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Created March 11, 2020 18:21
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behaviour mint of UniswapV2Exchange
interface mint(address to)
for all
LockState : bool
Token0 : address UniswapV2Exchange
Token1 : address UniswapV2Exchange
Balance0 : uint256
Balance1 : uint256
Reserve0 : uint112
Reserve1 : uint112
Price0Last : uint256
Price1Last : uint256
BlockTimestampLast : uint32
Factory : address UniswapV2Factory
FeeTo : address
KLast : uint256
DstBal : uint256
Burned : uint256
FeeBal : uint256
TotalSupply : uint256
// --- centralized fee switch ---
FeeOn := FeeTo =/= 0
// --- amounts paid into pool ---
Amount0 := Balance0 - Reserve0
Amount1 := Balance1 - Reserve1
// --- LP share minting ---
EmptyLiquidity := #sqrt(Amount0 * Amount1) - MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY
FundedLiquidity := #min((Amount0 * TotalSupply) / Reserve0, (Amount1 * TotalSupply) / Reserve1)
SharesMinted := #if TotalSupply == 0 #then EmptyLiquidity #else FundedLiquidity #fi
// --- fee minting ---
RootK := #sqrt(Reserve0 * Reserve1)
RootKLast := #sqrt(KLast)
FeeLiquidity := (TotalSupply * (RootK - RootKLast)) / ((RootK * 4) + RootKLast)
FeeMinted := #if FeeOn and KLast > 0 #then FeeLiquidity #else 0 #fi
// --- time since last call ---
TimeElapsed := ((TIME mod pow32) -Word BlockTimestampLast) mod pow32
storage Token0
balanceOf[ACCT_ID] |-> Balance0
storage Token1
balanceOf[ACCT_ID] |-> Balance1
storage Factory
feeTo |-> FeeTo
token0 |-> Token0
token1 |-> Token1
factory |-> Factory
// --- reentrancy guard ---
lockState |-> LockState => LockState
// --- cached invariant update ---
kLast |-> KLast => #if FeeOn #then Reserve0 * Reserve1 #else KLast #fi
// --- mint liquidity tokens ---
balanceOf[FeeTo] |-> FeeBal => FeeBal + FeeMinted
balanceOf[to] |-> DstBal => DstBal + SharesMinted
balanceOf[0] |-> Burned => Burned + #if TotalSupply == 0 #then Burned + MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY #else Burned #fi
totalSupply |-> TotalSupply => TotalSupply + SharesMinted + FeeMinted
// --- sync reserves to balances, update cached timestamp ---
reserve0_reserve1_blockTimestampLast |-> #WordPackUInt112UInt112UInt32(Reserve0, Reserve1, BlockTimestampLast) \
=> #WordPackUInt112UInt112UInt32(Balance0, Balance1, (TIME mod pow32))
// --- price accumulator updates ---
price0CumulativeLast |-> PriceLast0 => \
#if Reserve0 =/= 0 and Reserve1 =/= 0 and TimeElapsed > 0 \
#then chop(((((pow112 * Reserve1) / Reserve0) * TimeElapsed) + PriceLast0)) \
#else PriceLast0 \
price1CumulativeLast |-> PriceLast1 => \
#if Reserve0 =/= 0 and Reserve1 =/= 0 and TimeElapsed > 0 \
#then chop(((((pow112 * Reserve0) / Reserve1) * TimeElapsed) + PriceLast1)) \
#else PriceLast1 \
iff in range uint112
iff in range uint256
// --- invariant calculation ---
Reserve0 * Reserve1
// --- LP share calculations ---
Amount0 * Amount1
Amount0 * TotalSupply
Amount1 * TotalSupply
// --- fee calculations ---
RootK - RootKLast
TotalSupply * (RootK - RootKLast)
RootK * 4
(RootK * 4) + RootKLast
(TotalSupply * (RootK - RootKLast)) / ((RootK * 4) + RootKLast)
// --- token minting ---
DstBal + FundedLiquidity
DstBal + EmptyLiquidity
FeeBal + FeeLiquidity
TotalSupply + EmptyLiquidity
TotalSupply + EmptyLiquidity + FeeLiquidity
TotalSupply + FundedLiquidity
TotalSupply + FundedLiquidity + FeeLiquidity
// --- LP shares must be created ---
((TotalSupply == 0) \
and (Amount0 > 0) \
and (Amount1 > 0) \
and (EmptyLiquidity > 0) \
) \
or ((TotalSupply > 0) \
and (Reserve0 > 0) \
and (Reserve1 > 0) \
and (FundedLiquidity > 0) \
// --- no reentrancy ---
LockState == 1
// --- not payable ---
VCallValue == 0
// --- max call stack depth ---
VCallDepth < 1024
// --- no storage collisions ---
0 =/= to
0 =/= FeeTo
to =/= FeeTo
returns Liquidity
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