./languages/rb.js
debug: load parser language: default, ./languages/default.js
debug: load parser: api, ./parsers/api.js
debug: load parser: apibody, ./parsers/api_body.js
debug: load parser: apiquery, ./parsers/api_query.js
debug: load parser: apidefine, ./parsers/api_define.js
debug: load parser: apidescription, ./parsers/api_description.js
debug: load parser: apierror, ./parsers/api_error.js
debug: load parser: apierrorexample, ./parsers/api_error_example.js
debug: load parser: apiexample, ./parsers/api_example.js
debug: load parser: apiheader, ./parsers/api_header.js
debug: load parser: apiheaderexample, ./parsers/api_header_example.js
debug: load parser: apigroup, ./parsers/api_group.js
debug: load parser: apiname, ./parsers/api_name.js
debug: load parser: apiparam, ./parsers/api_param.js
debug: load parser: apiparamexample, ./parsers/api_param_example.js
debug: load parser: apipermission, ./parsers/api_permission.js
debug: load parser: apisuccess, ./parsers/api_success.js
debug: load parser: apisuccessexample, ./parsers/api_success_example.js
debug: load parser: apiuse, ./parsers/api_use.js
debug: load parser: apiversion, ./parsers/api_version.js
debug: load parser: apisamplerequest, ./parsers/api_sample_request.js
debug: load parser: apideprecated, ./parsers/api_deprecated.js
debug: load parser: apiprivate, ./parsers/api_private.js
debug: load worker: apierrorstructure, ./workers/api_error_structure.js
debug: load worker: apierrortitle, ./workers/api_error_title.js
debug: load worker: apigroup, ./workers/api_group.js
debug: load worker: apiheaderstructure, ./workers/api_header_structure.js
debug: load worker: apiheadertitle, ./workers/api_header_title.js
debug: load worker: apiname, ./workers/api_name.js
debug: load worker: apiparamtitle, ./workers/api_param_title.js
debug: load worker: apipermission, ./workers/api_permission.js
debug: load worker: apisamplerequest, ./workers/api_sample_request.js
debug: load worker: apistructure, ./workers/api_structure.js
debug: load worker: apisuccessstructure, ./workers/api_success_structure.js
debug: load worker: apisuccesstitle, ./workers/api_success_title.js
debug: load worker: apiuse, ./workers/api_use.js
debug: load filter: apierror, ./filters/api_error.js
debug: load filter: apiheader, ./filters/api_header.js
debug: load filter: apiparam, ./filters/api_param.js
debug: load filter: apisuccess, ./filters/api_success.js
verbose: run parser
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/ForgotPassword.v1.public.php
debug: size: 693
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 9
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/ForgotPassword.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/LoginProxyForWebClient.v1.public.php
debug: size: 908
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 9
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/LoginProxyForWebClient.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/LoginUsingCredentialGrant.v1.public.php
debug: size: 923
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 11
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/LoginUsingCredentialGrant.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/Logout.v1.public.php
debug: size: 605
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 7
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/Logout.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/RefreshProxyForWebClient.v1.public.php
debug: size: 857
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 8
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/RefreshProxyForWebClient.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/ResetPassword.v1.public.php
debug: size: 856
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 10
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/ResetPassword.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/SendVerificationEmail.v1.public.php
debug: size: 809
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 8
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiParam in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/SendVerificationEmail.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/VerifyEmail.v1.public.php
debug: size: 593
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 7
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/API/Routes/VerifyEmail.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/WEB/Routes/GetLogin.v1.public.php
debug: size: 239
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authentication/UI/WEB/Routes/PostLogin.v1.public.php
debug: size: 215
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authorization/UI/API/Routes/_permission.v1.public.php
debug: size: 359
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authorization/UI/API/Routes/_permission.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authorization/UI/API/Routes/_role.v1.public.php
debug: size: 847
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Authorization/UI/API/Routes/_role.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Contact/UI/API/Routes/_contact.v1.public.php
debug: size: 521
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Contact/UI/API/Routes/_contact.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Gallery/UI/API/Routes/_gallery.v1.public.php
debug: size: 1093
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Gallery/UI/API/Routes/_gallery.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Media/UI/API/Routes/ImageCache.v1.public.php
debug: size: 877
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 7
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiGroup in block: 0
debug: found @apiName in block: 0
debug: found @api in block: 0
debug: found @apiDescription in block: 0
debug: found @apiVersion in block: 0
debug: found @apiPermission in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Media/UI/API/Routes/ImageCache.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Media/UI/API/Routes/_image.v1.public.php
debug: size: 490
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Media/UI/API/Routes/_image.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Provider/UI/API/Routes/_provider.v1.public.php
debug: size: 346
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Provider/UI/API/Routes/_provider.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Setting/UI/API/Routes/_setting.v1.public.php
debug: size: 510
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Setting/UI/API/Routes/_setting.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/User/UI/API/Routes/_user.v1.public.php
debug: size: 647
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/User/UI/API/Routes/_user.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Verification/UI/API/Routes/_request.v1.public.php
debug: size: 493
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Verification/UI/API/Routes/_request.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Verification/UI/API/Routes/_verification.v1.public.php
debug: size: 558
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Verification/UI/API/Routes/_verification.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Wallet/UI/API/Routes/_transaction.v1.public.php
debug: size: 1072
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Wallet/UI/API/Routes/_transaction.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/AppSection/Wallet/UI/API/Routes/_wallet.v1.public.php
debug: size: 477
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/AppSection/Wallet/UI/API/Routes/_wallet.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/API/Routes/__generalAccepted.v1.public.php
debug: size: 126
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/API/Routes/__generalAccepted.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/API/Routes/__generalMultiple.v1.public.php
debug: size: 472
debug: count blocks: 1
debug: count elements in block 0: 2
debug: api found in block: 0
debug: found @apiDefine in block: 0
debug: found @apiSuccessExample in block: 0
verbose: parse file: app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/API/Routes/__generalMultiple.v1.public.php
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/UI/WEB/Routes/GetPublicDocumentation.v1.public.php
debug: size: 240
debug: inspect file: app/Containers/Vendor/Welcome/UI/API/Routes/ApiLandingPage.v1.public.php
debug: size: 233
verbose: run worker
verbose: worker preProcess: apierrorstructure
verbose: worker preProcess: apierrortitle
verbose: worker preProcess: apigroup
verbose: worker preProcess: apiheaderstructure
verbose: worker preProcess: apiheadertitle
verbose: worker preProcess: apiparamtitle
verbose: worker preProcess: apipermission
verbose: worker preProcess: apistructure
verbose: worker preProcess: apisuccessstructure
verbose: worker preProcess: apisuccesstitle
verbose: worker preProcess: apiuse
verbose: worker postProcess: apierrorstructure
verbose: worker postProcess: apierrortitle
verbose: worker postProcess: apigroup
verbose: worker postProcess: apiheaderstructure
verbose: worker postProcess: apiheadertitle
verbose: worker postProcess: apiname
verbose: worker postProcess: apiparamtitle
verbose: worker postProcess: apipermission
verbose: worker postProcess: apisamplerequest
verbose: worker postProcess: apistructure
verbose: worker postProcess: apisuccessstructure
verbose: worker postProcess: apisuccesstitle
verbose: worker postProcess: apiuse
verbose: run filter
verbose: filter postFilter: apierror
verbose: filter postFilter: apiheader
verbose: filter postFilter: apiparam
verbose: filter postFilter: apisuccess
verbose: Writing files...
error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './template/src/css/main.css'
debug: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './template/src/css/main.css'
at Object.openSync (node:fs:585:3)
at Object.readFileSync (node:fs:453:35)
at Writer.createSingleFile (/var/www/html/node_modules/apidoc/lib/writer.js:153:29)
at Writer.write (/var/www/html/node_modules/apidoc/lib/writer.js:32:19)
at Object.createDoc (/var/www/html/node_modules/apidoc/lib/index.js:93:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (/var/www/html/node_modules/apidoc/bin/apidoc:170:12)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1101:14)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1153:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:32)
at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12)
Error Output:
[error] apidoc encountered an error during documentation generation!
at app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/Tasks/GenerateAPIDocsTask.php:38
34▕ $process->run();
36▕ if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
37▕ $console->error('Error Output: ' . $process->getOutput());
➜ 38▕ throw new ProcessFailedException($process);
39▕ }
41▕ // echo the output
42▕ $console->info('[' . $type . '] ' . implode(' ', $command));
1 app/Containers/Vendor/Documentation/Actions/GenerateDocumentationAction.php:25
App\Containers\Vendor\Documentation\Tasks\GenerateAPIDocsTask::run("public", Object(App\Containers\Vendor\Documentation\UI\CLI\Commands\GenerateApiDocsCommand))
2 [internal]:0
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