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Kamil MrModest

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MrModest /
Created January 10, 2025 09:37
SilverBullet functions (Library/Custom/Functions/
function getMonday(date) {
    const dayOfWeek = date.getDay();
    const diff = dayOfWeek >= 1 // 1 - for 'Monday', for Sunday - it will be '0'
      ? dayOfWeek - 1 // 1 - for 'Monday', for Sunday - it will be '0'
      : 6 - dayOfWeek;
"annotations": {
"list": [
"builtIn": 1,
"datasource": {
"type": "grafana",
"uid": "-- Grafana --"
"enable": true,
MrModest / NoteDB
Last active September 21, 2024 09:13
- .vault/
- settings.yml
- templates/
- 7d6bc389-05af-46c7-b06b-a5b546fb99d3.yml
- db/
- db.sqlite // or Redis
- notes/
- // or
- assets/
- 960cd651-d3a4-482f-b5eb-119299f9ddc7.png
# src/composes/immich/compose.d8s.yml
kind: compose
name: {{ .Name }}
serviceCommons: # shortcut to describe the same property value for each service
user: {{ .User }}
restart: {{ .RestartMode }}
- {{ .Networks.ReverseProxy }}
env: {{ .Name }}_envs # id of `env_vars` kind file
data class Playbook(
val name: String,
val hosts: Host[],
val remoteUser: User,
val varFiles: File[],
val vars: ObjectNode // need valitation so root will be only Map
val tasks: Task[]
sealed class ObjectNode {
MrModest / models.kt
Last active April 7, 2024 10:53
The model structure for potential trip planner app like '' or ''.
The idea behind it to make something like 'TravelerBuddy', but simplier. Easy to write and easy to read.
Just to have a chronological plan of points of interests and all crucial parts of journey. Also, to have all crucial info handy.
Backend is as simple as a CRUD (if you aren't planned to implement multi-user/authorization support).
The most work is expected on Frondend side. It needs to provide a convenient and very specific form for each TripItem.
And also draw a "graph" like below.
No need to support autocompletion for Address. It's enought to support "open in Map" feature. So even no needs in having a build-in map view.
MrModest / anki-deutsch-nomen-template.html
Last active February 26, 2023 14:06
Template for Anki: German nouns - Deutsch Nomen
Fields: Übersetzung; Artikel; Nomen; Plural; Beispiel
{{FrontSide}} <!-- {{Übersetzung}} -->
<hr id=answer>
<span class="{{Artikel}}"><b>{{Artikel}}</b> {{Nomen}}</span>
html {
overflow: scroll;
overflow-x: hidden;
#kard {

⚠️ WARNING! All the content below was generated by ChatGPT, so take it with a grain of sault.


  • Global refers to the ease of relocating with the job internationally.
  • Salary refers to the expected salary for the job compared to the average salary in the region.
  • WLB refers to the work-life balance,
    • with Possible meaning that a normal 40-hour workweek is common
  • and Hardly possible meaning that overtime or unusual schedules are common.
MrModest / Umlauts_and_Eszett.json
Last active February 13, 2023 22:11
Karabiner Umlauts and Eszett config
"title": "German Umlaut",
"rules": [
"description": "Change option + a/o/u to ä/ö/ü",
"manipulators": [
"type": "basic",
"from": {
"key_code": "a",