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Last active May 27, 2024 17:24
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Incomplete Typescript types for the unexpected.js assertion library
///<reference types="node"/>
declare module "httpception" {
import * as http from "http";
type Json =
| null
| boolean
| number
| string
| Json[]
| { [prop: string]: Json };
interface Request {
method?: string;
url?: string;
headers?: Record<string, string | number>;
body?: Json;
interface Response {
statusCode?: number;
headers?: Record<string, string | number>;
body?: Json;
interface HttpConversation {
request?: Request | string;
response?: Response;
export default function httpception(
conversations: HttpConversation | HttpConversation[]
): void;
declare module "magicpen" {
function magicpen(): magicpen.MagicPen;
namespace magicpen {
interface MagicPen {
* @see
text(content: string, Array<string>): this;
* @see
append(pen: this): this;
append(fn: (this: this) => void): this;
* @see
clone(): this;
* @see
space(count: number): this;
bold(content: string): this;
dim(content: string): this;
italic(content: string): this;
underline(content: string): this;
inverse(content: string): this;
hidden(content: string): this;
strikeThrough(content: string): this;
black(content: string): this;
red(content: string): this;
green(content: string): this;
yellow(content: string): this;
blue(content: string): this;
magenta(content: string): this;
cyan(content: string): this;
white(content: string): this;
gray(content: string): this;
bgBlack(content: string): this;
bgRed(content: string): this;
bgGreen(content: string): this;
bgYellow(content: string): this;
bgBlue(content: string): this;
bgMagenta(content: string): this;
bgCyan(content: string): this;
bgWhite(content: string): this;
interface MagicPenConstructor {
new (): MagicPen;
prototype: MagicPen;
export = magicpen;

These are partial typings for the unexpected.js library and some of its dependencies and plugins.

No effort has been made to attempt to type the dynamic nature of the assertions, only the static interfaces have been attempted here

declare module "unexpected-express" {
import { Expect } from "unexpected";
namespace unexpectedExpress {
interface UnexpectedExpress {
name?: string;
version?: string;
dependencies?: Array<string>;
installInto(expect: Expect): void;
const unexpectedExpress: unexpectedExpress.UnexpectedExpress;
export = unexpectedExpress;
declare module "unexpected-sinon";
declare module "unexpected" {
import * as magicpen from "magicpen";
namespace unexpected {
interface Expect {
* @see
<A extends Array<unknown> = []>(
subject: unknown,
assertionName: string,
...args: A
): Promise<void>;
* @see
clone(): this;
* @see
addAssertion<T, A extends Array<unknown> = []>(
pattern: string,
handler: (expect: Expect, subject: T, ...args: A) => void,
): this;
* @see
addType<T>(typeDefinition: unexpected.TypeDefinition<T>): this;
* @see
fail<A extends Array<unknown> = []>(format: string, ...args: A): void;
fail<E extends Error>(error: E): void;
* @see
freeze(): this;
* @see
use(plugin: unexpected.PluginDefinition): this;
it(...args: any[]): void;
interface PluginDefinition {
name?: string;
version?: string;
dependencies?: Array<string>;
installInto(expect: Expect): void;
interface TypeDefinition<T> {
name: string;
identify(value: unknown): value is T;
base?: string;
equal?(a: T, b: T, equal: (a: unknown, b: unknown) => boolean): boolean;
value: T,
depth: number,
output: magicpen.MagicPen,
inspect: (value: unknown, depth: number) => magicpen.MagicPen,
): void;
const unexpected: unexpected.Expect;
export = unexpected;
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