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Last active June 16, 2019 22:37
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my installed packages in manjaro linux
acpi 1.7-2
acpid 2.0.31-1
adwaita-icon-theme 3.32.0-1
alsa-firmware 1.0.29-2
alsa-utils 1.1.9-1
arandr 0.1.10-3
autoconf 2.69-5
automake 1.16.1-1
avahi 0.7+18+g1b5f401-2
b43-fwcutter 019-2
baobab 3.32.0-1
bash 5.0.007-1
binutils 2.32-1
bison 3.3.2-1
blueman 2.0.8-2
brasero 3.12.2+62+gbd1a4d5b-1
btrfs-progs 5.1-1
budgie-desktop 10.5-1
budgie-extras 0.8.3-1
budgie-wallpapers 20181115-1
bzip2 1.0.6-8
coreutils 8.31-1
cpupower 5.1-1
crda 4.14-2
cronie 1.5.4-1
cryptsetup 2.1.0-1.1
cuda 10.0.130-2
dconf-editor 3.32.0-1
device-mapper 2.02.185-1
dhclient 4.4.1-4
dhcpcd 7.2.1-1
diffutils 3.7-1
dmidecode 3.2-1
dmraid 1.0.0.rc16.3-11
dnsmasq 2.80-3
dosfstools 4.1-2
e2fsprogs 1.45.2-1
ecryptfs-utils 111-3
efibootmgr 16-1
emacs 26.2-1
empathy 3.25.90+34+g78f4d4fda-3
evince 3.32.0-1
exfat-utils 1.3.0-1
f2fs-tools 1.12.0-2
fakeroot 1.23-1
fcitx-configtool 0.4.10-3
fcitx-mozc 2.23.2815.102-3
fcitx-qt5 1.2.3-7
ffmpegthumbnailer 2.2.0-2
file 5.37-2
file-roller 3.32.1-1
filesystem 2018.9-1
findutils 4.6.0-4
firefox 67.0.2-0
flex 2.6.4-2
gawk 4.2.1-2
gcc 8.3.0-1
gcc-libs 8.3.0-1
gcc7 7.4.1+20181207-4
gcc7-libs 7.4.1+20181207-4
gedit 3.32.2-2
glibc 2.29-1
gnome-backgrounds 3.32.0-1
gnome-calculator 3.32.1-1
gnome-calendar 3.32.2-2
gnome-control-center 3.32.2-1
gnome-disk-utility 3.32.1-1
gnome-font-viewer 3.32.0-1
gnome-keyring 1:3.31.91-1
gnome-screensaver 3.6.1-15
gnome-screenshot 3.32.0-1
gnome-settings-daemon 3.32.0-2
gnome-system-log 3.9.90+160+g4b07190-1
gnome-system-monitor 3.32.1-1
gnome-terminal 3.32.2-1
gnome-themes-extra 3.28-1
go 2:1.12.5-1
google-chrome 75.0.3770.90-1
gparted 1.0.0-1
grep 3.3-1
grilo-plugins 0.3.8-1
grub 2.03.6-4
grub-theme-manjaro 18.0-1
gst-libav 1.16.0-1
gst-plugins-bad 1.16.0-2
gst-plugins-base 1.16.0-3
gst-plugins-good 1.16.0-1
gst-plugins-ugly 1.16.0-1
gthumb 3.8.0-1
gtk3 1:3.24.8+177+gae2ef1472c-1
gucharmap 12.0.1-1
gufw 18.10.0-1
gvfs-afc 1.40.1-2
gvfs-gphoto2 1.40.1-2
gvfs-mtp 1.40.1-2
gvfs-smb 1.40.1-2
gzip 1.10-1
haveged 1.9.4-3
hexchat 2.14.2-1
imagewriter 1.10.1420800585.134a9b3-4
inetutils 1.9.4-7
intel-ucode 20190514.a-1
inxi 3.0.34-1
iproute2 5.1.0-1
iptables 1:1.8.2-1
iputils 20180629.f6aac8d-4
ipw2100-fw 1.3-9
ipw2200-fw 3.1-7
jfsutils 1.1.15-6
jre8-openjdk 8.u212+b03-0
jre8-openjdk-headless 8.u212+b03-0
kernel-alive 0.4-1
less 530-1
lib32-libva-vdpau-driver 0.7.4-6
lib32-mesa-demos 8.4.0-1
lib32-mesa-vdpau 19.0.6-1
lib32-nvidia-utils 1:430.14-1
lib32-vulkan-intel 19.0.6-1
lib32-vulkan-radeon 19.0.6-1
libappindicator-gtk3 12.10.0-13
libdvdcss 1.4.2-1
libreoffice-fresh 6.2.4-1
libva-mesa-driver 19.0.6-1
libva-vdpau-driver 0.7.4-4
licenses 20181104-1
lightdm 1:1.28.0-4
lightdm-settings 1.2.5-1
lightdm-slick-greeter 1.2.4-1
linux-firmware 20190514.711d329-1.1
linux419 4.19.49-1
linux419-nvidia 1:430.14-5
logrotate 3.15.0-1
lollypop 1.0.12-1
lrzip 0.631-2
lsb-release 1.4-12
lvm2 2.02.184-4
m4 1.4.18-2
make 4.2.1-3
man-db 2.8.5-2
man-pages 5.01-1
manjaro-alsa 2012.11-1
manjaro-application-utility 1.1.1-1
manjaro-artwork 1.0.8-4
manjaro-aur-support 0.6-3
manjaro-browser-settings 20181222-1
manjaro-budgie-settings 20190609-1
manjaro-documentation-en 20181009-1
manjaro-firmware 20160419-1
manjaro-hello 0.6.1-1
manjaro-hotfixes 2018.08-6
manjaro-icons 20181011-1
manjaro-printer 20170501-1
manjaro-pulse 2012.11-1
manjaro-release 18.0.4-1
manjaro-settings-manager-notifier 0.5.6-2
manjaro-system 20190429-1
manjaro-wallpapers-18.0 1.4-3
matcha-gtk-theme 20190609-1
mc 4.8.22-2
mdadm 4.1-1
memtest86+ 5.01-3
mesa-demos 8.4.0-1
mesa-vdpau 19.0.6-1
mhwd 0.6.3-1
mhwd-db 0.6.3-6
mhwd-tui 0.4-1
mkinitcpio-openswap 0.1.0-2
mobile-broadband-provider-info 20190116-1
modemmanager 1.10.0-1
mousetweaks 3.32.0-1
mutter 3.32.2+5+g13a1624c1-2
nano 4.2-1
nautilus 3.32.1-1
nautilus-admin 1.1.9-1
nautilus-empty-file 1.2-1
netctl 1.20-1
network-manager-applet 1.8.22-1
networkmanager 1.18.0-1
networkmanager-openconnect 1.2.5dev+110+g524a2e0-2
networkmanager-openvpn 1.8.10-1
networkmanager-pptp 1.2.9dev+10+gb41b0d0-1
networkmanager-vpnc 1.2.7dev+20+gdca3aea-1
nfs-utils 2.3.4-1
noto-fonts 20190111-1
noto-fonts-cjk 20190409-1
noto-fonts-emoji 20180810-2
npm 6.9.0-1
nss-mdns 0.14.1-1
ntfs-3g 2017.3.23-3
ntp 4.2.8.p13-2
numlockx 1.2-4
nvidia-utils 1:430.14-1
openresolv 3.9.0-2
openssh 8.0p1-1
os-prober 1.76-2
p7zip 16.02-5
pacman 5.1.3-1
pamac-dev 7.3.4-1
papirus-maia-icon-theme 20181011-1
patch 2.7.6-7
pciutils 3.6.2-1
perl 5.28.2-1
pkgconf 1.6.1-1
polkit-gnome 0.105-4
powertop 2.10-1
procps-ng 3.3.15-1.2
psmisc 23.2-1
pulseaudio-bluetooth 12.2-2
pulseaudio-ctl 1.66-1
pulseaudio-zeroconf 12.2-2
python-virtualenv 16.1.0-1
reiserfsprogs 3.6.27-2
rsync 3.1.3-1
s-nail 14.9.13-2
sed 4.7-1
shadow 4.6-3
spectre-meltdown-checker 0.37-1
sudo 1.8.27-1
sushi 3.32.0-1
sysfsutils 2.1.0-10
systemd-fsck-silent 239-1
systemd-sysvcompat 242.29-1
tar 1.32-1
terminus-font 4.47-2
texinfo 6.6-1
texlive-bibtexextra 2018.50004-1
texlive-fontsextra 2018.50019-1
texlive-langjapanese 2018.50009-1
texlive-latexextra 2018.50031-1
texlive-science 2018.50013-1
thunderbird 60.7.0-1
timeshift 19.01-1
tlp 1.2.2-1.1
totem 3.32.0-1
tracker 2.2.2-1
transmission-gtk 2.94-1
ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-12
ttf-dejavu 2.37-2
ttf-droid 20121017-6
ttf-inconsolata 1:
ttf-indic-otf 0.2-9
ttf-liberation 2.00.5-1
uget 2.2.1-2
unace 2.5-10
unrar 1:5.7.5-1
usb_modeswitch 2.5.2-1
usbutils 010-1
util-linux 2.33.2-1
vi 1:070224-3
vino 3.22.0+60+gd29a4f2-1
vulkan-intel 19.0.6-1
vulkan-radeon 19.0.6-1
wallpapers-2018 1.0-1
wget 1.20.3-1
which 2.21-3
wpa_supplicant 2:2.8-1
xdg-su 1.2.3-1
xdg-user-dirs 0.17-2
xdg-user-dirs-gtk 0.10+9+g5b7efc6-2
xdg-utils 1.1.3-3
xf86-input-elographics 1.4.1-8
xf86-input-evdev 2.10.6-1
xf86-input-keyboard 1.9.0-3
xf86-input-libinput 0.28.2-1
xf86-input-mouse 1.9.3-1
xf86-input-void 1.4.1-4
xf86-video-amdgpu 19.0.1-1
xf86-video-ati 1:19.0.1-1
xf86-video-intel 1:2.99.917+863+g6afed33b-1
xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.16-1
xfsprogs 4.20.0-2
xorg-server 1.20.5-1
xorg-twm 1.0.10-1
xorg-xinit 1.4.1-1
yay 9.2.0-1.0
yelp 3.32.2-1
zsh 5.7.1-1
-- new
opam (for google-chrome-ocamlfuse)
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