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Created July 26, 2022 10:10
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VirtualAllocEx hang in Windows 10
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include <algorithm>
namespace pointer
template <typename T>
T AlignTop(const void* anyPointer, size_t alignment)
const void* as_void;
uintptr_t as_uintptr_t;
T as_T;
as_void = anyPointer;
const size_t mask = alignment - 1u;
as_uintptr_t += mask;
as_uintptr_t &= ~mask;
return as_T;
template <typename T, typename U>
T Offset(void* anyPointer, U howManyBytes)
void* as_void;
char* as_char;
T as_T;
as_void = anyPointer;
as_char += howManyBytes;
return as_T;
int main()
// 1) start notepad.exe
// 2) get notepad.exe process ID from Task Manager
// 3) replace PROCESSID with real ID
// 4) compile and run
// open notepad process
HANDLE proc = ::OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, /* PROCESSID */ 21508);
const size_t alignment = 64u * 1024u;
// chosen to make the loop "overflow", starting from 0x0 again.
// this will reserve every possible memory region in the target process.
// once everything has been reserved, the call to ::VirtualAllocEx will hang and never return.
// this creates instability across the whole Windows system, making it impossible to kill this process, or sometimes even start new processes.
// Rebooting no longer works.
// Debugging this process doesn't work.
// A full power cycle is required!
const void* addressStart = (const void*)0x00007FFF7FF00000;
const void* addressEnd = (const void*)0x000080007FF00000;
for (const void* address = addressStart; address < addressEnd; /* nothing */)
// align address to be scanned
address = pointer::AlignTop<const void*>(address, alignment);
const size_t bytesReturned = ::VirtualQueryEx(proc, address, &memoryInfo, sizeof(::MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION));
// we are only interested in free pages
if ((bytesReturned > 0u) && (memoryInfo.State == MEM_FREE))
const size_t bytesLeft = abs((intptr_t*)addressEnd - (intptr_t*)memoryInfo.BaseAddress);
const size_t size = std::min<size_t>(memoryInfo.RegionSize, bytesLeft);
printf("baseAddress: 0x%p, size: 0x%llX\n", memoryInfo.BaseAddress, size);
void* baseAddress = ::VirtualAllocEx(proc, memoryInfo.BaseAddress, size, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS);
if (baseAddress)
printf("Reserving virtual memory region at 0x%p with size 0x%llX\n", baseAddress, size);
// keep on searching
address = pointer::Offset<const void*>(memoryInfo.BaseAddress, memoryInfo.RegionSize);
return 0;
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There is nothing to fix.
This was a bug in some versions of Windows 10 and 11 which could be exploited.
It's a good thing that the system no longer hangs, but that the process quits instead.

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