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Movsisyan MovsisyanM

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MovsisyanM /
Created May 18, 2022 12:07
Capped ReLU activation function
def capped_relu(x):
"""Mirrored-Z shaped activation function: min(10, relu(x))"""
return tf.minimum(tf.keras.activations.relu(x), 10)
velovix /
Last active February 24, 2025 09:48
The text version of my GStreamer talk at sunhacks 2020


Hi everyone! Today I'm going to be giving you a crash course in video processing using Python. Coming out of this talk, you'll be able to take video from pretty much any source, decode it, apply visual effects, and display it on-screen. To do this, we're going to be using a library named GStreamer, an incredibly powerful and versatile framework. This is the same tool that the pros use, but don't feel intimidated! GStreamer actually makes it very easy to do impressive things with video and you'll be well on your way to making something great in just the time it takes to watch this talk.

If you fall behind at any point during the live presentation, don't worry! I have a text version of this talk available with the same content and more. There should be a link in the description.

Installing Dependencies

Let's start by installing everything we'll need to start using GStreamer in Python. This is probably the hardest part, so if you managed to do it before this talk, it's all smooth sailing fro

JuneKelly / BaselineTest.txt
Created December 12, 2017 13:45
Full text of the Baseline Test from Blade Runner 2049
A blood black nothingness began to spin.
Began to spin.
Let's move on to system.
Feel that in your body.