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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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  • Save MrAntix/56117f53b7f78e915503 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MrAntix/56117f53b7f78e915503 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
I like my data models to have 'Data' as a suffix to make it easy to see that they are data models e.g. 'PersonData', but when I use EF this means that I get table names like 'UserDatas' or 'PersonDatas'. This EF Convention removes the Data suffix and still applies the pluralisation you expect
public class DataTableNameConvention :
public DataTableNameConvention(
IPluralizationService pluralizationService,
IDictionary<string, string> explicitNames)
c => c.ToTable(
GetName(c.ClrType, pluralizationService, explicitNames))
static string GetName(
Type type,
IPluralizationService pluralizationService,
IDictionary<string, string> explicitNames)
if (explicitNames.ContainsKey(type.Name))
return explicitNames[type.Name];
return pluralizationService
public static class StringExtensions
public static string TrimEnd(
this string value, string trimString,
StringComparison comparisonType = StringComparison.Ordinal)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)
|| string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimString)) return value;
var lastIndex = value.Length;
int index;
while ((index = value.LastIndexOf(trimString, lastIndex, comparisonType)) != -1)
lastIndex = index;
return lastIndex != value.Length
? value.Substring(0, lastIndex)
: value;
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MrAntix commented Dec 31, 2014


public class DataContext :

    protected override void OnModelCreating(
        DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

            .Add(new DataTableNameConvention(
                new Dictionary<string, string>
                    {"ATOData", "ATOs"}  // special cases

You can pass in special cases, as above, where the pluralisation gets it wrong, otherwise 'ATO' acronym gets pluralised to 'ATOes'.

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