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Last active August 19, 2024 12:43
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WSL ipconfig

WSL ipconfig

Basic IP information command for WSL


sudo curl > ipconfig
sudo chmod +x ./ipconfig
sudo mv ./ipconfig /usr/bin/local


No input will print everything, you can use a specific one.

  • -1: Prints Local IP
  • -2: Prints WSL IP
  • -3: Prints Windows IP
  • -4: Prints Public IP
# Function to get IP addresses
get_ips() {
case $1 in
hostname -I | cut -d' ' -f1
awk 'NR==2' <<< "$win_ipconfig"
awk 'NR==1' <<< "$win_ipconfig"
curl -s
echo "Local IP: $(hostname -I)"
echo "WSL IP: $(awk 'NR==2' <<< "$win_ipconfig")"
echo "Windows IP: $(awk 'NR==1' <<< "$win_ipconfig")"
echo "Public IP: $(curl -s"
# Windows IP Config
cd /mnt/c
win_ipconfig=$(cmd.exe /c "ipconfig | findstr IPv4" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
cd $curpath
# Get IP addresses based on arguments
get_ips $1
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