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Last active April 26, 2022 20:17
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Taylor series to approximate a generic function
let fact x =
let rec fact_r i acc =
match i with
| 0.0 -> acc
| a -> fact_r (i - 1.0) (acc * i)
fact_r x 1.0
let rec pwr bas ex =
match ex with
| 0 -> 1.0
| _ -> bas * (pwr bas (ex - 1))
let rec derivative f i delta =
let deri f delta =
let deri_r x =
(f (x + delta) - f x) / delta
match i with
| 0 -> f
| _ -> derivative (deri f delta) (i - 1) delta
let tay_terms f point delta =
let tay_term i x =
(((derivative f i delta) point) / (fact i)) * (pwr (x - point) i)
let rec tay_term_r i =
seq {
yield tay_term i
yield! tay_term_r (i + 1)
tay_term_r 0
let taylor f point i delta =
let terms = tay_terms f point delta
let rec taylor_r ind acc =
if ind > i then
taylor_r (ind + 1) (fun b -> (acc b + (Seq.item ind terms b)))
taylor_r 0 (fun a -> 0)
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Mroik commented Apr 26, 2022

My own implementation of the Taylor series after seeing @kspalaiologos blog post.
I'm fairly new to functional programming and my implementation is written in F#. It looks ugly and could be better. But for now it is good enough.

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