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Created February 7, 2025 09:57
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Tappable Scopes in Laravel

The Problem

  • Laravel's model scopes don't work with Scout (search).
  • Reusing scopes across models means copying code OR using traits (but Scout still breaks).
  • Leads to duplicate query logic.

The Solution: Tappable Scopes

Instead of defining scopes inside models, create scope classes that can be used in both Eloquent & Scout queries!

Step 1: Create a Scope Class




namespace App\Models\Scopes;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Laravel\Scout\Builder as ScoutBuilder;

final class FilterScope {
     * @template TModel of \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
     * @param Builder<TModel>|ScoutBuilder<TModel> $query
     * @return Builder<TModel>|ScoutBuilder<TModel>
    public function __invoke(Builder|ScoutBuilder $query): Builder|ScoutBuilder
        return $query->where(...); // Apply your query logic here

#Step 2: Use It in Model Scopes


 * @param Builder<Post> $query 
public function scopeFilter(Builder $query, User $user): void 
    $query->tap(new FilterScope()); 

Step 3: Use It in Scout Queries

    ->tap(new FilterScope())

Why Use Tappable Scopes?

  • Works with both Eloquent & Scout.
  • Reuses query logic across models.
  • No need for duplicate code or workarounds.
  • Keeps models clean & maintainable.

Final Thoughts

Tappable Scopes help keep Laravel applications clean, flexible & DRY.

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