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Created October 8, 2016 13:59
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bool raycast_map(const std::vector<Oddlib::Path::CollisionItem>& lines, const glm::vec2& line1p1, const glm::vec2& line1p2, int collisionType, Physics::raycast_collision* const collision)
const Oddlib::Path::CollisionItem* nearestLine = nullptr;
float nearestCollisionX = 0;
float nearestCollisionY = 0;
float nearestDistance = 0.f;
bool hasCollided = false;
bool firstCollision = true;
for (const Oddlib::Path::CollisionItem& line : lines)
if (line.mType != collisionType) { continue;}
float intersectionX = 0;
float intersectionY = 0;
float line1p1x = line1p1.x;
float line1p1y = line1p1.y;
float line1p2x = line1p2.x;
float line1p2y = line1p2.y;
float line2p1x = line.mP1.mX;
float line2p1y = line.mP1.mY;
float line2p2x = line.mP2.mX;
float line2p2y = line.mP2.mY;
// Get the segments' parameters.
float dx12 = line1p2x - line1p1x;
float dy12 = line1p2y - line1p1y;
float dx34 = line2p2x - line2p1x;
float dy34 = line2p2y - line2p1y;
// Solve for t1 and t2
float denominator = (dy12 * dx34 - dx12 * dy34);
float t1 = ((line1p1x - line2p1x) * dy34 + (line2p1y - line1p1y) * dx34) / denominator;
if (isinf(t1))
float t2 = ((line2p1x - line1p1x) * dy12 + (line1p1y - line2p1y) * dx12) / -denominator;
// Find the point of intersection.
intersectionX = line1p1x + dx12 * t1;
intersectionY = line1p1y + dy12 * t1;
// The segments intersect if t1 and t2 are between 0 and 1.
hasCollided = ((t1 >= 0) && (t1 <= 1) && (t2 >= 0) && (t2 <= 1));
if (hasCollided)
float distance = sqrtf(powf((line1p1x - intersectionX), 2) + powf((line1p1y - intersectionY), 2));
if (firstCollision || distance < nearestDistance)
nearestCollisionX = intersectionX;
nearestCollisionY = intersectionY;
nearestDistance = distance;
nearestLine = &line;
firstCollision = false;
if (nearestLine)
if (collision)
collision->intersection.x = nearestCollisionX;
collision->intersection.y = nearestCollisionY;
//*collisionX = (int)(nearestCollisionX * 0x10000);
//*collisionY = (int)(nearestCollisionY * 0x10000);
//*collision = nearestLine;
return true;
return false;
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