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Last active January 19, 2018 23:34
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Route events based on type on the same observable
public static class ObservableExtensions
public static Builder<TBase> SwitchType<TBase>(
this IObservable<TBase> observable)
return new Builder<TBase>(observable);
public class Builder<TBase>
readonly IObservable<TBase> _observable;
Func<TBase, Task<bool>> _onNext;
internal Builder(IObservable<TBase> observable)
_observable = observable;
_onNext = o => Task.FromResult(false);
public Builder<TBase> Case<TCase>(
Func<TCase, Task> action)
where TCase : class, TBase
var previousCheck = _onNext;
_onNext = async (TBase o) =>
if (await previousCheck(o)) return true;
return await IsType(o, action);
return this;
public Builder<TBase> Case<TCase>(Action<TCase> action)
where TCase : class, TBase
=> Case(ToAsync(action));
public IDisposable Subscribe(
Func<TBase, Task> defaultAction)
return _observable.Subscribe(async (TBase o) =>
if (await _onNext(o)) return;
await defaultAction(o);
public IDisposable Subscribe(Action<TBase> defaultAction)
=> Subscribe(ToAsync(defaultAction));
public IDisposable Subscribe()
return _observable.Subscribe(async e => await _onNext(e));
static async Task<bool> IsType<TCase>(TBase o, Func<TCase, Task> action)
where TCase : class, TBase
if (o is TCase)
await action(o as TCase);
return true;
return false;
static Func<T, Task> ToAsync<T>(
Action<T> action)
return o =>
return Task.CompletedTask;
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MrAntix commented Jan 19, 2018

The above worked because of the .Else(), which called the Observable.Subscribe() method explicitly.
Without this the implicit subscribe didn't work.

Opted for an explicit call to subscribe in the end which suits the pattern better anyway ie .Observable.SomeFunc().Subscribe()


    .Case<AnEvent>(e => { })
    .Case<AnOtherEvent>(e => { })

The .Else() action can be passed in to the .Subscribe(e => { }) as the default action

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