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Created October 20, 2017 21:01
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board: 2D array
state: mine or not
revealed: revealed or not
value: number of mines in surrounding zone
reveal(x,y): reveal the cell
game_over(): exit the game
import random
import sys
def print_board(board):
n, m = len(board), len(board[0])
for i in range(n):
s = ''
for j in range(m):
s += board[i][j].render_cell()
class Cell():
def __init__(self, state, revealed, value, x, y):
self.state = state
self.revealed = revealed
self.value = value
self.x, self.y = x, y
def render_cell(self):
if self.revealed: return str(self.value)
else: return '-'
class mine_sweeper():
board = []
mines = []
total_cells = 0
total_mines = 0
is_game_over = False
def __init__(self, width, height):
width, height = int(width), int(height)
self.board = [[Cell(False, False, 0, x, y) for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)]
self.total_cells = width * height
# set random mines into board
self.__randomize_mines(width, height, self.board)
# calculate value of each cell
self.__calculate_values(width, height, self.board)
def print_mine_locations(self):
n, m = len(self.board), len(self.board[0])
for i in range(n):
s = ''
for j in range(m):
s += 'M' if self.board[i][j].state else '-'
def print_values(self):
n, m = len(self.board), len(self.board[0])
for i in range(n):
s = ''
for j in range(m):
s += str(self.board[i][j].value)
def reveal(self, x, y):
board = self.board
x, y = int(x), int(y)
# check row
if y >= len(board) or y < 0:
print('Please enter a value between ',0,' and ',len(board)-1)
# check col
if x >= len(board[0]) or x < 0:
print('Please enter a value between ',0,' and ',len(board[0])-1)
if self.board[y][x].state: self.game_over()
self.board[y][x].revealed = True
if self.board[y][x].value == 0:
self.__expand_blank(x, y, self.board)
def game_over(self):
print('Opps... Game over!')
self.is_game_over = True
def __expand_blank(self, x, y, board):
deltas = [
(-1, -1), (0, 1), (1, 1),
(-1, 0), (1, 0),
(-1, 1), (0, -1), (1, -1),
queue = [board[y][x]]
# is this cell blank? (meaning value is 0?)
if board[y][x].value == 0:
while queue:
cell = queue.pop(0)
x,y = cell.x, cell.y
# are cell's neighboring cells blank?
for delta in deltas:
dx, dy = x+delta[0], y+delta[1]
if self.__is_within_range(dx, dy) and\
not board[dy][dx].revealed:
# not a bomb?
if not board[dy][dx].state:
board[dy][dx].revealed = True
# is value zero?
if board[dy][dx].value == 0:
def __randomize_mines(self, width, height, board):
# adjust how many mines are in the board.
# I set it to 1/3
# 1/3 is too hard. Let's do 1/4
self.total_mines = int(self.total_cells/4)
# self.total_mines = 4
remaining_mines = self.total_mines
xrange, yrange = range(width),range(height)
# print('total mines are', self.total_mines)
# are mines all planted?
while remaining_mines > 0:
xpos,ypos = random.choice(xrange),random.choice(yrange)
# is mine not planted yet?
if not board[xpos][ypos].state:
board[xpos][ypos].state = True; remaining_mines -= 1
def __calculate_values(self, width, height, board):
deltas = [
(-1, -1), (0, 1), (1, 1),
(-1, 0), (1, 0),
(-1, 1), (0, -1), (1, -1),
# intead of checking all the corners, loop through mines and deltas
# and increment the values surrounding mine
for mine in self.mines:
for delta in deltas:
y, x = mine.y+delta[1], mine.x+delta[0]
if self.__is_within_range(x, y):
board[y][x].value += 1
def __is_within_range(self, x, y):
board = self.board
width, length = len(board[0]), len(board)
return x >= 0 and x < width and y >= 0 and y < length
print('input the size of the minesweeper board')
W = input('width:')
H = input('height:')
game = mine_sweeper(int(W), int(H))
# game.print_mine_locations()
# game.print_values()
print('welcome to the mine sweeper.\nPlease, enter a x and y coordinates to reveal!')
while True:
print('Input x and y position of your next sweep! x and y are zero based.')
print('zero based means instead of starting 1, it will start with 0')
x = input('x:')
y = input('y:')
# game.print_mine_locations()
# game.print_values()
if game.is_game_over: break
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