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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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multiple binding
IProperty firstName, lastName, fullName;
// fetch properties from widgets.
auto converter = (Variant firstName, Variant lastName){
return Variant(firstName ~ " " ~ lastName);
fullName.pipeFrom(cast(Variant delegate(Variant[]...))converter, firstName, lastName);
template isVariant(T)
enum isVariant = is(T == Variant);
import std.conv;
alias ExtractValues(Properties...) = ExtractValuesImpl!(0, Properties);
template ExtractValuesImpl(uint index, Properties...)
pragma(msg, (Properties).length);
static if(Properties.length > 1)
enum ExtractValuesImpl = "sources[" ~ to!string(index) ~ "].value, " ~ ExtractValuesImpl!(index + 1, Properties[1..$]);
enum ExtractValuesImpl = "sources[" ~ to!string(index) ~ "].value";
import std.algorithm;
import std.range;
import std.traits;
import std.typetuple;
/// creates one-way binding from multiple to one property
/// destination.pipeFrom((Variant a, Variant b)=> a+b, num1, num2);
void pipeFrom(ConverterType, P ...)(IProperty dest, ConverterType converter, P sources)
if (is(ReturnType!ConverterType == Variant) &&
(ParameterTypeTuple!ConverterType).length == P.length &&
is(NoDuplicates!(ParameterTypeTuple!ConverterType) == TypeTuple!Variant) &&
is(NoDuplicates!P == TypeTuple!IProperty))
auto handler = (FlexibleObject obj, Variant value){
dest.value = mixin("converter("~ExtractValues!sources~")");
foreach(index, IProperty source; sources)
dest.value = mixin("converter("~ExtractValues!sources~")");
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