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Last active March 28, 2017 19:07
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root@725159-infra01-utility-container-5fe3f4bf:~# openstack stack create --template testheat.yml puppystack
ERROR: Property error: : : Error validating value 'ubuntu-14.04-cloud': No images matching {'name': u'ubuntu-14.04-cloud'}. (HTTP 404)
root@725159-infra01-utility-container-5fe3f4bf:~# glance image-list | grep ubuntu-14.04-cloud
| 04641ea0-f24e-45cb-ab81-2400fbbd5e0b | ubuntu-14.04-cloud
root@725159-infra01-utility-container-5fe3f4bf:~# cat testheat.yml
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
description: Test heat template
type: OS::Nova::Server
image: ubuntu-14.04-cloud
flavor: m1.small
name: puppy-vm-1
key_name: Mudpuppy
- network: GATEWAY_NET_V6
openstack server create --image ubuntu-14.04-cloud --nic net-id=54753d2c-0a58-4928-9b32-084c59dd20a6 --flavor m1.small --key-name Mudpuppy testme
| Field | Value |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | nova |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host | None |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname | None |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name | instance-008e481e |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 0 |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | None |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | None |
| accessIPv4 | |
| accessIPv6 | |
| addresses | |
| adminPass | yee4Px8M8Frr |
| config_drive | |
| created | 2017-03-28T17:00:12Z |
| flavor | m1.small (2) |
| hostId | |
| id | 353b772c-a297-4b29-afd5-ce78553484a5 |
| image | ubuntu-14.04-cloud (04641ea0-f24e-45cb-ab81-2400fbbd5e0b) |
| key_name | Mudpuppy |
| name | testme |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] |
| progress | 0 |
| project_id | ddd81f9ab03f45e09196169abceaec6f |
| properties | |
| security_groups | [{u'name': u'default'}] |
| status | BUILD |
| updated | 2017-03-28T17:00:12Z |
| user_id | e6d1ea8ed4cb4df7adccdc37fa0ddd01 |
2017-03-28 12:27:22.997 685 INFO heat.engine.resource [req-e9443321-c27b-44d5-8b28-6faae6cf2e61 - osic-engineering - default default] Validating Server "test_vm"
2017-03-28 12:27:22.998 685 WARNING heat.engine.rsrc_defn [req-e9443321-c27b-44d5-8b28-6faae6cf2e61 - osic-engineering - default default] Reading the ResourceDefinition as if it were a snippet of a CloudFormation template is deprecated, and the ability to treat it as such will be removed in the future. Resource plugins should use the ResourceDefinition API to work with the definition of the resource instance.
2017-03-28 12:27:22.998 685 WARNING heat.engine.rsrc_defn [req-e9443321-c27b-44d5-8b28-6faae6cf2e61 - osic-engineering - default default] Reading the ResourceDefinition as if it were a snippet of a CloudFormation template is deprecated, and the ability to treat it as such will be removed in the future. Resource plugins should use the ResourceDefinition API to work with the definition of the resource instance.
2017-03-28 12:27:22.998 685 WARNING heat.engine.rsrc_defn [req-e9443321-c27b-44d5-8b28-6faae6cf2e61 - osic-engineering - default default] Reading the ResourceDefinition as if it were a snippet of a CloudFormation template is deprecated, and the ability to treat it as such will be removed in the future. Resource plugins should use the ResourceDefinition API to work with the definition of the resource instance.
root@725159-infra01-utility-container-5fe3f4bf:~# openstack token issue
| Field | Value |
| expires | 2017-03-29T05:45:12.134639Z |
| id | gAAAAABY2qEoHx6nAi6Q-cr8SFm39514r-zaZ5A8YfiWK3P6zZbSjJtrfqMaPqFNSpmCiyZmuuG6ZbaP6olmD9DHGprkQT7ENAaCY8HiGurw35T1kdVqCQR- |
| | ivIjJ7Pu5VuwsXvfHxhn0Pz2duqUXeKbIVXNjehpmBkST5D--TPoV0H-y9sCHKg |
| project_id | ddd81f9ab03f45e09196169abceaec6f |
| user_id | e6d1ea8ed4cb4df7adccdc37fa0ddd01 |
root@725159-infra01-utility-container-5fe3f4bf:~# openstack image show ubuntu-14.04-cloud
| Field | Value |
| checksum | 2648c180ecaa82d23a84ddd14a373c3d |
| container_format | bare |
| created_at | 2016-07-16T03:48:18Z |
| disk_format | qcow2 |
| file | /v2/images/04641ea0-f24e-45cb-ab81-2400fbbd5e0b/file |
| id | 04641ea0-f24e-45cb-ab81-2400fbbd5e0b |
| min_disk | 0 |
| min_ram | 0 |
| name | ubuntu-14.04-cloud |
| owner | ddd81f9ab03f45e09196169abceaec6f |
| properties | architecture='x86_64', description='Ready to use Cloud image - clean' |
| protected | True |
| schema | /v2/schemas/image |
| size | 259916288 |
| status | active |
| tags | |
| updated_at | 2017-03-22T20:35:52Z |
| virtual_size | None |
| visibility | private |
root@725159-infra01-utility-container-5fe3f4bf:~# openstack image list
| ID | Name | Status |
| 82fee429-1a91-4f72-b29e-a4f2afd47bd5 | danko-osa-newton | saving |
| 535a0bed-6b17-4eeb-a0d4-c1c21608fe44 | abashmak-devstack-gate | active |
| 50b714ee-ac83-44e6-8db2-0d370e6f6c63 | maciej-osa-liberty | active |
| d7bc46e0-f71a-4aeb-b6e8-d09694a8e4fa | alicja-large-model | active |
| 44373ba7-2aac-4373-919a-41a3901ba7d8 | alicja-CentOS7 | active |
| 8260c236-ecb5-4f4a-bf3c-178bf1b10731 | josh_devstack_snap | active |
| 9d794955-7ba3-49a9-b9d0-0cbc257bbb98 | soliosg-dev-dvsetup | active |
| 663d175b-112f-469d-9fb3-1481003c6b5b | vg-post-multinodesetup-primary | active |
| 776563c3-fc49-42f9-ae60-13022b38c47a | vg-post-multinodesetup-subnode | active |
| 86d6c524-6c6c-494a-b743-403ff2f34996 | vg-postmultinodesetup | active |
| c38c0c39-6d59-48f6-af30-2d4152707944 | vg-postvmsetup | active |
| 510b40b1-a2b2-432f-8f61-5f27f358cd07 | kc-dev3--prestack | active |
| f91e00b1-2bba-412a-ada5-556564bade25 | xenial-dsvm | active |
| 269d4868-31e2-4155-9eef-c7630b1a8ed3 | anup-snapshot | active |
| 38c484b6-4dfd-4bc7-b433-701490e319fc | black_snapshot | active |
| 19d02b6f-8f3b-4ea3-86f6-d2abdce2181f | void_snapshot | active |
| e6c7eb3e-3c2c-40bf-9242-4934afe6f8c0 | pru_yikyak | active |
| 210f4dc0-071c-4db0-b1b4-fcf3103d81ca | nt-multinode-proxy | active |
| ffc01343-2518-446b-b715-46e7e3ee59d1 | loadbalancer-nt | active |
| 81dd0072-366a-459c-b4cf-d4f1f5b84465 | sha_saio_j12_ec | active |
| 77aceef3-d652-48c3-8ed0-c0a0fa11b8f7 | soliosg-dev-vmsetup | active |
| af8074b9-a191-4801-893b-1d6a34ff58d5 | BAREMETAL_CONNECTION_APPLIANCE | active |
| bb290197-b22d-4b34-a99c-4afc963b8f17 | Sayantani-Ubuntu15.10 | active |
| 5a6a5340-23a6-443e-8fae-fe82604eda20 | varun zuul primary pre run1 | active |
| fd03afce-a494-46e7-afc2-23ba3d5b8816 | zuul pre run | active |
root@725159-infra01-utility-container-5fe3f4bf:~# glance image-list
| ID | Name |
| 535a0bed-6b17-4eeb-a0d4-c1c21608fe44 | abashmak-devstack-gate |
| e529b4a7-f662-491d-bf5d-d1cc19bf5e43 | ala-osa-master |
| 44373ba7-2aac-4373-919a-41a3901ba7d8 | alicja-CentOS7 |
| d7bc46e0-f71a-4aeb-b6e8-d09694a8e4fa | alicja-large-model |
| 9dfd79c3-0e88-4d87-83c0-ad5d93316cf1 | anu-ubuntu-image-14.0.4 |
| 269d4868-31e2-4155-9eef-c7630b1a8ed3 | anup-snapshot |
| af8074b9-a191-4801-893b-1d6a34ff58d5 | BAREMETAL_CONNECTION_APPLIANCE |
| 38c484b6-4dfd-4bc7-b433-701490e319fc | black_snapshot |
| 5fa48466-be72-425c-82c6-b0829ec0a253 | CentOS7 |
| 0b63f270-e168-4200-bbc9-509f1f73ddd7 | CentOS7-1608 |
| 4e55170e-7957-4b54-ba8a-c9e6fd15fb57 | ceph-ironic-copy |
| 0672e6f2-991b-464d-bae6-df9af6ce1266 | cirros |
| 4f73bc56-bfa4-419b-bd83-5e436f0650ac | cirros_033 |
| edc74d82-c43e-4c2c-afff-7c1b89566114 | clear-10040 |
| 82fee429-1a91-4f72-b29e-a4f2afd47bd5 | danko-osa-newton |
| 63d2ae4c-16cb-4264-910f-c060ffb9a568 | fedora-23.x86_64 |
| 58c8a4d3-90b0-425d-a0af-624e0656a4f3 | fedora-cloud-24 |
| adf8fa13-e53a-40f4-a4c2-5e1c4b401c2c | infra1-shashank-snapshot |
| f0fb34a7-f606-48ed-8ff2-2258890b50ba | Ironic_Annie_dev_instance |
| 759058e0-ee24-4b62-9f4e-e3ab78f791c2 | izaakk-deployment |
| 2c248758-20d2-468a-a361-17032dc97513 | izaakk-ubuntu14 |
| 8260c236-ecb5-4f4a-bf3c-178bf1b10731 | josh_devstack_snap |
| d97ca003-8fd2-46ab-ad8e-264237982720 | karthikvm-snpdev |
| c8a57a2a-f2c4-47a5-8dba-eb978517c23b | kc-dev1-fresh-postdevstack |
| 9f49c48d-435d-4f5f-ba70-f4fac42c5a6d | kc-dev1-fresh-predevstack |
| 510b40b1-a2b2-432f-8f61-5f27f358cd07 | kc-dev3--prestack |
| 83167291-0db6-4240-8c16-4928013e99ae | lcastell-aio |
| ffc01343-2518-446b-b715-46e7e3ee59d1 | loadbalancer-nt |
| 50b714ee-ac83-44e6-8db2-0d370e6f6c63 | maciej-osa-liberty |
| 026180d8-0ccc-4c46-a7de-7b2e86d67b51 | manjeets_ovo |
| 3a8b9e4b-4ba2-4bc0-8631-fc1cdc06523e | mohit_swift |
| d9010e2a-2da1-48ed-87bf-bf1fc380990e | mohitmotiani_saio |
| d43593d7-ae33-4086-af6a-9e40f8b56b5a | nate-devstack |
| 210f4dc0-071c-4db0-b1b4-fcf3103d81ca | nt-multinode-proxy |
| 4a6dd4eb-89a9-423b-b58a-a30c290bcb37 | osa-newton-ready |
| 885d80c0-56fb-4623-9714-58fab763f4de | pre_devstack |
| a781bb4f-d8c9-49f5-9ee7-44ef838d31bd | pru_centos |
| e6c7eb3e-3c2c-40bf-9242-4934afe6f8c0 | pru_yikyak |
| fe0391fe-37d8-496f-9007-51e11dc1ad21 | raj_compute |
| 63c9307e-95de-4626-bab9-7b887b6ea3a7 | raj_controller |
| 786b5bc4-0417-4102-9e0e-0b1adec35f47 | raj_dev |
| 20c90fa9-5981-4d28-8643-c17e1febe399 | raj_grenade |
| 281d79dc-3718-4ece-99aa-fad4c584c52f | running_swift |
| bb290197-b22d-4b34-a99c-4afc963b8f17 | Sayantani-Ubuntu15.10 |
| d0d4779d-0ae7-4110-be9b-09f438b3cede | scarab_clip |
| 81dd0072-366a-459c-b4cf-d4f1f5b84465 | sha_saio_j12_ec |
| d3d943fd-7b6d-424a-ac78-8a28543608d1 | sha_saio_J2_img |
| 17b6ac2f-8a8d-4db4-9a51-462bd83cbb34 | sha_saio_mitaka |
| 7770ec7f-ebef-47fb-8981-4e7d202aa15d | sha_SAIO_newcrypto |
| e959420f-bd03-416d-8673-9958d0919604 | sha_saio_sw_admin6_sep14 |
| b3ad2765-3f59-4e05-bcd3-af2cd5e7aad5 | sha_saio2_59 |
| 37a841b3-f226-4412-97b2-8017d4451f4a | sha_saio2_snap1 |
| 9ccf01c7-39ff-43c0-9140-cd6ee85c605e | siva_swift |
| 9d794955-7ba3-49a9-b9d0-0cbc257bbb98 | soliosg-dev-dvsetup |
| 77aceef3-d652-48c3-8ed0-c0a0fa11b8f7 | soliosg-dev-vmsetup |
| 04641ea0-f24e-45cb-ab81-2400fbbd5e0b | ubuntu-14.04-cloud |
| 30ec4b8d-b7a6-403c-9065-1f2ce47e97d3 | ubuntu-15.10-cloud |
| 59d44110-f1cd-4532-8bd4-18d48420366e | ubuntu-16.04-cloud |
| 6c95a7be-1d0c-4b62-9f6a-ab8fc5f4ef5a | ubuntu-server-14.04-netplug |
| 15ef316c-1ab3-40e0-9359-cc8719b8f7ff | ubuntu-server-14.04.5 |
| afa10e6e-044e-44ff-a843-c31dbbf3b584 | ubuntu-server-15.04 |
| 41ba40fd-e801-4639-a842-e3a2e5a2ebdd | ubuntu-server-16.04.1 |
| 5a6a5340-23a6-443e-8fae-fe82604eda20 | varun zuul primary pre run1 |
| 663d175b-112f-469d-9fb3-1481003c6b5b | vg-post-multinodesetup-primary |
| 776563c3-fc49-42f9-ae60-13022b38c47a | vg-post-multinodesetup-subnode |
| 86d6c524-6c6c-494a-b743-403ff2f34996 | vg-postmultinodesetup |
| c38c0c39-6d59-48f6-af30-2d4152707944 | vg-postvmsetup |
| 7bbfc01d-de85-461b-9277-9c6629c32677 | vg-primarynode |
| f5781835-26fc-4fea-8b37-9499b154588d | vg-primarynode-xenial |
| b6e9acbc-b151-455f-8f15-390cb38bc481 | vg-subnode |
| 6279808a-7323-4fa2-a2a1-316fa223cc37 | vg-subnode-xenial |
| 19d02b6f-8f3b-4ea3-86f6-d2abdce2181f | void_snapshot |
| 9a4dc481-a9c2-4157-9149-582bcd5b708e | woodburndev_14-Sep-2016 |
| f91e00b1-2bba-412a-ada5-556564bade25 | xenial-dsvm |
| c6c70100-031d-473c-a135-220ee5128f95 | ZNC_server_backup |
| fd03afce-a494-46e7-afc2-23ba3d5b8816 | zuul pre run |
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The openstack image list is different due to pagination, if given a limit of --limit 10000000 it showed them all. So this is not an issue

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