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Created June 10, 2014 13:37
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<hr id="answer">
<span class="replace-back">{{Back}}</span>
try {
_ref = $('.replace-back');
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
elem = _ref[_i];
try {
want = elem.innerHTML;
elem.innerHTML = word.conjugate(want);
} catch (error) {
elem.innerHTML = "";
} catch(error) {
document.getElementById("error").innerHTML += error;
{{Back}} of <span class="replace">{{Front}}</span>
<span id="error">none</span>
try {
(function() {
var Adjective, IAdjective, II, Kuru, NaAdjective, PoliteAdjective, PoliteAdjectiveNegative, PoliteNaAdjective, PoliteVerb, PoliteVerbNegative, RuVerb, Suru, UVerb, Verb, Word, aSounds, adjectives, eSounds, iSounds, oSounds, uSounds, verbs, w,
__hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor; child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
__indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
aSounds = ["ら", "や", "ま", "は", "な", "た", "さ", "か", "あ", "ぱ", "ば", "だ", "ざ", "が"];
iSounds = ["り", "", "み", "ひ", "に", "ち", "し", "き", "い", "ぴ", "び", "ぢ", "じ", "ぎ"];
uSounds = ["る", "ゆ", "む", "ふ", "ぬ", "つ", "す", "く", "う", "ぷ", "ぶ", "づ", "ず", "ぐ"];
eSounds = ["れ", "", "め", "へ", "ね", "て", "せ", "け", "え", "ぺ", "べ", "で", "ぜ", "げ"];
oSounds = ["ろ", "よ", "も", "ほ", "の", "と", "そ", "こ", "お", "ぽ", "ぼ", "ど", "ぞ", "ご"];
String.prototype.replaceLast = function(from, to) {
var i, s, _ref;
s = this.toString();
for (i = 0, _ref = from.length; 0 <= _ref ? i < _ref : i > _ref; 0 <= _ref ? i++ : i--) {
if (s.slice(-1) === from[i]) return s.slice(0, -1) + to[i];
return s;
Word = (function() {
function Word(_plain, _reading, _meaning) {
this._plain = _plain;
this._reading = _reading;
this._meaning = _meaning;
Word.prototype.plain = function() {
return this._plain;
Word.prototype.reading = function() {
return this._reading;
Word.prototype.meaning = function() {
return this._meaning;
Word.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.plain();
Word.prototype.conjugate = function(conj) {
return conj.split(' ').reduce((function(w, c) {
return w[c]();
}), this);
return Word;
Verb = (function(_super) {
__extends(Verb, _super);
function Verb() {
Verb.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Verb.prototype.polite = function() {
return new PoliteVerb(this.stem());
Verb.prototype.te = function() {
return this.past().replace(/た$/, "て").replace(/だ$/, "で");
Verb.prototype.conditional = function() {
return this._plain.replaceLast(uSounds, eSounds) + "ば";
return Verb;
PoliteVerb = (function(_super) {
__extends(PoliteVerb, _super);
function PoliteVerb(_plain) {
this._plain = _plain;
PoliteVerb.prototype.plain = function() {
return this._plain + "ます";
PoliteVerb.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.plain();
PoliteVerb.prototype.negative = function() {
return new PoliteVerbNegative(this._plain);
PoliteVerb.prototype.past = function() {
return this._plain + "ました";
PoliteVerb.prototype.volitional = function() {
return this._plain + "ましょう";
return PoliteVerb;
PoliteVerbNegative = (function(_super) {
__extends(PoliteVerbNegative, _super);
function PoliteVerbNegative(_plain) {
this._plain = _plain;
PoliteVerbNegative.prototype.plain = function() {
return this._plain + "ません";
PoliteVerbNegative.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.plain();
PoliteVerbNegative.prototype.past = function() {
return this._plain + "ませんでした";
return PoliteVerbNegative;
RuVerb = (function(_super) {
__extends(RuVerb, _super);
function RuVerb() {
RuVerb.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
RuVerb.prototype.type = function() {
return "ru-verb";
RuVerb.prototype.stem = function() {
return this._plain.replace(/る$/, "");
RuVerb.prototype.negative = function() {
return new IAdjective(this.stem() + "ない");
RuVerb.prototype.past = function() {
return this.stem() + "た";
RuVerb.prototype.potential = function() {
return new RuVerb(this.stem() + "られる");
RuVerb.prototype.volitional = function() {
return this.stem() + "よう";
return RuVerb;
UVerb = (function(_super) {
__extends(UVerb, _super);
function UVerb() {
UVerb.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
UVerb.prototype.type = function() {
return "u-verb";
UVerb.prototype.stem = function() {
return this._plain.replaceLast(uSounds, iSounds);
UVerb.prototype.negative = function() {
var base;
base = (function() {
switch (this._plain) {
case "ある":
return "ない";
return this._plain.replace(/う$/, "わ").replaceLast(uSounds, aSounds) + "ない";
return new IAdjective(base);
UVerb.prototype.past = function() {
switch (this._plain) {
case "行く":
return "行った";
return this._plain.replace(/う$/, "った").replace(/つ$/, "った").replace(/る$/, "った").replace(/む$/, "んだ").replace(/ぶ$/, "んだ").replace(/ぬ$/, "んだ").replace(/す$/, "した").replace(/く$/, "いた").replace(/ぐ$/, "いだ");
UVerb.prototype.potential = function() {
return new RuVerb(this._plain.replaceLast(uSounds, eSounds) + "る");
UVerb.prototype.volitional = function() {
return this._plain.replaceLast(uSounds, oSounds) + "う";
return UVerb;
Suru = (function(_super) {
__extends(Suru, _super);
function Suru() {
Suru.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Suru.prototype.type = function() {
return "suru-verb";
Suru.prototype.stem = function() {
return "し";
Suru.prototype.negative = function() {
return new IAdjective("しない");
Suru.prototype.past = function() {
return "した";
Suru.prototype.potential = function() {
return new RuVerb("できる");
Suru.prototype.volitional = function() {
return "しよう";
return Suru;
Kuru = (function(_super) {
__extends(Kuru, _super);
function Kuru() {
Kuru.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Kuru.prototype.type = function() {
return "kuru-verb";
Kuru.prototype.stem = function() {
return "き";
Kuru.prototype.negative = function() {
return new IAdjective("こない");
Kuru.prototype.past = function() {
return "きた";
Kuru.prototype.potential = function() {
return new RuVerb("こられる");
Kuru.prototype.volitional = function() {
return "こよう";
return Kuru;
Adjective = (function(_super) {
__extends(Adjective, _super);
function Adjective() {
Adjective.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Adjective.prototype.polite = function() {
return new PoliteAdjective(this);
Adjective.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.plain();
return Adjective;
PoliteAdjective = (function(_super) {
__extends(PoliteAdjective, _super);
function PoliteAdjective(_plain) {
this._plain = _plain;
PoliteAdjective.prototype.plain = function() {
return this._plain + "です";
PoliteAdjective.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.plain();
PoliteAdjective.prototype.negative = function() {
return new PoliteAdjectiveNegative(this._plain.negative());
PoliteAdjective.prototype.past = function() {
return this._plain.past() + "です";
return PoliteAdjective;
PoliteAdjectiveNegative = (function(_super) {
__extends(PoliteAdjectiveNegative, _super);
function PoliteAdjectiveNegative(_plain) {
this._plain = _plain;
PoliteAdjectiveNegative.prototype.plain = function() {
return this._plain + "です";
PoliteAdjectiveNegative.prototype.past = function() {
return this._plain.past() + "です";
return PoliteAdjectiveNegative;
PoliteNaAdjective = (function(_super) {
__extends(PoliteNaAdjective, _super);
function PoliteNaAdjective() {
PoliteNaAdjective.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
PoliteNaAdjective.prototype.past = function() {
return this._plain + "でした";
return PoliteNaAdjective;
IAdjective = (function(_super) {
__extends(IAdjective, _super);
function IAdjective() {
IAdjective.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
IAdjective.prototype.type = function() {
return "i-adjective";
IAdjective.prototype.adverb = function() {
return this._plain.replace(/い$/, "く");
IAdjective.prototype.negative = function() {
return new IAdjective(this._plain.replace(/い$/, "くない"));
IAdjective.prototype.past = function() {
return this._plain.replace(/い$/, "かった");
IAdjective.prototype.te = function() {
return this._plain.replace(/い$/, "くて");
IAdjective.prototype.conditional = function() {
return this._plain.replace(/い$/, "ければ");
return IAdjective;
II = (function(_super) {
__extends(II, _super);
function II() {
II.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
II.prototype.plain = function() {
return "いい";
return II;
NaAdjective = (function(_super) {
__extends(NaAdjective, _super);
function NaAdjective() {
NaAdjective.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
NaAdjective.prototype.type = function() {
return "na-adjective";
NaAdjective.prototype.adverb = function() {
return this._plain + "に";
NaAdjective.prototype.negative = function() {
return new IAdjective(this._plain + "じゃない");
NaAdjective.prototype.past = function() {
return this._plain + "だった";
NaAdjective.prototype.te = function() {
return this._plain + "で";
NaAdjective.prototype.conditional = function() {
return this._plain + "であれば";
return NaAdjective;
verbs = [
plain: "見る",
reading: "みる",
meaning: "to see"
}, {
plain: "食べる",
reading: "たべる",
meaning: "to eat"
}, {
plain: "寝る",
reading: "ねる",
meaning: "to sleep"
}, {
plain: "起きる",
reading: "おきる",
meaning: "to wake up"
}, {
plain: "考える",
reading: "かんがえる",
meaning: "to think"
}, {
plain: "教える",
reading: "おしえる",
meaning: "to teach"
}, {
plain: "出る",
reading: "でる",
meaning: "to exit"
}, {
plain: "着る",
reading: "きる",
meaning: "to wear"
}, {
plain: "居る",
reading: "いる",
meaning: "to be (animate)"
}, {
plain: "在る",
reading: "ある",
meaning: "to be (inanimate)"
}, {
plain: "話す",
reading: "はなす",
meaning: "to talk"
}, {
plain: "聞く",
reading: "きく",
meaning: "to hear"
}, {
plain: "泳ぐ",
reading: "およぐ",
meaning: "to swim"
}, {
plain: "遊ぶ",
reading: "あそぶ",
meaning: "to play"
}, {
plain: "待つ",
reading: "まつ",
meaning: "to wait"
}, {
plain: "飲む",
reading: "のむ",
meaning: "to drink"
}, {
plain: "買う",
reading: "かう",
meaning: "to buy"
}, {
plain: "帰る",
reading: "かえる",
meaning: "to return"
}, {
plain: "死ぬ",
reading: "しぬ",
meaning: "to die"
}, {
plain: "為る",
reading: "する",
meaning: "to do"
}, {
plain: "来る",
reading: "くる",
meaning: "to come"
adjectives = [
plain: "良い",
reading: "いい",
meaning: "good"
}, {
plain: "奇麗",
reading: "きれい",
meaning: "pretty"
}, {
plain: "静か",
reading: "しずか",
meaning: "quiet"
}, {
plain: "親切",
reading: "しんせつ",
meaning: "kind"
}, {
plain: "好き",
reading: "すき",
meaning: "like"
}, {
plain: "嫌い",
reading: "きらい",
meaning: "hate"
}, {
plain: "美味しい",
reading: "おいしい",
meaning: "tasty"
}, {
plain: "高い",
reading: "たかい",
meaning: "tall"
window.classify = function(plain, reading, meaning) {
var _ref;
switch (reading) {
case "する":
return new Suru(plain, reading, meaning);
case "くる":
return new Kuru(plain, reading, meaning);
case "いい":
return new II(plain, reading, meaning);
switch (plain.slice(-1)) {
case "う":
case "つ":
case "む":
case "ぶ":
case "ぬ":
case "す":
case "く":
case "ぐ":
return new UVerb(plain, reading, meaning);
case "る":
switch (plain) {
case "要る":
case "帰る":
case "切る":
case "喋る":
case "知る":
case "入る":
case "走る":
case "減る":
case "焦る":
case "限る":
case "蹴る":
case "滑る":
case "握る":
case "練る":
case "参る":
case "交じる":
case "混じる":
case "嘲る":
case "覆る":
case "遮る":
case "罵る":
case "捻る":
case "翻る":
case "滅入る":
case "蘇る":
return new UVerb(plain, reading, meaning);
if (_ref = reading.slice(-2, -1),, _ref) >= 0) {
return new RuVerb(plain, reading, meaning);
} else {
return new UVerb(plain, reading, meaning);
case "い":
switch (plain) {
case "嫌い":
case "奇麗":
case "綺麗":
case "きれい":
return new NaAdjective(plain, reading, meaning);
return new IAdjective(plain, reading, meaning);
return new NaAdjective(plain, reading, meaning);
window.words = (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref = verbs.concat(adjectives);
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
w = _ref[_i];
_results.push(classify(w.plain, w.reading, w.meaning));
return _results;
window.$ = function(s) {
if (s[0] === "#") {
return document.getElementById(s.substring(1));
} else if (s[0] === ".") {
return document.getElementsByClassName(s.substring(1));
} else {
return document.getElementsByTagName(s);
if ($('#answer') === null) {
word = words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)];
_ref = $('.replace');
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
elem = _ref[_i];
try {
want = elem.innerHTML;
elem.innerHTML = word.conjugate(want);
} catch (error) {
elem.innerHTML = "";
} catch(error) {
document.getElementById("error").innerHTML += error;
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