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Last active May 30, 2024 15:22
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Rife frame interpolation VapourSynth script for mpv.
import vapoursynth as vs
from vapoursynth import core
import mvsfunc as mvf
from math import log,ceil,floor
fps = container_fps
css = '4'+['44','22','20'][video_in.format.subsampling_w+video_in.format.subsampling_h]
src = video_in.fmtc.bitdepth(bits=16)
# Rife is very computing power intensive, so maybe you should enable these two lines.
w,h,wt = video_in.width,video_in.height,480
src = video_in.fmtc.bitdepth(bits=16).resize.Bicubic(wt,(floor(wt*h/w)+(floor(wt*h/w)%2)))
last = core.std.AssumeFPS(src,fpsnum=fps*1e8,fpsden=1e8)
sup =
vec =,isb=True)
last =,vec)
last = core.misc.SCDetect(last)
last = mvf.ToRGB(last).fmtc.bitdepth(bits=32)
if fps < 60:
for x in range(ceil(log(60/int(fps),2))):
# UHD models are faster so even if the video is not uhd it can still be an improvement of speed.
# The decline in quality is minor.
# 2021/7/8 Change model to 0 (v3.1) because model 1 (v2.4) makes shaky images when uhd=True.
last = core.rife.RIFE(last,model=0,uhd=True,sc=True)
last = mvf.ToYUV(last,depth=16,css=css)
if abs(fps-30)>0.001 and abs(fps-60)>0.001 and fps<60:
sup =
vec =,isb=True)
vecf =,isb=False)
last =,sup,vec,vecf,60,1)
#last = core.fmtc.bitdepth(last,bits=10)
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