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Last active August 29, 2024 14:39
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Laravel Eloquent Hack: Automatically Load Relationships and Select Columns πŸš€
// In Laravel, we have the $with property to automatically load a relationship every time.
// However, selecting a specific column by default for every model query doesn't seem possible...
// but here's a hack I found!
class Post extends Model
// To automatically load the 'author' relationship on every query
protected $with = ['author'];
// Boot the model to apply the global scope
protected static function boot(): void
// Adding a global scope to always include 'user_id' in the select statement
static::addGlobalScope('user_id', function (Builder $query): void {
// Get the columns that have been selected for the query
$columns = $query->getQuery()->columns;
// Check if specific columns are being selected and 'user_id' is not among them
if ($columns !== null && !in_array('*', $columns) && !in_array('user_id', $columns)) {
// Add 'user_id' to the selected columns
// If no columns are specified, initialize with 'select()' to ensure the scope works
if ($columns === null) {
// Define the relationship with 'author'
public function author()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
// Other model methods and properties...
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