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Created August 27, 2015 20:25
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Product hunter
Slack = require('slack-node')
os = require('os')
jsonHttp = require('json-http')
#Slack stuff
webhookUri = ''
slack = new Slack
slack.setWebhook webhookUri
#Kimono uri
productsUrl = ''
#Get products form kimono
jsonHttp.getJson productsUrl, (err, response) ->
if err isnt "null"
productsArray = response["results"]["products"] #Return an array with all the products
console.log "Houston we have an error: " + err
#Parse the array which contains the products
productsList = (productsArray) ->
attachments = []
productsArray.forEach (product)->
pNumber = product["index"]
pName = product["name"].text
pUrl = product["name"].href
pPlatform = product["platform"]
pVotes = product["votes"].text
"fallback": pName,
"title_link": pUrl,
"text": pPlatform,
"text": pVotes,
"color": "#7CD197"
#Send attachament object to the slack room
slack.webhook productsObject(attachments), (err, response) ->
console.log 'Listo ☕'
#Return the string that will be prompted into the slack room
productsObject = (attachments) ->
channel: '#home',
username: '@jorge',
attachments: attachments
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